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The Velocity API is an interface for external applications to operate services that are part of Velocity. The API is RESTful and consists of a set of resources (REST) that can be retrieved (GET), created (POST), deleted (DELETE), or updated (PUT).

NOTE: This documentation is for the Velocity 24.3.0 API version. Follow the links below if you need an older version of the API documentation.

It is recommended that you switch to the latest versions of API soon after you upgrade your Velocity instance.

General Notes

HTTP only

All communications with Velocity can be performed using HTTP 1.1 only. Only SSL connections are supported.

API versions

Each service of Velocity provides its own API with its own versioning.

Notice that documentation for newer service versions only includes modified or updated resources. if an endpoint exists in an earlier version, it will still be available in later versions of the service.

UTF-8 encoding

All strings must be UTF-8 encoded.


All dates are represented the number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT (does not depend on timezones)

Reservation events

Reservation “Events” are called “Instances” in Velocity user interface.

API Endpoints

The Velocity API endpoint URL has the following structure: https://velocity_domain_name/velocity/api/{service_name}/v{service_api_version}/

For example, if Velocity is hosted at and Inventory Service API version 1 is used, the endpoint is:

Notice that some services are under /ito path and have the following endpoint structure:{service_name}/v{service_api_version}/

The services under /ito are: Execution Service, Repository Service, Reporting Service

Response Format

If not specified explicitly, responses are in JSON format (content type is “application/json”).


If not specified explicitly, each request requires authentication. API client can use one of the following authentication methods:

  • Basic HTTP access authentication.
  • Token request header authentication - the token is provided as an “X-Auth-Token” request header value.
  • Token query parameter authentication - the token is provided as the “token” query parameter value.

NOTE: Repository, Execution, Reporting services support only “X-Auth-Token” request header authentication. The token can be obtained by calling GET /token on Auth Service.

Using API from iTest

The following example uses the REST API to get the current clock time (see GET /time).

  1. In iTest Enterprise, create a REST session and edit the REST session profile.
  2. In the Session Profile editor, click Authentication.
  3. For the Authentication property, select Secure.
  4. Enter the User name and Password.
  5. Check Trust any SSL certificate.
  6. Now start the session and send a REST API call. In our example, we send the request to
  7. The JSON return value will be in the following form: {“time”:1405101661778}

Global Request Parameters

All requests for resources that support caching should contain the following HTTP headers:

If-None-Match: {lastModificationTimestamp}
Cache-Control: no-transform, must-revalidate, max-age=0
Vary: Range

All responses for resources that support caching will always contain the following HTTP headers:

ETag: {lastModificationTimestamp}
Cache-Control: no-transform, must-revalidate, max-age=0

where lastModificationTimestamp is the timestamp of the last resource modification (milliseconds since the UNIX epoch in UTC+0). The server will return 304 Not Modified and empty body if the last modification timestamp of the requested resource is equal to the requested lastModificationTimestamp. All responses for resources that do not support caching should contain the following HTTP headers:

Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store
Pragma: no-cache

Responses for resources that support private-only caching (that is, based on current user) should contain the following HTTP header:

Cache-Control: private

Responses for resources that support public caching (that is, not dependent on current user) should contain the following HTTP header:

Cache-Control: public

Resources that support private caching are marked with the tag “cacheable-private”, public are marked with the tag “cacheable-public”.


Every collection marked as pageable supports the additional request parameters: offset and limit. The parameters specify the range of resources to be returned in the response. Default values: offset = 0, limit = 10 Maximum value for limit is 200 Pageable collections also contain additional metadata in the response body:

  • total - total number of objects in the collection
  • offset - index (0-based) of the first item in the returned part of the collection
  • count - number of objects in the returned part of the collection

Pagination for the execution service, reporting service, and repository service is slightly different. For those services offset is limited to a maximum of 1000.


Use the optional filter query parameter to return a specified subset of a collection of resources.

Note: Not every attribute can be used for filtering. Collections that support filtering are marked as “filterable- and the set of attributes that can be used for filtering is specified.

Note: Some collections have fields which can contain very long strings of data. Because of indexing limitations, this data may be broken into two or more filter terms each containing only part of the field data. Any filter which tries to find data that breaks across two filter terms will fail. Terms are broken at the ends of lines for multi-line data and are also broken if their size exceeds 32,766 characters. Collections which act like this are marked filterable-limit instead of filterable

To return resources with a name field of value value1:


To return resources with name field of any value except value1:


To specify alternatives (logical OR), use the | character:


To return resources with timestamp greater than value (Other comparison operators allowed are gte, lt, lte) This type of filtering is supported by execution service, reporting service and repository service


In the example, returned values must satisfy at least one of the following three conditions:

  • name1 has value value1
  • name1 has value value2
  • name2 has any value other than value3

To specify multiple filters (logical AND), use &:


In the example, returned values must satisfy both “name3 has value value3“ and at least one of the following conditions:

  • name1 has value value1
  • name2 has value value2

To use the colon character (:) as a filter value, escape it using backslash. For example, to filter entities with an ipv6 field with a value of 2001:0db8:11a3:09d7:1f34:8a2e:07a0:765d, use the following expression:


A valid URL must follow the URL encoding rules and contain no characters other than valid characters defined by RFC 3986. Any other characters (e.g. | symbol) must be percent-encoded:



Sort a collection of resources by providing the additional query parameter sortBy with the value of the field name to use for sorting. The sortOrder parameter specifies the order of sorting: desc means descending, everything else is considered ascending. Collections that support sorting are marked as sortable and the set of attributes that can be used for sorting is specified.

Some collections have fields which can contain very long strings of data. To improve performance, these collections restrict sort to use only the first 255 characters of data. If the string contains multiple lines, sort is also limited to the first line, and thus may be shorter than 255 characters. Collections which act like this are marked sortable-limit instead of sortable

Asynchronous Requests

Requests tagged as asynchronous create a background job rather than running and returning a response immediately. Asynchronous requests return:

  • 202 (Accepted) response code on success
  • “Location” header pointing to the job created in Job Service
  • A JSON object with jobId as response body

Poll the Job Service for job status and results. See GET /job/{jobId} for more information.

HTTP Status Codes

Code Text Description
200 OK Success
202 Accepted The request has successfully scheduled a job in Job Service
304 Not Modified The resource has not been modified since the version specified by the request headers If-Modified-Since or If-Match. This means that there is no need to re-transmit the resource, because the client still has a previously-downloaded copy
400 Bad Request The request is understood, but was refused. (This code is used when request parameters are invalid.)
401 Unauthorized Authorization is required
403 Forbidden Either access to the resource is forbidden or the wrong authentication data was provided
404 Not Found Either the requested URI is invalid or the requested data does not exist
405 Method Not Allowed The resource does not support given method
406 Not Supported Accept Type The request used an Accept Type that isn’t supported
410 Not Supported API Version The request used an API version that is no longer supported
413 Request Entity Too Large The server refused to process the request because the request entity is larger than the server is willing or able to process
415 Not Supported Content-Type The request used a Content-Type that isn’t supported
500 Internal Server Error Something is broken, a called method ends with an error.
503 Service Unavailable Velocity is temporarily unable to handle the request. This status code may be returned while functionality provided by the Velocity API is in the process of coming online, especially in the first few minutes after rebooting Velocity. The request should be retried later.

Standard Error Response

If a request fails, the appropriate HTTP status code is returned. In addition, a JSON-formatted response body containing the following fields is returned:

  • status - HTTP response code
  • errorId - identifier of the error. Full list of possible identifiers is described in the Error Codes section.
  • message - human-readable message describing the error
  • moreInfo - link to documentation on the error or other information, depending on the context (can be null)

Notice, however, that there is no specific error response format for v0 services.


  "status": 404,
  "errorId": "TEMPLATE_NOT_FOUND",
  "message": "Specified template ID does not refer to any existing template",
  "moreInfo": null

List of appropriate error codes is provided with each operation description. The following error code can be returned by any call requiring authentication:

  • BAD_AUTH - the authentication data is invalid or absent
  • LOGIN_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE - the login service is unavailable
  • ACCOUNT_DISABLED - authentication data is valid, but the account is disabled
  • ACCESS_DENIED - you have insufficient privileges to access the resource (the resource can be accessed only by admin and you do not have admin role)
  • LICENSE_REQUIRED - there is no free license on license server

The following error codes can possibly be returned by any call, and are not listed explicitly:

  • REQUEST_BODY_EXPECTED - the request requires a body but none is provided
  • MANDATORY_FIELD_MISSING - required field is not defined
  • PARSING_FAILED - representation of the resource is invalid (For example, the supplied request body is not a valid JSON object)
  • UNKNOWN_FIELD - supplied request body contains unexpected field
  • FIELD_TOO_LONG - some of specified field lengths exceed maximum
  • FIELD_TOO_SHORT - some of specified field lengths are less than minimal
  • NOT_NULLABLE - some of specified field has null value when it’s not supported
  • NOT_MODIFIABLE - trying to update or set not modifiable property of a resource
  • BAD_PARAMETER_VALUE - query parameter value has unexpected value (for example, unknown value for enumerable or non-UUID ID)
  • NOT_ACCEPTABLE - the media type specified in Accept header is not supported by the resource
  • UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE - the media type provided in Content-Type header is not supported by the resource

The following error codes can possibly be returned by any collection returning operation and are not listed explicitly:

  • BAD_FILTER_KEY - unknown key is specified for filtering
  • BAD_FILTER_VALUE - a filter key has unexpected value (for example, unknown value for enumerable or non-UUID ID)
  • BAD_FILTER_FORMAT - filter format is incorrect
  • BAD_SORTING_FIELD - unspecified field is used for sorting
  • BAD_OFFSET - offset is not a non-negative integer
  • BAD_LIMIT - limit is not an integer between 0 and 200

Spirent TOSCA YAML Specification for Topologies definition

Topologies can be defined in TBML or TOSCA YAML formats. Spirent TOSCA YAML specification can be found within velocity_types_1_0.yaml

TOSCA YAML Topologies examples:

Notes.tbml Notes.yaml
Subtopology.tbml Subtopology.yaml
TwoAbstractPCsAndMultiVlan.tbml TwoAbstractPCsAndMultiVlan.yaml
TwoAbstractPCsAndVlan.tbml TwoAbstractPCsAndVlan.yaml
TwoConnectedAbstractPCs.tbml TwoConnectedAbstractPCs.yaml
TwoConnectedPCs.tbml TwoConnectedPCs.yaml

Queued reservations callback request body

Callback’s request body description:

Callback’s request body contains data in JSON format with the next properties:

  • reservationId - returns ID of reservation
  • resources - returns list of inventory resource IDs from reservation which related to the event
  • eventType - returns result status of the event which should contain one of the next values:
    • ACTIVATION_SUCCEEDED - deferred resource(s) has been activated successfully
    • ACTIVATION_FAILED - deferred resource(s) activating has been failed
    • DEACTIVATION_SUCCEEDED - deferred resource(s) has been deactivated successfully
    • DEACTIVATION_FAILED - deferred resource(s) deactivating has been failed
    • QUEUED_ACTIVATION_SUCCEEDED - queued reservation has been activated successfully
    • QUEUED_ACTIVATION_FAILED - queued reservation activating has been failed

Callback’s request body example:

 "reservationId": "bf481e9e-fbe8-4f9f-bfcb-b1087d052b7c",
 "resources": ["27706edc-608c-4955-a440-0e27852884bb", "1c091206-69f6-4e8b-820f-66a5608d8206"],

Inventory Service v19 

Inventory Service manages devices, templates, and drivers.


Returns device and port template list with basic information

Full URL: /velocity/api/inventory/v19/templates

Access Level: User


  • templates (list)
    • id (string) - UUID of the template
    • name (string) - name of the template
    • description (string) - description of the template
    • type (string) - either “DEVICE” or “PORT”
    • parentId (string) - UUID of the parent template (null for top-level templates)
    • isShared (boolean) - true if the template is shared, false if it is in exclusive use
    • reservationTime (string) - template reservation time, either “IMMEDIATE” or “DEFERRED”
    • driverId (string) - UUID of the driver associated with the template (can be null)
    • configAssetId (string) - UUID of the attached configuration (can be null). Has priority over configURI when both configAssetId and configURI fields are specified
    • configURI (string) - URI of the associated configuration from a file store (can be null)
    • inheritConfig (boolean) - if true, the configuration is inherited from the parent template (configAssetId and configURI values are ignored in reservations)
    • firmwareAssetId (string) - UUID of the attached image (firmware) (can be null). Has priority over firmwareURI when both firmwareAssetId and firmwareURI fields are specified
    • firmwareURI (string) - URI of the associated image (firmware) from a file store (can be null)
    • inheritFirmware (boolean) - if true, the image (firmware) is inherited from the parent template (firmwareAssetId and firmwareURI values are ignored in reservations)
    • iconId (string) - UUID of the template icon
    • isReadOnly (boolean) - true if the template was imported from a package, false* otherwise
    • tags (list) - list of tags assigned to the template
    • creatorId (string) - UUID of the creator of the template
    • created (number) - creation timestamp
    • lastModifierId (string) - UUID of the user that performed the last modification
    • lastModified (number) - last modification timestamp
    • lastAction (string) - either “CREATED” or “MODIFIED”
    • width (number) - default width in a topology editor
    • height (number) - default height in a topology editor
    • fillColour (string) - HEX colour code representing default fill colour in a topology editor
    • lineColour (string) - HEX colour code representing default border colour in a topology editor


  • sortable by any field except tags
  • filterable by name, type, parentId, isShared, driverId, interface, creatorId, lastModifiedId, lastAction, repository (use “NONE” as a value for parentId filter to get top-level templates).
  • URI Parameters
  • searchString
    string (optional) 

    if specified, only templates whose names, descriptions, tags, property values match the string are returned

    string (optional) 

    specifies a subset of templates to return (e.g., repository::pmrepo specifies all templates of repository “pmrepo”)

    boolean (optional) Default: false 

    when true, resource dimensions and colours are returned for every device

  • Response  200Toggle
  • Body
          "templates": [
              "id": "92f8641c-eb38-442e-9bae-1287ae8110cf",
              "name": "telnet",
              "description": "",
              "type": "DEVICE",
              "parentId": null,
              "isShared": true,
              "reservationTime": "IMMEDIATE",
              "driverId": null,
              "configAssetId": null,
              "configURI" : "vfs://fd03eada-a1bd-5419-9733-34752940ca54/foo/bar/config.xml",
              "inheritConfig": false,
              "firmwareAssetId": "cc03eafc-a3bd-7419-9731-76762940ca75",
              "firmwareURI": null,
              "inheritFirmware": false,
              "interface": "NONE",
              "iconId": "f87fc3bf-f4de-9fg3-5ab0-543f6e231f9f",
              "isReadOnly": false,
              "tags": ["lab1"],
              "creatorId": "3f744d00-ea76-4454-9665-8690fb0f1ffe",
              "created": 1378621237001,
              "lastModifierId": "3f744d00-ea76-4454-9665-8690fb0f1ffe",
              "lastModified": 1378621237001,
              "lastAction": "CREATED",
              "width": 0,
              "height": 0,
              "fillColour": null,
              "lineColour": null

Get templates to build tree of filtered templates. Response includes template if it is matched by filter or if it has children which are matched by filter.

