BgpStartFlapCommand Object


Start flapping the selected BGP device.

Start flapping the selected BGP device. The supported max device count with BGP flap enabled is 64. It is recommended to enable BGP Flap for non-block devices (or two devices per device-block). The command will execute if the device is ‘UP’ with Protocol a state of ‘Established.’ Otherwise, this command will be ignored. The command is not supported for BGP dual stack devices.

Can be used with Command Sequencer: Yes

GUI Command Name: BGP: Start BGP Flap

Parents: Sequencer, StcSystem

BgpStartFlapCommand Writable Attributes

Attribute Description
Common Writable Attributes ProgressCancelled

Select one or more routers. The BGP Flap can be enabled for a maximym of 64 devices.

Type: handle

Default: 0

BgpStartFlapCommand Read-Only Attributes

Read-Only Attribute Description
Common Read-Only Attributes ElapsedTime, EndTime, ProgressCurrentStep, ProgressCurrentStepName, ProgressCurrentValue, ProgressDisplayCounter, ProgressMaxValue, ProgressStepsCount, StartTime, State, Status