AncpWildcardModifier Object


Used to insert wildcard values into the TLV definition.

Parents: AncpTlvConfig

AncpWildcardModifier Writable Attributes

Attribute Description
Common Writable Attributes Active, Name

Wildcard string that will replace the field in the TLV definition.

Type: string

Default: "" (empty string)


String that indicates the protocol field in the TLV (PDU) object to which the offset applies. Use the format objectName.attribute, where objectName is the value of the Name attribute on the PDU object, and attribute is the attribute you want to reference on that object.

For example, if you want to reference the ID field in an AccessLoopCircuitIdTlv object, create the AccessLoopCircuitIdTlv object and set its Name attribute to "MyCircuitIdTlv". Then in the OffsetReference attribute of the AncpWildcardModifier object, refer to this AccessLoopSircuitIdTlv field as MyCircuitIdTlv.ID.

Type: string

Default: "" (empty string)

AncpWildcardModifier Read-Only Attributes

There are no read-only attributes.