Full URL: /velocity/api/inventory/v19/templates/tree

Access Level: User


List of found templates:

  • template (object) - the same set of fields as returned by GET /templates
  • matched (boolean) - true if the template is matched to filter, false if it contains matched children templates


  • filterable by name, type, parentId, isShared, driverId, interface, creatorId, lastModifiedId, lastAction, repository (use “NONE” as a value for parentId filter to get top-level templates).
  • URI Parameters
  • searchString
    string (optional) 

    if specified, only templates whose names, descriptions, tags, property values match the string are returned

    string (optional) 

    specifies a subset of templates to return (e.g., repository::pmrepo specifies all templates of repository “pmrepo”)

  • Response  200Toggle
  • Body
                "template": {
                    "id": "e87359a8-610b-416f-8b1b-5816a6ffed27",
                    "creatorId": "2b1dbbbc-25e5-4e5f-a18d-1059c083c3cb",
                    "created": 1608266280300,
                    "lastModifierId": "2b1dbbbc-25e5-4e5f-a18d-1059c083c3cb",
                    "lastModified": 1608271858496,
                    "name": "LAB",
                    "description": "",
                    "type": "DEVICE",
                    "parentId": null,
                    "driverId": null,
                    "iconId": null,
                    "lastAction": "MODIFIED",
                    "tags": [],
                    "configAssetId": null,
                    "firmwareAssetId": null,
                    "configURI": null,
                    "firmwareURI": null,
                    "inheritConfig": false,
                    "inheritFirmware": false,
                    "isShared": true,
                    "interface": "NONE"
                "matched": false
                "template": {
                    "id": "c44a2def-bf54-4eea-84a1-f625ce57ad32",
                    "creatorId": "2b1dbbbc-25e5-4e5f-a18d-1059c083c3cb",
                    "created": 1608266293922,
                    "lastModifierId": "2b1dbbbc-25e5-4e5f-a18d-1059c083c3cb",
                    "lastModified": 1608273826457,
                    "name": "SUBLAB",
                    "description": "",
                    "type": "DEVICE",
                    "parentId": "e87359a8-610b-416f-8b1b-5816a6ffed27",
                    "driverId": null,
                    "iconId": null,
                    "lastAction": "MODIFIED",
                    "tags": [],
                    "configAssetId": null,
                    "firmwareAssetId": null,
                    "configURI": null,
                    "firmwareURI": null,
                    "inheritConfig": false,
                    "inheritFirmware": false,
                    "isShared": true,
                    "interface": "NONE"
                "matched": true

Returns full structure of the exact device template specified by templateId

Full URL: /velocity/api/inventory/v19/template/{templateId}

Access Level: User


  • id (string) - UUID of the template
  • name (string) - name of the template
  • description (string) - description of the template
  • type (string) - either “DEVICE” or “PORT”
  • parentId (string) - UUID of the parent template (null for top-level templates)
  • isRemoved (boolean) - true if the template is removed, false otherwise
  • isShared (boolean) - true if the template is shared, false if it is in exclusive use
  • reservationTime (string) - template reservation time, either “IMMEDIATE” or “DEFERRED”
  • driverId (string) - UUID of the driver associated with the template (can be null)
  • configAssetId (string) - UUID of the attached configuration (can be null)
  • configURI (string) - URI of the associated configuration from a file store (can be null)
  • inheritConfig (boolean) - if true, the configuration is inherited from the parent template (configAssetId and configURI values are ignored)
  • firmwareAssetId (string) - UUID of the attached image (firmware) (can be null)
  • firmwareURI (string) - URI of the associated image (firmware) from a file store (can be null)
  • inheritFirmware (boolean) - if true, the image (firmware) is inherited from the parent template (firmwareAssetId and firmwareURI values are ignored)
  • iconId (string) - UUID of the template icon
  • isReadOnly (boolean) - true if the template was imported from a package, false* otherwise
  • tags (list) - list of tags assigned to the template
  • creatorId (string) - UUID of the creator of the template
  • created (number) - creation timestamp
  • lastModifierId (string) - UUID of the user that performed the last modification
  • lastModified (number) - last modification timestamp
  • lastAction (string) - either “CREATED” or “MODIFIED”
  • l2SwitchId (string) - UUID of the switch used for activation/deactivation of S2 resources (can be null)
  • width (number) - default width in a topology editor
  • height (number) - default height in a topology editor
  • fillColour (string) - HEX colour code representing default fill colour in a topology editor
  • lineColour (string) - HEX colour code representing default border colour in a topology editor
  • propertyGroups (list) - list of template property groups with the following fields:
    • id (string) - UUID of the group
    • name (string) - name of the group
    • isHidden (boolean) - hidden property group
    • properties (list) - a list of property definitions, each containing the following fields:
      • id (string) - UUID of the definition
      • name (string) - name of the property
      • description (string) - description of the property
      • defaultValue (string) - default value of the property (can be null, meaning no value, always null for type: “PASSWORD”)
      • isRequired (boolean) - true, if the property is mandatory, false otherwise
      • type (string) - one of “TEXT_AREA”, “TEXT”, “BOOLEAN”, “DECIMAL”, “INTEGER”, “ATTACHMENT”, “PASSWORD” or “DROP_DOWN_LIST”
      • isInherited (boolean) - true, if property is inherited from parent template, false if property is defined in this template
      • availableValues (list) - used only for “DROP_DOWN_LIST” type, list of available values
      • isReservationArgument (boolean) - true, if the property is reservation argument, false otherwise; can only be set to true for templates with interface type “ORCHESTRATION”
  • portGroups (list) -list of port groups with basic info (provided only when type is “DEVICE”, is null otherwise)
    • id (string) - UUID of the port group (null means “no group”, item with null id is always included in the list)
    • parentId (string) - UUID of the parent group (null for top-level groups)
    • name (string) - name of the port group (“No Group” when id is null)
    • portCount (number) - number of ports in the group
  • agentRequirements (list, optional) - list of agent requirements (individual and overridden) corresponding to the template
    • name (string, required) - name of the requirement
    • value (string, required) - value of the requirement
    • resourceId (string, optional) - UUID of the parent template if it’s overridden requirement. Null if requirement is individual.
    • driverId (string, optional) - UUID of the driver associated to the requirement if it is the embedded. Null if the requirement is individual.
    • executionType (string, optional) - one of “CONSIDERED”, “IGNORED”.
  • snapshotAgentRequirements (list) - list of requirements for agents which can be used for snapshot/restore scripts execution
    • name (string) - name of the requirement.
    • value (string) - value of the requirement.
    • resourceId (string) - template ID where the requirement is originally specified.
    • executionType (string) - one of “CONSIDERED”, “IGNORED”. “CONSIDERED” by default if the field if null or absent.

Error Codes:

  • TEMPLATE_NOT_FOUND - template with specified ID was not found
  • UNKNOWN_PROPERTY - specified property is unknown for this API version
  • UNSUPPORTED_TEMPLATE_PROPERTY - specified property is not supported for this template type
  • URI Parameters
  • templateId
    string (required) 

    UUID of the device template

  • Response  200Toggle
  • Body
          "id": "92f8641c-eb38-442e-9bae-1287ae8110cf",
          "name": "telnet",
          "description": "",
          "type": "DEVICE",
          "parentId": null,
          "isRemoved": false,
          "isShared": true,
          "reservationTime": "IMMEDIATE",
          "driverId": null,
          "configAssetId": null,
          "configURI" : "vfs://fd03eada-a1bd-5419-9733-34752940ca54/foo/bar/config.xml",
          "inheritConfig": false,
          "firmwareAssetId": "cc03eafc-a3bd-7419-9731-76762940ca75",
          "firmwareURI": null,
          "inheritFirmware": false,
          "interface": "NONE",
          "iconId": "f87fc3bf-f4de-9fg3-5ab0-543f6e231f9f",
          "isReadOnly": false,
          "tags": ["lab1"],
          "parentId": "12609110-8daf-48aa-866d-2c744a036599",
          "width": 0,
          "height": 0,
          "fillColour": null,
          "lineColour": null,
          "propertyGroups": [
              "id": "876c113e-407e-4fdd-bca9-6069b2ebc98c",
              "name": "Group 1",
              "isHidden": false,
              "properties": [
                  "id": "b01cc4bf-c7ea-454c-8c15-154a3e615d4d",
                  "name": "property 1",
                  "defaultValue": null,
                  "isRequired": true,
                  "type": "TEXT",
                  "isInherited": true,
                  "availableValues": null,
                  "isReservationArgument": true
                  "id": "289bcd18-c595-4c49-8cbc-c5e96519889e",
                  "name": "property 2",
                  "isRequired": false,
                  "defaultValue": "6239847262876",
                  "type": "TEXT",
                  "isInherited": true,
                  "availableValues": null,
                  "isReservationArgument": true
                  "id": "e09cf773-717f-46c5-8d51-3dbae41a4a44",
                  "name": "property 3",
                  "isRequired": false,
                  "defaultValue": "123456",
                  "type": "TEXT",
                  "isInherited": false,
                  "availableValues": null,
                  "isReservationArgument": false
                  "id": "390461d5-11cb-407a-9701-a3410a156bbb",
                  "name": "property 4",
                  "isRequired": false,
                  "defaultValue": null,
                  "type": "DROP_DOWN_LIST",
                  "isInherited": false,
                  "availableValues": [
                  "isReservationArgument": false
              "id": null,
              "name": "No Group",
              "portCount": 2,
              "parentId": null
              "id": "777a3322-94f0-4d62-891a-d88472399c0f",
              "name": "port group",
              "portCount": 42,
              "parentId": null
          "creatorId": "3f744d00-ea76-4454-9665-8690fb0f1ffe",
          "created": 1378621237001,
          "lastModifierId": "3f744d00-ea76-4454-9665-8690fb0f1ffe",
          "lastModified": 1378621237001,
          "lastAction": "CREATED",
          "agentRequirements": [
              "name": "parent_name1",
              "value": "parent_value1",
              "executionType": "IGNORED",
              "resourceId": "12609110-8daf-48aa-866d-2c744a036599",
              "driverId": null
              "name": "name1",
              "value": "value1",
              "executionType": "CONSIDERED",
              "resourceId": "92f8641c-eb38-442e-9bae-1287ae8110cf",
              "driverId": null
          "snapshotAgentRequirements": [
              "name": "parent_name1",
              "value": "parent_value1",
              "executionType": "IGNORED",
              "resourceId": "12609110-8daf-48aa-866d-2c744a036599"
              "name": "name1",
              "value": "value1",
              "executionType": "CONSIDERED",
              "resourceId": "92f8641c-eb38-442e-9bae-1287ae8110cf"

Returns ports of the template specified by templateId

Full URL: /velocity/api/inventory/v19/template/{templateId}/ports

Access Level: User


  • total (number) - total number of stored items
  • offset (number) - offset of the current page
  • count (number) - number of items on the page
  • ports (list)
    • id (string) - UUID of the port
    • name (string) - name of the port
    • description (string) - port description
    • templateId (string) - UUID of port template
    • groupId (string) - UUID of port group (can be null if the port is ungrouped)
    • isShared (boolean) - true if the port’s utilization type is shared
    • creatorId - UUID of the creator of the template
    • created (number) - creation timestamp
    • lastModifierId (string) - UUID of the user that performed the last modification
    • lastModified (number) - last modification timestamp
    • lastAction (string) - one of “CREATED”, “MODIFIED”, “LOCKED”, “RELEASED”


Error Codes:

  • TEMPLATE_NOT_FOUND - specified template was not found
  • URI Parameters
  • templateId
    string (required) 

    UUID of the template to fetch ports from

    string (optional) 

    if specified, only ports whose name, description or properties match the string are returned

    boolean (optional) Default: false 

    when true, properties list is included for every port

  • Response  200Toggle
  • Body
          "total": 3,
          "offset": 0,
          "count": 3,
          "ports": [
              "id": "7fac8653-43a1-40bb-b5b6-05d7dcb0c101",
              "name": "0.1",
              "description": "",
              "templateId": "a5266606-f35b-482b-8c3f-a4317c1ccbb9",
              "groupId": null,
              "isShared": false,
              "creatorId": "45bd044f-a429-4099-833a-abf34604ed1e",
              "created": 1423834020405,
              "lastModifierId": "45bd044f-a429-4099-833a-abf34604ed1e",
              "lastModified": 1423834020405,
              "lastAction": "CREATED"
              "id": "d61af0fc-12d0-4994-a4e8-ea577b9237c0",
              "name": "1.1",
              "description": "",
              "templateId": "a5266606-f35b-482b-8c3f-a4317c1ccbb9",
              "groupId": "ab01f802-08a4-482a-8d4a-d9f8e032ed64",
              "isShared": false,
              "creatorId": "45bd044f-a429-4099-833a-abf34604ed1e",
              "created": 1424079667725,
              "lastModifierId": "45bd044f-a429-4099-833a-abf34604ed1e",
              "lastModified": 1424079667725,
              "lastAction": "CREATED"
              "id": "444a25d5-a713-4208-8ac7-e6a9af4b84a9",
              "name": "1.2",
              "description": "",
              "templateId": "a5266606-f35b-482b-8c3f-a4317c1ccbb9",
              "groupId": "ab01f802-08a4-482a-8d4a-d9f8e032ed64",
              "isShared": false,
              "creatorId": "45bd044f-a429-4099-833a-abf34604ed1e",
              "created": 1424079667744,
              "lastModifierId": "45bd044f-a429-4099-833a-abf34604ed1e",
              "lastModified": 1424079667744,
              "lastAction": "CREATED"

Returns information and ports of the port group specified by portGroupId

Full URL: /velocity/api/inventory/v19/template/{templateId}/port_group/{portGroupId}

Access Level: User


The same set of fields as returned by GET /template/{templateId}/ports as well as:

  • id (string) - UUID of the port group
  • name (string) - name of the port group
  • nestedGroups (list) - nested port groups (empty list if there are none)


