SequencerGotoCommand Object


Moves sequencer execution index to the specified target command. Only commands on the same level (within the same group/loop) are supported as Goto targets. Spirent Communications strongly recommends using conditional commands to create branching logic instead of using the Goto command.

Can be used with Command Sequencer: Yes

GUI Command Name: Conditional: Goto

Parents: Sequencer, StcSystem

SequencerGotoCommand Writable Attributes

Attribute Description
Common Writable Attributes ProgressCancelled

Target command that we'd like to move execution to.

Type: handle

Default: 0

SequencerGotoCommand Read-Only Attributes

Read-Only Attribute Description
Common Read-Only Attributes ElapsedTime, EndTime, ProgressCurrentStep, ProgressCurrentStepName, ProgressCurrentValue, ProgressDisplayCounter, ProgressMaxValue, ProgressStepsCount, StartTime, State, Status