RmAction Object


Parents: Action

Children: all, controller, copy_ttl_in, copy_ttl_out, dec_mpls_ttl, dec_ttl, flood, group, in_port, local, mod_dl_dst, mod_dl_src, mod_icmpv6_code, mod_icmpv6_type, mod_ipv6_dst, mod_ipv6_label, mod_ipv6_src, mod_nd_sll, mod_nd_target, mod_nd_tll, mod_nw_dst, mod_nw_src, mod_nw_tos, mod_sctp_dst, mod_sctp_src, mod_tcp_dst, mod_tcp_src, mod_tun_id, mod_udp_dst, mod_udp_src, mod_vlan_pcp, mod_vlan_vid, normal, output, pop_mpls, pop_pbb, pop_vlan, push_mpls, push_pbb, push_vlan, set_mpls_bos, set_mpls_label, set_mpls_tc, set_mpls_ttl, set_queue

RmAction Attributes

Attribute Description

A text name for the object. This attribute is required when you use stream block modifiers such as RangeModifier, RandomModifier, and TableModifier. See the description of the OffsetReference attribute for these modifier objects for more information.

Type: string