Error Codes:

  • TEMPLATE_NOT_FOUND - specified template was not found
  • PORT_GROUP_NOT_FOUND - specified port group was not found
  • URI Parameters
  • templateId
    string (required) 

    UUID of the template containing the port group

    string (required) 

    UUID of the port group (“NONE” for ports without group)

  • Response  200Toggle
  • Body
          "id": "ab01f802-08a4-482a-8d4a-d9f8e032ed64",
          "name": "1",
          "nestedGroups": [],
          "total": 2,
          "offset": 0,
          "count": 2,
          "ports": [
              "id": "d61af0fc-12d0-4994-a4e8-ea577b9237c0",
              "name": "1.1",
              "description": "",
              "templateId": "a5266606-f35b-482b-8c3f-a4317c1ccbb9",
              "groupId": "ab01f802-08a4-482a-8d4a-d9f8e032ed64",
              "isShared": false,
              "creatorId": "45bd044f-a429-4099-833a-abf34604ed1e",
              "created": 1424079667725,
              "lastModifierId": "45bd044f-a429-4099-833a-abf34604ed1e",
              "lastModified": 1424079667725,
              "lastAction": "CREATED"
              "id": "444a25d5-a713-4208-8ac7-e6a9af4b84a9",
              "name": "1.2",
              "description": "",
              "templateId": "a5266606-f35b-482b-8c3f-a4317c1ccbb9",
              "groupId": "ab01f802-08a4-482a-8d4a-d9f8e032ed64",
              "isShared": false,
              "creatorId": "45bd044f-a429-4099-833a-abf34604ed1e",
              "created": 1424079667744,
              "lastModifierId": "45bd044f-a429-4099-833a-abf34604ed1e",
              "lastModified": 1424079667744,
              "lastAction": "CREATED"

Returns detailed information about the port specified by portId

Full URL: /velocity/api/inventory/v19/template/{templateId}/port/{portId}

Access Level: User


The same info as returned by GET /template/{templateId}/ports plus:

  • properties (list) - list of properties with the following fields:
    • definitionId (string) - UUID of the property definition in the corresponding template
    • name (string) - name of the property
    • value (string) - value of the property (can be null, meaning “no value”, always null for type: “PASSWORD”)
    • type (string) - one of “TEXT”, “TEXT_AREA”, “BOOLEAN”, “DECIMAL”, “INTEGER”, “ATTACHMENT”, “PASSWORD” or “DROP_DOWN_LIST”
    • groupName (string) - name of the property group containing this property
    • availableValues (list) - used only for “DROP_DOWN_LIST” type, list of available values

Error Codes:

  • TEMPLATE_NOT_FOUND - specified template was not found
  • PORT_NOT_FOUND - specified port was not found in the template
  • URI Parameters
  • templateId
    string (required) 

    UUID of the template to containing the port

    string (required) 

    UUID of the port

  • Response  200Toggle
  • Body
          "id": "d61af0fc-12d0-4994-a4e8-ea577b9237c0",
          "name": "1.1",
          "description": "",
          "templateId": "a5266606-f35b-482b-8c3f-a4317c1ccbb9",
          "groupId": "ab01f802-08a4-482a-8d4a-d9f8e032ed64",
          "isShared": false,
          "creatorId": "45bd044f-a429-4099-833a-abf34604ed1e",
          "created": 1424079667725,
          "lastModifierId": "45bd044f-a429-4099-833a-abf34604ed1e",
          "lastModified": 1424079667725,
          "lastAction": "CREATED",
          "properties": [
              "definitionId": "9835abae-9e3a-4189-8631-bef2c1e232ef",
              "name": "portNumber",
              "value": "1.1",
              "type": "TEXT",
              "groupName": "System Identification",
              "availableValues": null
              "definitionId": "233e6f96-d7fc-42c3-90b8-02310e94062e",
              "name": "Port Type",
              "value": "Ethernet",
              "type": "TEXT",
              "groupName": "System Identification",
              "availableValues": null
              "definitionId": "0fb18040-477d-472f-a881-f645ee168d66",
              "name": "Port Speed",
              "value": "1000",
              "type": "TEXT",
              "groupName": "System Identification",
              "availableValues": null

Creates new template

Full URL: /velocity/api/inventory/v19/template

Access Level: Admin

Request Body:

JSON object containing the following fields:

  • name (string, required) - name of the template
  • description (string, optional) - description of the template (“” by default)
  • type (string, optional) - either “DEVICE” or “PORT” (“DEVICE” by default)
  • parentId (string, optional) - UUID of the parent template (null for top-level templates; null by default)
  • isShared (boolean, optional) - true if the devices based on the template should be shared, false if they should have exclusive use (true by default)
  • reservationTime (string, optional) - either “IMMEDIATE” or “DEFERRED”, inherited from parent by default
  • driverId (string, optional) - UUID of the driver associated with the template (inherited from parent by default)
  • configAssetId (string, optional) - UUID of the attached configuration (null by default). Has priority over configURI when both configAssetId and configURI fields are specified
  • configURI (string, optional) - URI of the associated configuration from a file store (null by default)
  • inheritConfig (boolean) - if true, the configuration is inherited from the parent template (configAssetId and configURI values are ignored in reservations), false by default
  • firmwareAssetId (string, optional) - UUID of the attached image (firmware) (null by default). Has priority over firmwareURI when both firmwareAssetId and firmwareURI fields are specified
  • firmwareURI (string, optional) - URI of the associated image (firmware) from a file store (null by default)
  • inheritFirmware (boolean, optional) - if true, the image (firmware) is inherited from the parent template (firmwareAssetId and firmwareURI values are ignored in reservations), false by default
  • interface (string, optional) - resource interface, one of “NONE”, “MANAGEMENT”, “LAYER1_SWITCH”, “LAYER2_SWITCH”, “CONFIGURABLE”, “CONFIGURABLE_LAYER1_SWITCH”, “CONFIGURABLE_LAYER2_SWITCH”, “ORCHESTRATION”, “PATCH_PANEL” (inherited from parent or “NONE” by default)
  • l2SwitchId (string, optional) - UUID of the switch used for activation/deactivation of S2 resources (null by default)
  • iconId (string, optional) - UUID of the template icon (inherited from parent by default)
  • tags (list, optional) - list of tags assigned to the template ([] by default)
  • width (number) - default width in a topology editor
  • height (number) - default height in a topology editor
  • fillColour (string) - HEX colour code representing default fill colour in a topology editor
  • lineColour (string) - HEX colour code representing default border colour in a topology editor
  • propertyGroups (list, optional) - list of template property groups ([] by default). Each group consists of:
    • name (string, required) - name of the group
    • isHidden (boolean, required) - is property group hidden
    • properties (list, optional) ([] by default) - list of property definitions, each containing the following fields:
      • name (string, required) - name of the property
      • description (string, optional) - description of the property (“” by default)
      • defaultValue (string, optional) - default value of the property (null by default)
      • isRequired (boolean, optional) - true, if the property is mandatory, false otherwise (false by default)
      • type (string, optional) - one of “TEXT”, “TEXT_AREA”, “BOOLEAN”, “DECIMAL”, “INTEGER”, “ATTACHMENT”, “PASSWORD” or “DROP_DOWN_LIST” (“TEXT” by default)
      • availableValues (list, optional) - used only for “DROP_DOWN_LIST” type, list of available values
      • isReservationArgument (boolean, optional) - true, if the property is reservation argument, false otherwise (false by default); can only be set to true for templates with interface type “ORCHESTRATION”
  • agentRequirements (list, optional) - list of agent requirements (individual and overridden) corresponding to the template
    • name (string, required) - name of the requirement
    • value (string, required) - value of the requirement
    • driverId (string, optional) - UUID of the driver associated to the requirement if it is the embedded, null if the requirement is individual
    • executionType (string, optional) - one of “CONSIDERED”, “IGNORED”. “CONSIDERED” by default if the field if null or absent.
  • snapshotAgentRequirements (list, optional) - list of requirements for agents which can be used for snapshot/restore scripts execution
    • name (string, required) - name of the requirement.
    • value (string, required) - value of the requirement.
    • resourceId (string) - ID of the parent template for requirements specified on the parent level. Null for requirements specified in this template.
    • executionType (string) - one of “CONSIDERED”, “IGNORED”. “CONSIDERED” by default if the field if null or absent.

Note: It is not recommended to pass configAssetId and configURI when inheritConfig is set to true. Otherwise only first of these three fields will be used in the reservation in the following order: inheritConfig, configAssetId, configURI. The same behavior is defined for inheritFirmware, firmwareAssetId, firmwareURI.


Newly created template, the same as if returned by GET /template/{templateId}

Error Codes:

  • PARENT_NOT_FOUND - specified parent does not exist
  • DRIVER_NOT_FOUND - specified driver does not exist
  • ICON_NOT_FOUND - specified icon does not exist
  • BAD_DEFAULT_VALUE - default value of a property does not match its type
  • NAME_NOT_UNIQUE - template with that name already exists
  • PROPERTY_BAD_ENUM_VALUE - The defaultValue field of a property of type “DROP_DOWN_LIST” has a value that is not included in the availableValues list
  • UNKNOWN_PROPERTY - specified property is unknown for this API version
  • UNSUPPORTED_TEMPLATE_PROPERTY - specified property is not supported for this template type
  • URI Parameters
  • copyPortsFrom
    string (optional) 

    if specified, UUID of the template from which to copy ports (and port groups)

    string (optional) 

    if specified, UUID of the template to copy nested templates from

  • RequestToggle
  • Body
          "name": "My Server",
          "description": "My server description...",
          "type": "DEVICE",
          "isShared": true,
          "reservationTime": "IMMEDIATE",
          "driverId": "e660edc3-e5b6-4ecd-bcd9-5a152ffb94ec",
          "l2SwitchId": null,
          "configAssetId": null,
          "configURI" : "vfs://fd03eada-a1bd-5419-9733-34752940ca54/foo/bar/config.xml",
          "inheritConfig": false,
          "firmwareAssetId": "cc03eafc-a3bd-7419-9731-76762940ca75",
          "firmwareURI": null,
          "inheritFirmware": false,
          "interface": "MANAGEMENT",
          "parentId": "12609110-8daf-48aa-866d-2c744a036599",
          "tags": ["server"],
          "propertyGroups": [
              "name": "System Identification",
              "isHidden": false,
              "properties": [
                  "name": "ipAddress",
                  "description": "System address -- IPv4 or IPv6",
                  "defaultValue": null,
                  "isRequired": false,
                  "type": "TEXT",
                  "isReservationArgument": true
                  "name": "Hostname",
                  "description": "Hostname",
                  "defaultValue": null,
                  "isRequired": false,
                  "type": "TEXT"
                  "name": "Make",
                  "description": "Example description",
                  "defaultValue": null,
                  "isRequired": false,
                  "type": "TEXT"
                  "name": "Model",
                  "description": "Example:  Test Center, Avalanche, Landslide..., etc",
                  "defaultValue": null,
                  "isRequired": false,
                  "type": "TEXT",
                  "isReservationArgument": true
                  "name": "Serial Number",
                  "description": "Example:  3D543HIH12",
                  "defaultValue": null,
                  "isRequired": false,
                  "type": "TEXT"
              "name": "Location Information",
              "isHidden": false,
              "properties": [
                  "name": "Facility",
                  "description": "Example:  San Jose - Site 2",
                  "defaultValue": null,
                  "isRequired": false,
                  "type": "TEXT"
                  "name": "Room",
                  "description": "Example:  Eng Lab 3",
                  "defaultValue": null,
                  "isRequired": false,
                  "type": "TEXT"
                  "name": "Floor Position",
                  "description": "Example:  Rack 34-Chassis 3",
                  "defaultValue": null,
                  "isRequired": false,
                  "type": "TEXT",
                  "isReservationArgument": true
           "agentRequirements": [
                "name": "parent_name1",
                "value": "parent_value1",
                "executionType": "IGNORED",
                "driverId": null
                "name": "name1",
                "value": "value1",
                "executionType": "CONSIDERED"
           "snapshotAgentRequirements": [
               "name": "parent_name1",
               "value": "parent_value1",
               "executionType": "IGNORED",
               "resourceId": "12609110-8daf-48aa-866d-2c744a036599"
               "name": "name1",
               "value": "value1",
               "executionType": "CONSIDERED",
               "resourceId": null
  • Response  200Toggle
  • Body
          "id": "d5bd4e8b-a774-4905-bda3-d8e5a362b0f2",
          "name": "My Server",
          "description": "My server description...",
          "type": "DEVICE",
          "parentId": null,
          "isShared": true,
          "reservationTime": "IMMEDIATE",
          "l2SwitchId": null,
          "driverId": "e660edc3-e5b6-4ecd-bcd9-5a152ffb94ec",
          "configAssetId": null,
          "configURI" : "vfs://fd03eada-a1bd-5419-9733-34752940ca54/foo/bar/config.xml",
          "inheritConfig": false,
          "firmwareAssetId": "cc03eafc-a3bd-7419-9731-76762940ca75",
          "firmwareURI": null,
          "inheritFirmware": false,
          "interface": "MANAGEMENT",
          "iconId": null,
          "isReadOnly": false,
          "tags": ["server"],
          "width": 300,
          "height": 100,
          "fillColour": "#D6F693",
          "lineColour": null,
          "propertyGroups": [
              "id": "e8a3192b-061c-42d0-ba95-53f18796c478",
              "name": "Location Information",
              "isHidden": false,
              "properties": [
                  "id": "9ed09fa7-8d24-4803-b70b-0473025504b9",
                  "name": "Facility",
                  "description": "Example:  San Jose - Site 2",
                  "defaultValue": null,
                  "isRequired": false,
                  "type": "TEXT",
                  "isInherited": false,
                  "availableValues": null
                  "id": "ddfb9d3b-6796-49d0-822f-4c5e8f5765da",
                  "name": "Floor Position",
                  "description": "Example:  Rack 34-Chassis 3",
                  "defaultValue": null,
                  "isRequired": false,
                  "type": "TEXT",
                  "isInherited": false,
                  "availableValues": null
                  "id": "9e647c07-ee9b-40f4-941d-b07087fd1053",
                  "name": "Room",
                  "description": "Example:  Eng Lab 3",
                  "defaultValue": null,
                  "isRequired": false,
                  "type": "TEXT",
                  "isInherited": false,
                  "availableValues": null
              "id": "9b24d0dd-e19d-4989-b1be-2817519c13b2",
              "name": "System Identification",
              "isHidden": false,
              "properties": [
                  "id": "7269f297-be09-4cdb-ae28-0ed2b6828733",
                  "name": "Hostname",
                  "description": "Hostname",
                  "defaultValue": null,
                  "isRequired": false,
                  "type": "TEXT",
                  "isInherited": false,
                  "availableValues": null
                  "id": "fbecc1c7-fbd2-4cfd-ab53-7d36ab18cf95",
                  "name": "Make",
                  "description": "Example description",
                  "defaultValue": null,
                  "isRequired": false,
                  "type": "TEXT",
                  "isInherited": false,
                  "availableValues": null
                  "id": "f57eed49-d57f-4065-9514-415f9b9dc408",
                  "name": "Model",
                  "description": "Example:  Test Center, Avalanche, Landslide..., etc",
                  "defaultValue": null,
                  "isRequired": false,
                  "type": "TEXT",
                  "isInherited": false,
                  "availableValues": null
                  "id": "6d816104-1b69-4c9d-8f3d-00021cf6e4b4",
                  "name": "Serial Number",
                  "description": "Example:  3D543HIH12",
                  "defaultValue": null,
                  "isRequired": false,
                  "type": "TEXT",
                  "isInherited": false,
                  "availableValues": null
                  "id": "c1aa3a07-4d9a-4f8c-b221-a7ff680bd6c6",
                  "name": "ipAddress",
                  "description": "System address -- IPv4 or IPv6",
                  "defaultValue": null,
                  "isRequired": false,
                  "type": "TEXT",
                  "isInherited": false,
                  "availableValues": null
          "creatorId": "3e00b83d-eca5-48ad-8cff-e17c75b93206",
          "created": 1431924092079,
          "lastModifierId": "3e00b83d-eca5-48ad-8cff-e17c75b93206",
          "lastModified": 1431924092079,
          "lastAction": "CREATED",
          "agentRequirements": [
              "name": "parent_name1",
              "value": "parent_value1",
              "executionType": "IGNORED",
              "resourceId": "12609110-8daf-48aa-866d-2c744a036599",
              "driverId": null
              "name": "name1",
              "value": "value1",
              "executionType": "CONSIDERED",
              "resourceId": "d5bd4e8b-a774-4905-bda3-d8e5a362b0f2",
              "driverId": null
          "snapshotAgentRequirements": [
              "name": "parent_name1",
              "value": "parent_value1",
              "executionType": "IGNORED",
              "resourceId": "12609110-8daf-48aa-866d-2c744a036599"
              "name": "name1",
              "value": "value1",
              "executionType": "CONSIDERED",
              "resourceId": "d5bd4e8b-a774-4905-bda3-d8e5a362b0f2"

Creates port group for the template specified by templateId

Full URL: /velocity/api/inventory/v19/template/{templateId}/port_group

Access Level: Admin

Request Body:

JSON object with the following fields:

  • name (string, required) - port group name
  • parentId (string) - UUID of the parent port group (null for top-level groups)


Newly created template port group, the same as if returned by GET /template/{templateId}/port_group/{portGroupId}

Error Codes:

  • TEMPLATE_NOT_FOUND - the template was not found
  • PARENT_PORT_GROUP_NOT_FOUND - specified parent port group was not found
  • NAME_NOT_UNIQUE - port group with specified name already exists in the template
  • INVALID_NAME - port group name is malformed
  • URI Parameters
  • templateId
    string (required) 

    UUID of the template to create the port group in

  • RequestToggle
  • Body
          "name" : "WAN",
          "parentId" : null
  • Response  200Toggle
  • Body
          "id": "78773962-8aab-4f75-af39-8bb257626622",
          "name": "WAN",
          "total": 0,
          "offset": 0,
          "count": 0,
          "ports": [],
          "nestedGroups": []

Creates port for the template specified by templateId

Full URL: /velocity/api/inventory/v19/template/{templateId}/port

Access Level: Admin

Request Body:

JSON object with a subset of the following fields:

  • name (string, required) - name of the port
  • description (string, optional) - port description (“” by default)
  • templateId (string, required) - UUID of the template to inherit from
  • groupId (string, optional) - UUID of the port group to put this port into (null by default)
  • isShared (boolean, optional) - true if the port is in shared use, false otherwise (false by default)
  • properties (list, optional) - list of properties with the following fields ([] by default):
    • definitionId (string, required) - UUID of the property definition from specified template
    • value (string, optional) - value of the property


Newly created template port, the same as if returned by GET /template/{templateId}/port/{portId}

Error Codes:

  • TEMPLATE_NOT_FOUND - the template was not found
  • BAD_TEMPLATE - Port type does not match its template type
  • PORT_GROUP_NOT_FOUND - specified port group was not found
  • PORT_GROUP_CONTAINS_GROUP - specified port group contains child group(s), therefore it is not allowed to add a port to it
  • NAME_NOT_UNIQUE - port with the specified name already exists in the template
  • PROPERTY_NOT_FOUND - one of the specified property definition IDs was not found in the template
  • INVALID_VALUE_TYPE - property value has an invalid type
  • PROPERTY_BAD_ENUM_VALUE - The value field of property of type “DROP_DOWN_LIST” has a value that is not included in the availableValues list of the corresponding property definition from the template
  • URI Parameters
  • templateId
    string (required) 

    UUID of the template to create the port in

  • RequestToggle
  • Body
          "name" : "LAN.1",
          "description" : "",
          "templateId" : "a5266606-f35b-482b-8c3f-a4317c1ccbb9",
          "groupId" : "78773962-8aab-4f75-af39-8bb257626622",
          "isShared" : false,
          "properties" : [
              "definitionId" : "e76e1ad7-e886-4911-9937-3e12824cfa2d",
              "value" : "LAN.1"
              "definitionId" : "261b5dae-a8a5-42e6-9289-97c568705692",
              "value" : "Ethernet"
              "definitionId" : "2a19de61-12c1-47c4-8711-8b43f7ce265a",
              "value" : 1000
  • Response  200Toggle
  • Body
          "id": "3cd8822b-13a3-4930-a1c4-6fc0889bb6ac",
          "name": "LAN.1",
          "description": "",
          "templateId": "a5266606-f35b-482b-8c3f-a4317c1ccbb9",
          "groupId": "78773962-8aab-4f75-af39-8bb257626622",
          "isShared": false,
          "creatorId": "538185df-0161-4fdc-b214-eefbd4f2d25d",
          "created": 1424353576137,
          "lastModifierId": "538185df-0161-4fdc-b214-eefbd4f2d25d",
          "lastModified": 1424353576137,
          "lastAction": "CREATED",
          "properties": [
              "definitionId": "2a19de61-12c1-47c4-8711-8b43f7ce265a",
              "name": "Port Speed",
              "value": "1000",
              "type": "TEXT",
              "groupName": "System Identification",
              "availableValues": null
              "definitionId": "261b5dae-a8a5-42e6-9289-97c568705692",
              "name": "Port Type",
              "value": "Ethernet",
              "type": "TEXT",
              "groupName": "System Identification",
              "availableValues": null
              "definitionId": "e76e1ad7-e886-4911-9937-3e12824cfa2d",
              "name": "portNumber",
              "value": "LAN.1",
              "type": "TEXT",
              "groupName": "System Identification",
              "availableValues": null

Creates ports for the template specified by templateId.

Full URL: /velocity/api/inventory/v19/template/{templateId}/ports

Access Level: Admin

Request Body:

JSON object with a subset of the following fields:


List of newly created template ports with the same fields as if returned by GET /template/{templateId}/port/{portId}

Error Codes:

  • TEMPLATE_NOT_FOUND - the template was not found
  • BAD_TEMPLATE - port type does not match its template type
  • PORT_GROUP_NOT_FOUND - specified port group was not found
  • PORT_GROUP_CONTAINS_GROUP - specified port group contains child group(s), therefore it is not allowed to add a port to it
  • NAME_NOT_UNIQUE - port with the specified name already exists in the template
  • PROPERTY_NOT_FOUND - one of the specified property definition IDs was not found in the template
  • INVALID_VALUE_TYPE - property value has an invalid type
  • PROPERTY_BAD_ENUM_VALUE - The value field of property of type “DROP_DOWN_LIST” has a value that is not included in the availableValues list of the corresponding property definition from the template
  • CANNOT_EDIT_OR_REMOVE_PACKAGE_CONTENT - cannot add ports to template that was imported from a package
  • URI Parameters
  • templateId
    string (required) 

    UUID of the template to create ports in

  • RequestToggle
  • Body
          "ports": [
              "name": "Lan 1",
              "description": "This is a template port.",
              "templateId": "a5266606-f35b-482b-8c3f-a4317c1ccbb9",
              "groupId": "a57cd064-4c08-4b18-8e47-7e6016e61a95",
              "isShared": false,
              "properties": [
                  "definitionId": "f6fd7aa3-4656-4e30-bf06-0249f127f920",
                  "value": "Lan 1"
                  "definitionId": "17dbdee5-97e2-4b61-8082-4371815d84a8",
                  "value": "Ethernet"
                  "definitionId": "78e8e862-5085-43f3-a42b-c11ea4237d0b",
                  "value": "1000"
              "name": "Lan 2",
              "description": "This is a template port.",
              "templateId": "a5266606-f35b-482b-8c3f-a4317c1ccbb9",
              "groupId": "a57cd064-4c08-4b18-8e47-7e6016e61a95",
              "isShared": false,
              "properties": [
                  "definitionId": "f6fd7aa3-4656-4e30-bf06-0249f127f920",
                  "value": "Lan 2"
                  "definitionId": "17dbdee5-97e2-4b61-8082-4371815d84a8",
                  "value": "Ethernet"
                  "definitionId": "78e8e862-5085-43f3-a42b-c11ea4237d0b",
                  "value": "1000"
  • Response  200Toggle
  • Body
          "ports": [
              "id": "6ca19f9f-8ade-4c9b-b987-a982c746f00e",
              "name": "Lan 1",
              "description": "This is a template port.",
              "templateId": "a5266606-f35b-482b-8c3f-a4317c1ccbb9",
              "groupId": "a57cd064-4c08-4b18-8e47-7e6016e61a95",
              "isShared": false,
              "creatorId": "c4fb7a83-b10d-4634-8d7f-7dac4e328781",
              "created": 1435044913497,
              "lastModifierId": "c4fb7a83-b10d-4634-8d7f-7dac4e328781",
              "lastModified": 1435044913497,
              "lastAction": "CREATED",
              "properties": [
                  "definitionId": "f6fd7aa3-4656-4e30-bf06-0249f127f920",
                  "name": "portNumber",
                  "value": "Lan 1",
                  "type": "TEXT",
                  "groupName": "System Identification",
                  "availableValues": null
                  "definitionId": "17dbdee5-97e2-4b61-8082-4371815d84a8",
                  "name": "Port Type",
                  "value": "Ethernet",
                  "type": "TEXT",
                  "groupName": "System Identification",
                  "availableValues": null
                  "definitionId": "78e8e862-5085-43f3-a42b-c11ea4237d0b",
                  "name": "Port Speed",
                  "value": "1000",
                  "type": "INTEGER",
                  "groupName": "System Identification",
                  "availableValues": null
              "id": "47f9a743-458f-4934-b3a0-aa28ca2c46c5",
              "name": "Lan 2",
              "description": "This is a template port.",
              "templateId": "a5266606-f35b-482b-8c3f-a4317c1ccbb9",
              "groupId": "a57cd064-4c08-4b18-8e47-7e6016e61a95",
              "isShared": false,
              "creatorId": "c4fb7a83-b10d-4634-8d7f-7dac4e328781",
              "created": 1435044913438,
              "lastModifierId": "c4fb7a83-b10d-4634-8d7f-7dac4e328781",
              "lastModified": 1435044913438,
              "lastAction": "CREATED",
              "properties": [
                  "definitionId": "f6fd7aa3-4656-4e30-bf06-0249f127f920",
                  "name": "portNumber",
                  "value": "Lan 2",
                  "type": "TEXT",
                  "groupName": "System Identification",
                  "availableValues": null
                  "definitionId": "17dbdee5-97e2-4b61-8082-4371815d84a8",
                  "name": "Port Type",
                  "value": "Ethernet",
                  "type": "TEXT",
                  "groupName": "System Identification",
                  "availableValues": null
                  "definitionId": "78e8e862-5085-43f3-a42b-c11ea4237d0b",
                  "name": "Port Speed",
                  "value": "1000",
                  "type": "INTEGER",
                  "groupName": "System Identification",
                  "availableValues": null

Updates the template specified by templateId

Full URL: /velocity/api/inventory/v19/template/{templateId}

Access Level: Admin

Request Body:

JSON object containing any subset of fields from the corresponding POST request. Sub-fields (propertyGroups and properties) are updated by corresponding IDs. If ID is null for a sub-field, it is added to the template.


Newly updated template, the same as if returned by GET /template/{templateId}

Error Codes:

  • TEMPLATE_NOT_FOUND - template with specified ID was not found
  • PROPERTY_INHERITED - for inherited property settings, you can modify only the default value
  • DRIVER_NOT_FOUND - specified driver does not exist
  • ICON_NOT_FOUND - specified icon does not exist
  • PROPERTY_GROUP_NOT_FOUND - specified property group does not exist
  • PROPERTY_NOT_FOUND - specified property does not exist
  • BAD_DEFAULT_VALUE - default value of a property does not match its type
  • NAME_NOT_UNIQUE - template with the specified name already exists
  • PROPERTY_BAD_ENUM_VALUE - The defaultValue field of a property of type “DROP_DOWN_LIST” has a value that is not included in the availableValues list
  • PATCH_PANEL_INTERFACE_MODIFICATION - It is not allowed to change existing template interface to or from “PATCH_PANEL”
  • CANNOT_EDIT_OR_REMOVE_PACKAGE_CONTENT - template that was imported from a package cannot be edited
  • URI Parameters
  • templateId
    string (required) 
    • UUID of the template to update
    boolean (optional) Default: false 

    if true, sets icon of all the inherited templates and resources to be the same as iconId

    boolean (optional) Default: false 

    when true, template properties are fully replaced with the passed data, e.g., if an existing property is not presented in the request, that property will be removed.

  • RequestToggle
  • Body
          "name": "Common Server",
          "description": "",
          "type": "DEVICE",
          "parentId": "12609110-8daf-48aa-866d-2c744a036599",
          "isShared": true,
          "reservationTime": "IMMEDIATE",
          "driverId": "e660edc3-e5b6-4ecd-bcd9-5a152ffb94ec",
          "l2SwitchId": null,
          "configAssetId": null,
          "configURI" : "vfs://fd03eada-a1bd-5419-9733-34752940ca54/foo/bar/config.xml",
          "inheritConfig": false,
          "firmwareAssetId": "cc03eafc-a3bd-7419-9731-76762940ca75",
          "firmwareURI": null,
          "inheritFirmware": false,
          "interface": "MANAGEMENT",
          "iconId": null,
          "tags": ["server"],
          "propertyGroups": [
              "id": "e8a3192b-061c-42d0-ba95-53f18796c478",
              "name": "Location Information",
              "isHidden": false,
              "properties": [
                  "id": "9ed09fa7-8d24-4803-b70b-0473025504b9",
                  "name": "Facility",
                  "description": "Example:  San Jose - Site 2",
                  "defaultValue": null,
                  "isRequired": false,
                  "type": "TEXT",
                  "isInherited": false,
                  "availableValues": null
                  "id": "ddfb9d3b-6796-49d0-822f-4c5e8f5765da",
                  "name": "Floor Position",
                  "description": "Example:  Rack 34-Chassis 3",
                  "defaultValue": null,
                  "isRequired": false,
                  "type": "TEXT",
                  "isInherited": false,
                  "availableValues": null,
                  "isReservationArgument": true
                  "id": "9e647c07-ee9b-40f4-941d-b07087fd1053",
                  "name": "Room",
                  "description": "Example:  Eng Lab 3",
                  "defaultValue": null,
                  "isRequired": false,
                  "type": "TEXT",
                  "isInherited": false,
                  "availableValues": null
              "id": "9b24d0dd-e19d-4989-b1be-2817519c13b2",
              "name": "System Identification",
              "isHidden": false,
              "properties": [
                  "id": "7269f297-be09-4cdb-ae28-0ed2b6828733",
                  "name": "Hostname",
                  "description": "Hostname",
                  "defaultValue": null,
                  "isRequired": false,
                  "type": "TEXT",
                  "isInherited": false,
                  "availableValues": null
                  "id": "fbecc1c7-fbd2-4cfd-ab53-7d36ab18cf95",
                  "name": "Make",
                  "description": "Example description",
                  "defaultValue": null,
                  "isRequired": false,
                  "type": "TEXT",
                  "isInherited": false,
                  "availableValues": null
                  "id": "f57eed49-d57f-4065-9514-415f9b9dc408",
                  "name": "Model",
                  "description": "Example:  Test Center, Avalanche, Landslide..., etc",
                  "defaultValue": null,
                  "isRequired": false,
                  "type": "TEXT",
                  "isInherited": false,
                  "availableValues": null
                  "id": "6d816104-1b69-4c9d-8f3d-00021cf6e4b4",
                  "name": "Serial Number",
                  "description": "Example:  3D543HIH12",
                  "defaultValue": null,
                  "isRequired": false,
                  "type": "TEXT",
                  "isInherited": false,
                  "availableValues": null
                  "id": "c1aa3a07-4d9a-4f8c-b221-a7ff680bd6c6",
                  "name": "ipAddress",
                  "description": "System address -- IPv4 or IPv6",
                  "defaultValue": null,
                  "isRequired": false,
                  "type": "TEXT",
                  "isInherited": false,
                  "availableValues": null
          "agentRequirements": [
              "name": "parent_name1",
              "value": "parent_value1",
              "executionType": "IGNORED",
              "driverId": null
              "name": "name1",
              "value": "value1",
              "executionType": "CONSIDERED",
              "driverId": null
          "snapshotAgentRequirements": [
              "name": "parent_name1",
              "value": "parent_value1",
              "executionType": "IGNORED",
              "resourceId": "12609110-8daf-48aa-866d-2c744a036599"
              "name": "name1",
              "value": "value1",
              "executionType": "CONSIDERED",
              "resourceId": null
  • Response  200Toggle
  • Body
          "id": "d5bd4e8b-a774-4905-bda3-d8e5a362b0f2",
          "name": "Common Server",
          "description": "",
          "type": "DEVICE",
          "parentId": null,
          "isShared": true,
          "reservationTime": "IMMEDIATE",
          "driverId": "e660edc3-e5b6-4ecd-bcd9-5a152ffb94ec",
          "l2SwitchId": null,
          "configAssetId": null,
          "configURI" : "vfs://fd03eada-a1bd-5419-9733-34752940ca54/foo/bar/config.xml",
          "inheritConfig": false,
          "firmwareAssetId": "cc03eafc-a3bd-7419-9731-76762940ca75",
          "firmwareURI": null,
          "inheritFirmware": false,
          "interface": "MANAGEMENT",
          "iconId": null,
          "isReadOnly": true,
          "tags": ["server"],
          "width": 0,
          "height": 0,
          "fillColour": null,
          "lineColour": null,
          "propertyGroups": [
              "id": "e8a3192b-061c-42d0-ba95-53f18796c478",
              "name": "Location Information",
              "isHidden": false,
              "properties": [
                  "id": "9ed09fa7-8d24-4803-b70b-0473025504b9",
                  "name": "Facility",
                  "description": "Example:  San Jose - Site 2",
                  "defaultValue": null,
                  "isRequired": false,
                  "type": "TEXT",
                  "isInherited": false,
                  "availableValues": null
                  "id": "ddfb9d3b-6796-49d0-822f-4c5e8f5765da",
                  "name": "Floor Position",
                  "description": "Example:  Rack 34-Chassis 3",
                  "defaultValue": null,
                  "isRequired": false,
                  "type": "TEXT",
                  "isInherited": false,
                  "availableValues": null
                  "id": "9e647c07-ee9b-40f4-941d-b07087fd1053",
                  "name": "Room",
                  "description": "Example:  Eng Lab 3",
                  "defaultValue": null,
                  "isRequired": false,
                  "type": "TEXT",
                  "isInherited": false,
                  "availableValues": null
              "id": "9b24d0dd-e19d-4989-b1be-2817519c13b2",
              "name": "System Identification",
              "isHidden": false,
              "properties": [
                  "id": "7269f297-be09-4cdb-ae28-0ed2b6828733",
                  "name": "Hostname",
                  "description": "Hostname",
                  "defaultValue": null,
                  "isRequired": false,
                  "type": "TEXT",
                  "isInherited": false,
                  "availableValues": null
                  "id": "fbecc1c7-fbd2-4cfd-ab53-7d36ab18cf95",
                  "name": "Make",
                  "description": "Example description",
                  "defaultValue": null,
                  "isRequired": false,
                  "type": "TEXT",
                  "isInherited": false,
                  "availableValues": null
                  "id": "f57eed49-d57f-4065-9514-415f9b9dc408",
                  "name": "Model",
                  "description": "Example:  Test Center, Avalanche, Landslide..., etc",
                  "defaultValue": null,
                  "isRequired": false,
                  "type": "TEXT",
                  "isInherited": false,
                  "availableValues": null
                  "id": "6d816104-1b69-4c9d-8f3d-00021cf6e4b4",
                  "name": "Serial Number",
                  "description": "Example:  3D543HIH12",
                  "defaultValue": null,
                  "isRequired": false,
                  "type": "TEXT",
                  "isInherited": false,
                  "availableValues": null
                  "id": "c1aa3a07-4d9a-4f8c-b221-a7ff680bd6c6",
                  "name": "ipAddress",
                  "description": "System address -- IPv4 or IPv6",
                  "defaultValue": null,
                  "isRequired": false,
                  "type": "TEXT",
                  "isInherited": false,
                  "availableValues": null
          "creatorId": "3e00b83d-eca5-48ad-8cff-e17c75b93206",
          "created": 1431924092079,
          "lastModifierId": "3e00b83d-eca5-48ad-8cff-e17c75b93206",
          "lastModified": 1431924741173,
          "lastAction": "MODIFIED",
          "agentRequirements": [
              "name": "parent_name1",
              "value": "parent_value1",
              "executionType": "IGNORED",
              "resourceId": "12609110-8daf-48aa-866d-2c744a036599",
              "driverId": null
              "name": "name1",
              "value": "value1",
              "executionType": "CONSIDERED",
              "resourceId": "d5bd4e8b-a774-4905-bda3-d8e5a362b0f2",
              "driverId": null
          "snapshotAgentRequirements": [
              "name": "parent_name1",
              "value": "parent_value1",
              "executionType": "IGNORED",
              "resourceId": "12609110-8daf-48aa-866d-2c744a036599"
              "name": "name1",
              "value": "value1",
              "executionType": "CONSIDERED",
              "resourceId": "d5bd4e8b-a774-4905-bda3-d8e5a362b0f2"

Updates port group in the template specified by templateId

Full URL: /velocity/api/inventory/v19/template/{templateId}/port_group/{portGroupId}

Access Level: Admin

Request Body:

JSON object with any subset of fields from the corresponding POST request, except parentId


Newly updated template port group, the same as if returned by GET /template/{templateId}/port_group/{portGroupId}

Error Codes:

  • TEMPLATE_NOT_FOUND - the template was not found
  • PORT_GROUP_NOT_FOUND - specified port group was not found
  • NAME_NOT_UNIQUE - port group with specified name already exists in the template
  • INVALID_NAME - port group name is malformed
  • CANNOT_EDIT_OR_REMOVE_PACKAGE_CONTENT - port group of template that was imported from a package cannot be edited
  • URI Parameters
  • templateId
    string (required) 

    UUID of the template containing the port group

    string (required) 

    UUID of the port group to update

  • RequestToggle
  • Body
          "name" : "LAN"
  • Response  200Toggle
  • Body
          "id": "78773962-8aab-4f75-af39-8bb257626622",
          "name": "LAN",
          "total": 0,
          "offset": 0,
          "count": 0,
          "ports": [],
          "nestedGroups": []

Updates port in the template specified by templateId

Full URL: /velocity/api/inventory/v19/template/{templateId}/port/{portId}

Access Level: Admin

Request Body:

JSON object with any subset of fields from the corresponding POST request


Newly updated template port, the same as if returned by GET /template/{templateId}/port/{portId}

Error Codes:

  • TEMPLATE_NOT_FOUND - the template was not found
  • PORT_NOT_FOUND - the port or specified port to connect to was not found
  • PORT_GROUP_NOT_FOUND - specified port group was not found
  • PORT_GROUP_CONTAINS_GROUP - specified port group contains child group(s), therefore it is not allowed to add a port to it
  • NAME_NOT_UNIQUE - port with the specified name already exists in the template
  • PROPERTY_NOT_FOUND - one of specified property definition IDs was not found in the template
  • INVALID_VALUE_TYPE - property value has an invalid type
  • PROPERTY_BAD_ENUM_VALUE - The value field of property of type “DROP_DOWN_LIST” has a value that is not included in the availableValues list of the corresponding property definition from the template
  • CANNOT_EDIT_OR_REMOVE_PACKAGE_CONTENT - port of template that was imported from a package cannot be edited
  • URI Parameters
  • templateId
    string (required) 

    UUID of the template containing port to update

    string (required) 

    UUID of the port to update

  • RequestToggle
  • Body
          "name" : "LAN.1",
          "description" : "",
          "templateId" : "a5266606-f35b-482b-8c3f-a4317c1ccbb9",
          "groupId" : null,
          "isShared" : false,
          "properties" : [
              "definitionId" : "e76e1ad7-e886-4911-9937-3e12824cfa2d",
              "value" : "LAN.1"
              "definitionId" : "261b5dae-a8a5-42e6-9289-97c568705692",
              "value" : "Ethernet"
              "definitionId" : "2a19de61-12c1-47c4-8711-8b43f7ce265a",
              "value" : 1000
  • Response  200Toggle
  • Body
          "id": "3cd8822b-13a3-4930-a1c4-6fc0889bb6ac",
          "name": "LAN.1",
          "description": "",
          "templateId": "a5266606-f35b-482b-8c3f-a4317c1ccbb9",
          "groupId": null,
          "isShared": false,
          "creatorId": "538185df-0161-4fdc-b214-eefbd4f2d25d",
          "created": 1424353576137,
          "lastModifierId": "538185df-0161-4fdc-b214-eefbd4f2d25d",
          "lastModified": 1424353677064,
          "lastAction": "MODIFIED",
          "properties": [
              "definitionId": "2a19de61-12c1-47c4-8711-8b43f7ce265a",
              "name": "Port Speed",
              "value": "1000",
              "type": "TEXT",
              "groupName": "System Identification",
              "availableValues": null
              "definitionId": "261b5dae-a8a5-42e6-9289-97c568705692",
              "name": "Port Type",
              "value": "Ethernet",
              "type": "TEXT",
              "groupName": "System Identification",
              "availableValues": null
              "definitionId": "e76e1ad7-e886-4911-9937-3e12824cfa2d",
              "name": "portNumber",
              "value": "LAN.1",
              "type": "TEXT",
              "groupName": "System Identification",
              "availableValues": null

Updates ports in the template specified by templateId.

Full URL: /velocity/api/inventory/v19/template/{templateId}/ports

Access Level: Admin

Request Body:

JSON object with a subset of the following fields:


List of newly updated template ports with the same fields as if returned by GET /template/{templateId}/port/{portId}

Error Codes:

  • TEMPLATE_NOT_FOUND - the template was not found
  • BAD_TEMPLATE - port type does not match its template type
  • PORT_NOT_FOUND - the port or specified port to connect to was not found
  • PORT_GROUP_NOT_FOUND - specified port group was not found
  • PORT_GROUP_CONTAINS_GROUP - specified port group contains child group(s), therefore it is not allowed to add a port to it
  • NAME_NOT_UNIQUE - port with the specified name already exists in the template
  • PROPERTY_NOT_FOUND - one of specified property definition IDs was not found in the template
  • INVALID_VALUE_TYPE - property value has an invalid type
  • PROPERTY_BAD_ENUM_VALUE - The value field of property of type “DROP_DOWN_LIST” has a value that is not included in the availableValues list of the corresponding property definition from the template
  • CANNOT_EDIT_OR_REMOVE_PACKAGE_CONTENT - ports of template that was imported from a package cannot be edited
  • URI Parameters
  • templateId
    string (required) 

    UUID of the template to update

  • RequestToggle
  • Body
          "ports": [
              "id": "6ca19f9f-8ade-4c9b-b987-a982c746f00e",
              "name": "Lan 1.1"
              "id": "47f9a743-458f-4934-b3a0-aa28ca2c46c5",
              "name": "Lan 1.2"
  • Response  200Toggle
  • Body
          "ports": [
              "id": "6ca19f9f-8ade-4c9b-b987-a982c746f00e",
              "name": "Lan 1.1",
              "description": "This is a template port.",
              "templateId": "a5266606-f35b-482b-8c3f-a4317c1ccbb9",
              "groupId": "a57cd064-4c08-4b18-8e47-7e6016e61a95",
              "isShared": false,
              "creatorId": "c4fb7a83-b10d-4634-8d7f-7dac4e328781",
              "created": 1435044913497,
              "lastModifierId": "c4fb7a83-b10d-4634-8d7f-7dac4e328781",
              "lastModified": 1435045088048,
              "lastAction": "MODIFIED",
              "properties": [
                  "definitionId": "f6fd7aa3-4656-4e30-bf06-0249f127f920",
                  "name": "portNumber",
                  "value": "Lan 1",
                  "type": "TEXT",
                  "groupName": "System Identification",
                  "availableValues": null
                  "definitionId": "17dbdee5-97e2-4b61-8082-4371815d84a8",
                  "name": "Port Type",
                  "value": "Ethernet",
                  "type": "TEXT",
                  "groupName": "System Identification",
                  "availableValues": null
                  "definitionId": "78e8e862-5085-43f3-a42b-c11ea4237d0b",
                  "name": "Port Speed",
                  "value": "1000",
                  "type": "INTEGER",
                  "groupName": "System Identification",
                  "availableValues": null
              "id": "47f9a743-458f-4934-b3a0-aa28ca2c46c5",
              "name": "Lan 1.2",
              "description": "This is a template port.",
              "templateId": "a5266606-f35b-482b-8c3f-a4317c1ccbb9",
              "groupId": "a57cd064-4c08-4b18-8e47-7e6016e61a95",
              "isShared": false,
              "creatorId": "c4fb7a83-b10d-4634-8d7f-7dac4e328781",
              "created": 1435044913438,
              "lastModifierId": "c4fb7a83-b10d-4634-8d7f-7dac4e328781",
              "lastModified": 1435045088097,
              "lastAction": "MODIFIED",
              "properties": [
                  "definitionId": "f6fd7aa3-4656-4e30-bf06-0249f127f920",
                  "name": "portNumber",
                  "value": "Lan 2",
                  "type": "TEXT",
                  "groupName": "System Identification",
                  "availableValues": null
                  "definitionId": "17dbdee5-97e2-4b61-8082-4371815d84a8",
                  "name": "Port Type",
                  "value": "Ethernet",
                  "type": "TEXT",
                  "groupName": "System Identification",
                  "availableValues": null
                  "definitionId": "78e8e862-5085-43f3-a42b-c11ea4237d0b",
                  "name": "Port Speed",
                  "value": "1000",
                  "type": "INTEGER",
                  "groupName": "System Identification",
                  "availableValues": null

Deletes the template specified by templateId

Full URL: /velocity/api/inventory/v19/template/{templateId}

Access Level: Admin

Error Codes:

  • TEMPLATE_NOT_FOUND - template with specified ID was not found
  • TEMPLATE_IN_USE - template has inherited templates or devices. Inherited resource should be deleted before deleting the template
  • CANNOT_EDIT_OR_REMOVE_PACKAGE_CONTENT - template that was imported from a package cannot be removed
  • URI Parameters
  • templateId
    string (required) 

    UUID of the template to delete

    boolean (optional) Default: false 

    By default, this request returns TEMPLATE_IN_USE error if the template has any child templates or resources. When this parameter is true, all the child templates, and all inherited resources (devices or ports) will be permanently deleted together with this template.


    Deletes property group specified by propertyGroupId in the template specified by templateId. All nested property definitions are also deleted.

    Full URL: /velocity/api/inventory/v19/template/{templateId}/property_group/{propertyGroupId}

    Access Level: Admin

    Error Codes:

    • TEMPLATE_NOT_FOUND - template with specified ID was not found
    • PROPERTY_GROUP_NOT_FOUND - property group with specified ID was not found
    • CANNOT_EDIT_OR_REMOVE_PACKAGE_CONTENT - property group of template that was imported from a package cannot be removed
    • URI Parameters
    • templateId
      string (required) 

      UUID of the template

      string (required) 

      UUID of the property group to delete


      Deletes property definition specified by propertyId from the group specified by propertyGroupId in the template specified by templateId

      Full URL: /velocity/api/inventory/v19/template/{templateId}/property_group/{propertyGroupId}/property/{propertyId}

      Access Level: Admin

      Error Codes:

      • TEMPLATE_NOT_FOUND - template with specified ID was not found
      • PROPERTY_GROUP_NOT_FOUND - property group with specified ID was not found
      • PROPERTY_NOT_FOUND - property with specified ID was not found
      • CANNOT_EDIT_OR_REMOVE_PACKAGE_CONTENT - property of template that was imported from a package cannot be removed
      • URI Parameters
      • templateId
        string (required) 

        UUID of the template

        string (required) 

        UUID of the property group containing the property definition

        string (required) 

        UUID of the property definition to remove


        Deletes the port group specified by portGroupId and all its contained ports located in the template specified by templateId

        Full URL: /velocity/api/inventory/v19/template/{templateId}/port_group/{portGroupId}

        Access Level: Admin

        Error Codes:

        • TEMPLATE_NOT_FOUND - specified template was not found
        • PORT_GROUP_NOT_FOUND - specified port group was not found
        • CANNOT_EDIT_OR_REMOVE_PACKAGE_CONTENT - port group of template that was imported from a package cannot be removed
        • URI Parameters
        • templateId
          string (required) 

          UUID of the template

          string (required) 

          UUID of the port group to remove


          Deletes the port specified by portId located in the template specified by templateId

          Full URL: /velocity/api/inventory/v19/template/{templateId}/port/{portId}

          Access Level: Admin

          Error Codes:

          • TEMPLATE_NOT_FOUND - specified template was not found
          • PORT_NOT_FOUND - specified port was not found
          • CANNOT_EDIT_OR_REMOVE_PACKAGE_CONTENT - port of template that was imported from a package cannot be removed
          • URI Parameters
          • templateId
            string (required) 

            UUID of the template containing the port to remove

            string (required) 

            UUID of the port to remove


            Deletes ports located in the template specified by templateId.

            Full URL: /velocity/api/inventory/v19/template/{templateId}/ports

            Access Level: Admin

            Request Body:

            JSON body with the following fields:

            • ids (array, required) - UUID’s of ports to be deleted

            Error Codes:

            • TEMPLATE_NOT_FOUND - specified template was not found
            • CANNOT_EDIT_OR_REMOVE_PACKAGE_CONTENT - ports of template that was imported from a package cannot be removed
            • URI Parameters
            • templateId
              string (required) 

              UUID of the template containing the port to remove

              string (optional) 

              if specified, only ports whose name, description or properties match the string are deleted

            • RequestToggle
            • Body
                    "ids": ["6ca19f9f-8ade-4c9b-b987-a982c746f00e", "47f9a743-458f-4934-b3a0-aa28ca2c46c5"]

            Returns list of parent templates the templates is nestetd under

            Full URL: /velocity/api/inventory/v19/template/{templateId}/parent_templates

            Access Level: User


            Template list represented the same way as in GET /templates

            Error Codes:

            • TEMPLATE_NOT_FOUND - specified template was not found
            • URI Parameters
            • templateId
              string (required) 

              UUID of the template to fetch parent templates from

            • Response  200Toggle
            • Body
                    "templates": [
                        "id": "92f8641c-eb38-442e-9bae-1287ae8110cf",
                        "name": "telnet",
                        "description": "",
                        "type": "DEVICE",
                        "parentId": null,
                        "isShared": true,
                        "driverId": null,
                        "configAssetId": null,
                        "configURI" : "vfs://fd03eada-a1bd-5419-9733-34752940ca54/foo/bar/config.xml",
                        "inheritConfig": false,
                        "firmwareAssetId": "cc03eafc-a3bd-7419-9731-76762940ca75",
                        "firmwareURI": null,
                        "inheritFirmware": false,
                        "interface": "NONE",
                        "iconId": "f87fc3bf-f4de-9fg3-5ab0-543f6e231f9f",
                        "tags": ["lab1"],
                        "creatorId": "3f744d00-ea76-4454-9665-8690fb0f1ffe",
                        "created": 1378621237001,
                        "lastModifierId": "3f744d00-ea76-4454-9665-8690fb0f1ffe",
                        "lastModified": 1378621237001,
                        "lastAction": "CREATED"

            Returns list of nested templates

            Full URL: /velocity/api/inventory/v19/template/{templateId}/nested_templates

            Access Level: User


            • total (number) - total number of stored items
            • offset (number) - offset of the current page
            • count (number) - number of items on the page
            • items (list)
              • id (string) - UUID of the nested template item
              • templateId (string) - UUID of the nested template
              • inherited (boolean) - true, if the nested template is inherited from parent template
              • hasNestedTemplates (boolean) - true, if the nested template has nested templates


            Error Codes:

            • TEMPLATE_NOT_FOUND - specified template was not found
            • URI Parameters
            • templateId
              string (required) 

              UUID of the template to fetch nested templates from

            • Response  200Toggle
            • Body
                      "total": 1,
                      "count": 1,
                      "offset": 0,
                      "items": [
                              "id": "64c64cc0-52fa-48da-9f49-2f140f2aed08",
                              "templateId": "4ac5b3a8-cf36-4df1-b9a7-acd016ab5af8",
                              "inherited": false,
                              "hasNestedTemplates" true

            Adds a new nested template

            Full URL: /velocity/api/inventory/v19/template/{templateId}/nested_template

            Access Level: Admin

            Request Body:

            JSON object with a subset of the following fields:

            • templateId (string) - UUID of the nested template


            • id (string) - UUID of the created nested template item
            • templateId (string) - UUID of the nested template
            • inherited (boolean) - true, if the nested template is inherited from parent template
            • hasNestedTemplates (boolean) - true, if the nested template has nested templates

            Error Codes:

            • TEMPLATE_NOT_FOUND - the parent template was not found
            • TEMPLATE_NOT_FOUND - the nested template was not found
            • BAD_HOST_TEMPLATE - the nested template cannot be added to the parent template dues to cyclic nesting
            • NESTED_TEMPLATE_NOT_UNIQUE - the nested template is already nested to the parent template
            • CANNOT_EDIT_OR_REMOVE_PACKAGE_CONTENT - cannot add nested templates to a template that was imported from a package
            • URI Parameters
            • templateId
              string (required) 

              UUID of the parent template to add nested template to

            • RequestToggle
            • Body
                    "templateId": "51fb4818-fbff-4728-978c-bb75c7bb7b24"
            • Response  200Toggle
            • Body
                    "id": "a2954242-d657-447e-99c3-d6a786b8dcb1",
                    "templateId": "51fb4818-fbff-4728-978c-bb75c7bb7b24",
                    "inherited": false,
                    "hasNestedTemplates": false

            Deletes nested templates

            Full URL: /velocity/api/inventory/v19/nested_templates_delete

            Access Level: Admin

            Request Body:

            JSON object with a subset of the following fields:

            • ids (required, list) - list of nested template item IDs to delete.

            Error Codes:

            • NESTED_TEMPLATE_INHERITED - inherited nested templates cannot be deleted
            • CANNOT_EDIT_OR_REMOVE_PACKAGE_CONTENT - cannot delete nested templates from a template that was imported from a package
            • RequestToggle
            • Body
                    "ids": [

            Returns sessions of the template specified by templateId (including enabled sessions of the parent resource)

            Full URL: /velocity/api/inventory/v19/template/{templateId}/sessions

            Access Level: User


            • total (number) - total number of stored items
            • offset (number) - offset of the current page
            • count (number) - number of items on the page
            • sessions (list of Object)
              • id (string) - UUID of the session
              • name (string) - name of the session
              • language (string) - session language (TCL, Python)
              • baseProfile (string) - session URI (project://project_name/path/name.ffsp or application://{session_type})
              • baseApplication (string) - type of the session (com.fnfr.svt.applications.ssh or com.fnfr.svt.applications.telnet)
              • isDisabled (boolean) - is session disabled
              • isInherited (boolean) - is session inherited


            Error Codes:

            • TEMPLATE_NOT_FOUND - specified template was not found
            • URI Parameters
            • templateId
              string (required) 

              UUID of the template

            • Response  200Toggle
            • Body
                      "total": 1,
                      "offset": 0,
                      "count": 1,
                      "sessions": [
                              "id": "32ef965b-b7ed-45f7-a0c2-124c69568bb7",
                              "name": "RM-17421",
                              "language": "Python",
                              "baseProfile": "application://com.fnfr.svt.applications.ssh",
                              "baseApplication": "com.fnfr.svt.applications.ssh",
                              "isDisabled": false,
                              "isInherited": false,
                              "properties": null

            Returns information and merged properties of the resource session specified by sessionId

            Full URL: /velocity/api/inventory/v19/template/{templateId}/session/{sessionId}?merge=<NO/INVENTORY/FULL>

            Access Level: User


            • id (string) - UUID of the session
            • name (string) - name of the session
            • language (string) - session language (TCL, Python)
            • baseProfile (string) - session URI (project://project_name/path/name.ffsp or application://{session_type})
            • baseApplication (string) - type of the session (com.fnfr.svt.applications.ssh or com.fnfr.svt.applications.telnet)
            • isDisabled (boolean) - is session disabled
            • isInherited (boolean) - is session inherited
            • properties (PropertiesTree) - tree of the overridden session properties

            Error Codes:

            • TEMPLATE_NOT_FOUND - specified template was not found
            • SESSION_NOT_FOUND - specified session was not found
            • URI Parameters
            • templateId
              string (required) 

              UUID of the template

              string (required) 

              UUID of the session

              <no/inventory/full> (required) 

              merge level. Default NO

            • Response  200Toggle
            • Body
                      "id": "cb269ae2-b3c5-46e0-9b74-8a53075bdbf9",
                      "name": "new_session",
                      "language": "Python",
                      "baseProfile": "application://com.fnfr.svt.applications.ssh",
                      "baseApplication": "com.fnfr.svt.applications.ssh",
                      "isDisabled": false,
                      "isInherited": false,
                      "properties": {
                          "type": "com.fnfr.svt.applications.ssh.documents.SSHProperties",
                          "TerminalProperties": {
                              "prompts": {
                                  "items": [
                                          "Content": "root_p1",
                                          "name": "prompt1"
                                          "Content": "root_p2",
                                          "name": "prompt2",
                                          "TypeOfPrompt": "MORE"
                                          "HAPromptType": "NORMAL",
                                          "MatchMethod": "NORMAL",
                                          "Content": "local_p3",
                                          "name": "localprompt1"
                                  "useInherited": true
                          "agentRequirements": {
                              "useInherited": true
                      "inheritedProperties": null

            Creates session for the template by templateId. Validates and throws an error if there are validation errors

            Full URL: /velocity/api/inventory/v19/template/{templateId}/session

            Access Level: Admin

            Request Body:

            JSON object with the following fields:

            • name (string, required) - name of the session
            • baseProfile (string, required) - session URI (project://project_repository/project_name/path/name.ffsp or application://{session_type})
            • baseApplication (string) - type of the session (com.fnfr.svt.applications.ssh or com.fnfr.svt.applications.telnet)
            • language (string) - only if session uri scheme is application. Default “Python”
            • properties (PropertiesTree) - list of overriden properties // See GET /device/{deviceId}/session/{sessionId}

            baseProfile: session URI (project://project_repository/project_name/path/name.ffsp or application://{session_type})

            baseApplication: type of the session (com.fnfr.svt.applications.ssh or com.fnfr.svt.applications.telnet)

            • One from baseSessinon or baseApplication is required.
            • if baseSessinon isn’t specified then baseSessinon := application://{baseApplication}.
            • if baseApplication isn’t specified then baseApplication will extract from baseSessinon.
            • REST API allow to save the session in case baseSessinon doesn’t correspond to baseApplication. (But It will displayed as validation error).


            Newly created session, the same as if returned by GET /template/{templateId}/session/{sessionId}

            Error Codes:

            • TEMPLATE_NOT_FOUND - specified template was not found
            • INVALID_SESSION_NAME - session with the specified name already exists or invalid format
            • INVALID_SESSION_PROFILE - invalid uri format or unsupported scheme or unexisting/invalid session profile in repository
            • INVALID_LANGUAGE - unsupported or unexpected language
            • CANNOT_EDIT_OR_REMOVE_PACKAGE_CONTENT - cannot add session to a template that was imported from a package
            • URI Parameters
            • templateId
              string (required) 

              UUID of the template to add session to

            • Response  200Toggle
            • Body
                      "id": "cb269ae2-b3c5-46e0-9b74-8a53075bdbf9",
                      "name": "new_session",
                      "language": "Python",
                      "baseProfile": "application://com.fnfr.svt.applications.ssh",
                      "baseApplication": "com.fnfr.svt.applications.ssh",
                      "isDisabled": false,
                      "isInherited": false,
                      "properties": null

            Updates session in the resource by sessionId. Validates and throws an error if there are validation errors. Only isDisable and properties can be updated for inherited session. The other fields (name, uri etc) will ignored.

            Full URL: /velocity/api/inventory/v19/template/{templateId}/session/{sessionId}

            Access Level: Admin

            Request Body:

            JSON object with the following fields:

            • name (string) - name of the session
            • baseProfile (string) - session URI (project://project_name/path/name.ffsp or application://{session_type})
            • baseApplication (string) - type of the session (com.fnfr.svt.applications.ssh or com.fnfr.svt.applications.telnet)
            • language (string) - only if session uri scheme is application. Default “Python”
            • properties (PropertiesTree) - list of overriden properties // See GET /device/{deviceId}/session/{sessionId}

            if any field is missed or is null then it meens that this field inherited value from parent resource


            Updated session, the same as if returned by GET /template/{templateId}/session/{sessionId}

            Error Codes:

            • TEMPLATE_NOT_FOUND - specified template was not found
            • INVALID_SESSION_NAME - session with the specified name already exists or invalid format
            • INVALID_SESSION_PROFILE - invalid uri format or unsupported scheme or unexisting/invalid session profile in repository
            • INVALID_LANGUAGE - unsupported or unexpected language
            • CANNOT_EDIT_OR_REMOVE_PACKAGE_CONTENT - cannot edit session that was imported from a package
            • URI Parameters
            • templateId
              string (required) 

              UUID of the template to update session to

              string (required) 

              UUID of the session

            • Response  200Toggle
            • Body
                      "id": "cb269ae2-b3c5-46e0-9b74-8a53075bdbf9",
                      "name": "new_session",
                      "language": "Python",
                      "baseProfile": "application://com.fnfr.svt.applications.ssh",
                      "baseApplication": "com.fnfr.svt.applications.ssh",
                      "isDisabled": false,
                      "isInherited": false,
                      "properties": null

            Cascade deletes the session specified by sessionId.

            This operation is available for own sessions only. Returns UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION for inherited sessions.

            Full URL: /velocity/api/inventory/v19/template/{templateId}/session/{sessionId}

            Access Level: Admin

            Error Codes:

            • UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION - specified session was not found or inherited session is specified.
            • CANNOT_EDIT_OR_REMOVE_PACKAGE_CONTENT - cannot delete session that was imported from a package
            • URI Parameters
            • templateId
              string (required) 

              UUID of the template to delete session from

              string (required) 

              UUID of the session


              Check if there are conflicts down the inheritance tree (name collisions in the child resources).

              Full URL: /velocity/api/inventory/v19/template/{templateId}/check_session_name?name={name}

              Access Level: User


              * isValid (boolean) 
              • URI Parameters
              • templateId
                string (required) 

                UUID of the template

              • Response  200Toggle
              • Body
                        "isValid": false

              Validate the list of session of specified resource. Checks:

              • names conflict up the inheritance tree (session name collisions in the parent resources).
              • Session type conflict up the inheritance tree (session type isn’t equals to parent session type).
              • base profile (is exists and session type in profile equals to session type in session)

              Full URL: /velocity/api/inventory/v19/template/{templateId}/validate_sessions

              Access Level: User


              • total (number) - total number of errors
              • offset (number) - offset of the current page
              • count (number) - number of items on the page
              • items (list of Object):
              • sessionId (UUID) - session id
              • sessuibName (String) - session name
                • NAME_CONFLICT - if parent with same session name exists
                • TYPE_CONFLICT - (for inherited session only). if session type isn’t equals to parent session type. (Telnet session override the ssh session)
                • INVALID_BASE_PROFILE - base profile not found or invalid
              • URI Parameters
              • templateId
                string (required) 

                UUID of the template


                Returns the list of resources which override the specified session.

                This operation is used before deleting of session.

                This operation is available for own sessions only. Returns UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION for inherited sessions.

                Full URL: /velocity/api/inventory/v19/template/{resourceId}/session/{sessionId}/check_before_delete

                Access Level: User


                • total (number) - total number of resources
                • offset (number) - offset of the current page
                • count (number) - number of items on the page
                • items (list of Object):
                  • objectId (UUID) - identifier of template/device
                  • ObjectName (String) - name of template/device
                  • objectType (RESOURCE, TEMPLATE or ABSTRACT_RESOURCE):

                Error Codes:

                • UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION - specified session was not found or inherited session is specified.
                • URI Parameters
                • resourceId
                  string (required) 

                  UUID of the resource

                  string (required) 

                  UUID of the session


                  Returns the list of resources which override the specified session.

                  This operation is used before disabling of session.

                  Full URL: /velocity/api/inventory/v19/template/{resourceId}/session/{sessionId}/check_before_disable

                  Access Level: User


                  • total (number) - total number of resources
                  • offset (number) - offset of the current page
                  • count (number) - number of items on the page
                  • items (list of Object):
                  • objectId (UUID) - identifier of template/device
                  • ObjectName (String) - name of template/device
                  • objectType (RESOURCE, TEMPLATE or ABSTRACT_RESOURCE):
                  • URI Parameters
                  • templateId
                    string (required) 

                    UUID of the template

                    string (required) 

                    UUID of the session


                    Full URL: /velocity/api/inventory/v19/folders

                    Access Level: User


                    Full device folder structure

                    • id (string) - UUID of the folder (null for root folder)
                    • name (string) - name of the folder (“Root Folder” for root folder)
                    • parentId (string) - UUID of the parent folder (null means root folder, but it’s also null for the root folder itself)
                    • deviceCount (number) - number of devices in the folder
                    • folders (list) - list of sub-folders with the same fields
                    • Response  200Toggle
                    • Body
                              "id": null,
                              "name": "Root Folder",
                              "parentId": null,
                              "deviceCount": 83,
                              "folders": [
                                      "id": "3080c247-a351-4171-a0e7-05df813f68ec",
                                      "name": "NMAP",
                                      "parentId": null,
                                      "deviceCount": 33,
                                      "folders": []
                                      "id": "55516350-e0e6-4c92-ba7b-1e9c69ed6f76",
                                      "name": "NMAP1",
                                      "parentId": null,
                                      "deviceCount": 56,
                                      "folders": []

                    Returns information about the folder specified by folderId

                    Full URL: /velocity/api/inventory/v19/folder/{folderId}

                    Access Level: User


                    • id (string) - UUID of the folder (null for root folder)
                    • name (string) - name of the folder (“Root Folder” for root folder)
                    • parentId (string) - UUID of the parent folder (null means root folder, but it’s also null for the root folder itself)
                    • deviceCount (number) - number of devices in the folder

                    Error Codes:

                    • FOLDER_NOT_FOUND - folder with specified ID does not exist
                    • URI Parameters
                    • folderId
                      string (required) 

                      UUID of the folder (“ROOT” for root folder)

                    • Response  200Toggle
                    • Body
                              "id": "3080c247-a351-4171-a0e7-05df813f68ec",
                              "name": "NMAP",
                              "parentId": null,
                              "deviceCount": 87

                    Creates a new device folder

                    Full URL: /velocity/api/inventory/v19/folder

                    Access Level: Admin

                    Request Body:

                    JSON body with the following fields:

                    • name (string, required) - folder name
                    • parentId (string, optional) - UUID of the parent folder (null for root folder; null by default)


                    Newly created folder, the same as if returned by GET /folder/{folderId}

                    Error Codes:

                    • PARENT_NOT_FOUND - folder with parentId ID does not exist
                    • RequestToggle
                    • Body
                            "name": "servers"
                    • Response  200Toggle
                    • Body
                            "id": "f59891ee-cb47-471e-a775-35d85301e776",
                            "name": "servers",
                            "parentId": null,
                            "deviceCount": 0

                    Updates the device folder specified by folderId

                    Full URL: /velocity/api/inventory/v19/folder/{folderId}

                    Access Level: Admin

                    Request Body:

                    JSON object with any subset of the following fields:

                    • name (string, optional) - new name of the folder
                    • parentId (string, optional) - UUID of the parent folder (null or omit for root folder)


                    Newly updated folder, the same as if returned by GET /folder/{folderId}

                    • URI Parameters
                    • folderId
                      string (required) 

                      UUID of the folder to update

                    • RequestToggle
                    • Body
                            "name": "linux-servers"
                    • Response  200Toggle
                    • Body
                            "id": "f59891ee-cb47-471e-a775-35d85301e776",
                            "name": "linux-servers",
                            "parentId": null,
                            "deviceCount": 0

                    Deletes the folder specified by folderId as well as its subfolders with all contained devices

                    Full URL: /velocity/api/inventory/v19/folder/{folderId}

                    Access Level: Admin

                    • URI Parameters
                    • folderId
                      string (required) 

                      UUID of the folder


                      Returns basic information about all devices in the inventory

                      Full URL: /velocity/api/inventory/v19/devices

                      Access Level: User


                      • total (number) - total number of stored items
                      • offset (number) - offset of the current page
                      • count (number) - number of items on the page
                      • devices (list)
                        • id (string) - UUID of the device
                        • name (string) - name of the device
                        • description (string) - device description
                        • templateId (string) - UUID of the template associated with the device
                        • hostId (string) - UUID of the parent resource
                        • nestingTemplateId (string) - UUID of the nested template which links the device with the parent resource
                        • folderId (string) - UUID of the folder containing the device (null for root folder)
                        • isOnline (boolean) - true if the device is online, false otherwise
                        • isLocked (boolean) - true if the device is currently locked by active reservation, false otherwise
                        • isShared (boolean) - true if the device is shared, false if it is in exclusive use
                        • reservationTime (string) - device reservation time, either “IMMEDIATE” or “DEFERRED”
                        • linkChecked (number) - last link check timestamp
                        • driverId (string) - UUID of the driver associated with the device (can be null)
                        • configAssetId (string) - UUID of the attached configuration (can be null). Has priority over configURI when both configAssetId and configURI fields are specified
                        • configURI (string) - URI of the associated configuration from a file store (can be null)
                        • inheritConfig (boolean) - if true, the configuration is inherited from the parent template (configAssetId and configURI values are ignored in reservations)
                        • firmwareAssetId (string) - UUID of the attached image (firmware) (can be null). Has priority over firmwareURI when both firmwareAssetId and firmwareURI fields are specified
                        • firmwareURI (string) - URI of the associated image (firmware) from a file store (can be null)
                        • inheritFirmware (boolean) - if true, the image (firmware) is inherited from the parent template (firmwareAssetId and firmwareURI values are ignored in reservations)
                        • interface (string) - resource interface, one of “NONE”, “MANAGEMENT”, “LAYER1_SWITCH”, “LAYER2_SWITCH”, “CONFIGURABLE”, “CONFIGURABLE_LAYER1_SWITCH”, “CONFIGURABLE_LAYER2_SWITCH”, “PATCH_PANEL”, “ORCHESTRATION”
                        • iconId (string) - UUID of the device icon
                        • vlanIdSet (string) - VLAN ID set (for resources with interface “LAYER2_SWITCH” and “CONFIGURABLE_LAYER2_SWITCH”, “200+” by default)
                        • isOutOfService (boolean) - true if the device is out of service, false otherwise
                        • outOfServiceReason (string) - “MANUAL” - if the device is moved to outOfService manually, or if NESTED license is available, or if the device is not NESTED; “OUT_OF_LICENSE” - if the resource is NESTED and NESTED license is unavailable.
                        • outOfServiceTill (number) - timestamp which the device will be out of service till, or null if it is not set
                        • isReservedPrivately (boolean) - if true the details of any reservation that includes the device are visible only to members of the user group of the person who reserved the device. If false the details of any reservation are visible to all users.
                        • tags (list) - empty list (use GET /device to obtain list of tags)
                        • portCount (number) - number of ports in the device
                        • nestedResourceCount (number) - number of nested resources in the device
                        • consoleUrls (list) - list of management console URLs for this device with the following info:
                          • id (string) - UUID of the management console URL
                          • name (string) - management console name given by admin
                          • url (string) - original URL typed by admin
                          • clientUrl (string) - preprocessed URL intended to use by the client. SSH/Telnet URLs are replaced by the links to Velocity Terminal, if the current user profile property ‘prefersExternalApplicationToHandleConsoleUrls’ is set to ‘false’.
                        • connectedPortCount (number) - number of connected ports in the device
                        • creatorId (string) - UUID of the creator of the device
                        • created (number) - creation timestamp
                        • lastModifierId (string) - UUID of the user that performed the last modification
                        • lastModified (number) - last modification timestamp
                        • lastAction (string) - one of “CREATED”, “MODIFIED”, “LOCKED”, “RELEASED”
                        • deviceGroups (list) - list of related device groups(UUIDs)
                        • isPollingEnabled (boolean) - true if state polling is enabled for the device, false otherwise
                        • lockUtilizationType (string) - resource lock utilization type, one of “SHARED”, “EXCLUSIVE”. null when resource is not currently locked by active reservation
                        • isEphemeral (boolean) - true if the device is ephemeral, false otherwise
                        • width (number) - default width in a topology editor
                        • height (number) - default height in a topology editor
                        • fillColour (string) - HEX colour code representing default fill colour in a topology editor
                        • lineColour (string) - HEX colour code representing default border colour in a topology editor
                        • nestedCoordinates (object) - coordinates for nested device, otherwise null for regular device
                          • column (string) - device column coordinate (A-Z)
                          • row (number) - device row coordinate (1-…)

                      Basic information about all devices in the inventory


                      • pageable
                      • sortable by any field except tags
                      • filterable by id, name, templateId, folderId, isOnline, isShared, isOutOfService, isPollingEnabled, isLocked, iconId, driverId, configAssetId, firmwareAssetId, interface, creatorId, lastModifierId, lastAction, groupId, hostId, isNested, isTopLevel, lockUtilizationType, outOfServiceReason, ephemeral
                      • Use “NONE” as a value for groupId filter to get ungrouped devices
                      • URI Parameters
                      • searchString
                        string (optional) 

                        Will return info only about devices whose names, descriptions, or properties match the string

                        boolean (optional) 

                        when true, only devices containing 1 or more ports are returned. When false, only devices without ports are returned.

                        boolean (optional) Default: false 

                        when true, property list is returned for every device

                        boolean (optional) Default: false 

                        when true, port group list is returned for every device

                        boolean (optional) Default: false 

                        when true, port group names will be considered while searching

                        boolean (optional) Default: false 

                        when true, resource dimensions and colours are returned for every device

                      • Response  200Toggle
                      • Body
                              "total": 1,
                              "offset": 0,
                              "count": 1,
                              "devices": [
                                  "id": "a642c0a2-5b08-4d61-b328-ac62f5870abf",
                                  "name": "Test Switch",
                                  "description": "",
                                  "templateId": "f56c0a5-7b45-4d23-f743-cd45f6854acd",
                                  "folderId": "ac03eafc-a5bd-3419-9435-46712920ca23",
                                  "isOnline": true,
                                  "isLocked": true,
                                  "isShared": true,
                                  "reservationTime": "IMMEDIATE",
                                  "linkChecked": 1378621237200,
                                  "iconId": "a642c0a2-5b08-4d61-b328-ac62f5870abf",
                                  "vlanIdSet": "300-400",
                                  "isOutOfService": false,
                                  "outOfServiceReason": "MANUAL",
                                  "outOfServiceTill": null,
                                  "isReservedPrivately": false,
                                  "tags": [],
                                  "driverId": "c345c0a2-5b15-2d61-f332-bf62f5870dbc",
                                  "configAssetId": null,
                                  "configURI" : "vfs://fd03eada-a1bd-5419-9733-34752940ca54/foo/bar/config.xml",
                                  "inheritConfig": false,
                                  "firmwareAssetId": "cc03eafc-a3bd-7419-9731-76762940ca75",
                                  "firmwareURI": null,
                                  "inheritFirmware": false,
                                  "interface": "CONFIGURABLE_LAYER2_SWITCH",
                                  "portCount": 2,
                                  "consoleUrls": [
                                          "id": "cc03eafc-5b15-2d61-f332-bf62f5879733",
                                          "name": "SSH",
                                          "url": "ssh://",
                                          "clientUrl": ""
                                  "connectedPortCount": 1,
                                  "creatorId": "3f744d00-ea76-4454-9665-8690fb0f1ffe",
                                  "created": 1378621237001,
                                  "lastModifierId": "3f744d00-ea76-4454-9665-8690fb0f1ffe",
                                  "lastModified": 1378621237200,
                                  "lastAction": "LOCKED",
                                  "deviceGroups": ["5f744d00-ea76-4454-9665-8690fb0f1ffe"],
                                  "isPollingEnabled": true,
                                  "lockUtilizationType": "SHARED",
                                  "isEphemeral": false,
                                  "width": 0,
                                  "height": 0,
                                  "fillColour": null,
                                  "lineColour": null,
                                  "nestedCoordinates": {
                                      "column": "A",
                                      "row": 1

                      Same as GET /devices but additionally supports optional Request Body (see below).

                      Full URL: /velocity/api/inventory/v19/devices

                      Access Level: User

                      Request Body:

                      Optional JSON with the following field:

                      • ids (list, optional) - list of IDs to filter with. Specified in request body because of possible URL length constraints. null means “any ID”. null by default.


                      Device list represented the same way as in GET /devices


                      • pageable
                      • sortable by any field except tags
                      • filterable by id, name, templateId, folderId, isOnline, isShared, isOutOfService, isPollingEnabled iconId, driverId, configAssetId, firmwareAssetId, interface, creatorId, lastModifierId, lastAction, outOfServiceReason
                      • URI Parameters
                      • searchString
                        string (optional) 

                        Will return info only about devices whose names, descriptions, or properties match the string

                        boolean (optional) 

                        when true, only devices containing 1 or more ports are returned. When false, only devices without ports are returned.

                        boolean (optional) Default: false 

                        when true, property list is returned for every device

                        boolean (optional) Default: false 

                        when true, port group list is returned for every device

                        boolean (optional) Default: false 

                        when true, port group names will be considered while searching

                      • RequestToggle
                      • Body
                              "ids": [
                      • Response  200Toggle
                      • Body
                              "total": 3,
                              "offset": 0,
                              "count": 3,
                              "devices": [
                                  "id": "f3128eb7-a48f-429b-9401-718641a3359b",
                                  "name": "Server #1",
                                  "description": "",
                                  "templateId": "f64b12a8-0d56-4470-9208-329b9b45c647",
                                  "folderId": null,
                                  "isOnline": false,
                                  "isLocked": false,
                                  "isShared": true,
                                  "linkChecked": null,
                                  "driverId": "e660edc3-e5b6-4ecd-bcd9-5a152ffb94ec",
                                  "configAssetId": null,
                                  "configURI" : null,
                                  "inheritConfig": true,
                                  "firmwareAssetId": null,
                                  "firmwareURI": null,
                                  "inheritFirmware": true,
                                  "interface": "MANAGEMENT",
                                  "iconId": "79c67ff5-df6e-4e81-9b67-d5a2fc9a1bb8",
                                  "vlanIdSet": null,
                                  "isOutOfService": false,
                                  "outOfServiceTill": null,
                                  "isReservedPrivately": false,
                                  "tags": [],
                                  "portCount": 3,
                                  "connectedPortCount": 1,
                                  "creatorId": "3e00b83d-eca5-48ad-8cff-e17c75b93206",
                                  "created": 1430993694327,
                                  "lastModifierId": "3e00b83d-eca5-48ad-8cff-e17c75b93206",
                                  "lastModified": 1430993694868,
                                  "lastAction": "MODIFIED",
                                  "isPollingEnabled": false
                                  "id": "d29ab5d5-f740-4b1b-8509-59c8d87efda6",
                                  "name": "Server #2",
                                  "description": "",
                                  "templateId": "f64b12a8-0d56-4470-9208-329b9b45c647",
                                  "folderId": null,
                                  "isOnline": false,
                                  "isLocked": false,
                                  "isShared": true,
                                  "linkChecked": null,
                                  "driverId": "e660edc3-e5b6-4ecd-bcd9-5a152ffb94ec",
                                  "configAssetId": null,
                                  "configURI" : null,
                                  "inheritConfig": true,
                                  "firmwareAssetId": null,
                                  "firmwareURI": null,
                                  "inheritFirmware": true,
                                  "interface": "MANAGEMENT",
                                  "iconId": "b9b42634-c5d3-4614-a9e9-97b4d13e4a12",
                                  "vlanIdSet": null,
                                  "isOutOfService": false,
                                  "outOfServiceTill": null,
                                  "isReservedPrivately": false,
                                  "tags": [],
                                  "portCount": 3,
                                  "connectedPortCount": 1,
                                  "creatorId": "3e00b83d-eca5-48ad-8cff-e17c75b93206",
                                  "created": 1430993694969,
                                  "lastModifierId": "3e00b83d-eca5-48ad-8cff-e17c75b93206",
                                  "lastModified": 1430993695273,
                                  "lastAction": "MODIFIED",
                                  "isPollingEnabled": false
                                  "id": "dc73e8f8-2627-4371-a564-5380c4baffba",
                                  "name": "Server #3",
                                  "description": "",
                                  "templateId": "f64b12a8-0d56-4470-9208-329b9b45c647",
                                  "folderId": null,
                                  "isOnline": false,
                                  "isLocked": false,
                                  "isShared": true,
                                  "linkChecked": null,
                                  "driverId": "e660edc3-e5b6-4ecd-bcd9-5a152ffb94ec",
                                  "configAssetId": null,
                                  "configURI" : null,
                                  "inheritConfig": true,
                                  "firmwareAssetId": null,
                                  "firmwareURI": null,
                                  "inheritFirmware": true,
                                  "interface": "MANAGEMENT",
                                  "iconId": "db838809-2ee2-4299-a97e-778ea1e70533",
                                  "vlanIdSet": null,
                                  "isOutOfService": false,
                                  "outOfServiceTill": null,
                                  "isReservedPrivately": false,
                                  "tags": [],
                                  "portCount": 3,
                                  "connectedPortCount": 1,
                                  "creatorId": "3e00b83d-eca5-48ad-8cff-e17c75b93206",
                                  "created": 1430993695342,
                                  "lastModifierId": "3e00b83d-eca5-48ad-8cff-e17c75b93206",
                                  "lastModified": 1430993695664,
                                  "lastAction": "MODIFIED",
                                  "isPollingEnabled": false

                      Returns information and properties of the device specified by deviceId

                      Full URL: /velocity/api/inventory/v19/device/{deviceId}

                      Access Level: User


                      The same information as returned by GET /devices as well as isRemoved field, tags info, properties info and port groups info:

                      • tags (list) - list of tags assigned to the device
                      • isRemoved (boolean) - true if the device is removed, false otherwise
                      • isRefreshing (boolean) - true if the refresh status task is running for the device at the moment, false otherwise
                      • isDiscovering (boolean) - true if the auto-discovery task is running for the device at the moment, false otherwise
                      • properties (list) - list of properties (ordered same as in parent template) with the following fields:
                        • definitionId (string) - UUID of the property definition in the corresponding template
                        • name (string) - name of the property
                        • description (string) - description of the property
                        • value (string) - value of the property (can be null, meaning “no value”, always null for type: “PASSWORD”)
                        • type (string) - one of “TEXT”, “TEXT_AREA”, “BOOLEAN”, “DECIMAL”, “INTEGER”, “ATTACHMENT”, “PASSWORD” or “DROP_DOWN_LIST”
                        • groupName (string) - name of the property group containing this property
                        • availableValues (list) - used only for “DROP_DOWN_LIST” type, list of available values
                        • isRequired (boolean) - true, if the property is mandatory, false otherwise
                      • portGroups (list) - list of port groups with basic info:
                        • id (string) - UUID of the port group (null means “no group”, item with null id is always included in the list)
                        • name (string) - name of the port group (“No Group” when id is null)
                        • portCount (number) - number of ports in the group
                        • parentId (string) - UUID of the parent group (null for top-level groups)
                      • userPermissions (list) - list of device console access permissions to this device, with the following fields:
                        • userId (string) - UUID of a user
                        • permission (string) - one of “CONSOLE_READ_ONLY”, “CONSOLE_READ_WRITE”, “CONSOLE_ADMIN”
                      • agentRequirements (list, optional) - list of agent requirements (individual and overridden) corresponding to the device
                        • name (string, required) - name of the requirement
                        • value (string, required) - value of the requirement
                        • resourceId (string, optional) - UUID of the parent template if it needs to override the requirement
                        • driverId (string, optional) - UUID of the driver associated to the requirement if it is the embedded. Null if the requirement is individual.
                        • executionType (string, optional) - one of “CONSIDERED”, “IGNORED”.
                      • deviceGroups (list) - list of device groups related to device
                      • effectiveCost (number) - estimated device cost based on its device type, ports, nested devices and admin defined cost
                      • width (number) - default width in a topology editor
                      • height (number) - default height in a topology editor
                      • fillColour (string) - HEX colour code representing default fill colour in a topology editor
                      • lineColour (string) - HEX colour code representing default border colour in a topology editor
                      • snapshotAgentRequirements (list) - list of requirements for agents which can be used for snapshot/restore scripts execution
                        • name (string) - name of the requirement.
                        • value (string) - value of the requirement.
                        • resourceId (string) - ID of the parent template for requirements specified on the template level. The device ID if the requirement is specified for the device.
                        • executionType (string) - one of “CONSIDERED”, “IGNORED”. “CONSIDERED” by default if the field if null or absent.

                      Error Codes:

                      • DEVICE_NOT_FOUND - specified device was not found
                      • URI Parameters
                      • deviceId
                        string (required) 

                        UUID of the device

                      • Response  200Toggle
                      • Body
                               "isLocked": false,
                               "configAssetId": null,
                               "configURI" : "vfs://fd03eada-a1bd-5419-9733-34752940ca54/foo/bar/config.xml",
                               "inheritConfig": false,
                               "firmwareAssetId": "cc03eafc-a3bd-7419-9731-76762940ca75",
                               "firmwareURI": null,
                               "inheritFirmware": false,
                               "isOutOfService": false,
                               "outOfServiceReason": "MANUAL",
                               "outOfServiceTill": null,
                               "isReservedPrivately": false,
                               "isRefreshing": false,
                               "isDiscovering": false,
                                     "groupName":"Identification Attributes",
                                     "name":"No Group",
                                     "parentId": null
                                     "name":"port group",
                                     "parentId": null
                               "consoleUrls": [
                                        "id": "cc03eafc-5b15-2d61-f332-bf62f5879733",
                                        "name": "SSH",
                                        "url": "ssh://",
                                        "clientUrl": ""
                               "userPermissions": [
                                     "userId": "fac31d0a-4f2f-4d0b-8e9c-4ed8b0aca67c",
                                     "permission": "CONSOLE_ADMIN"
                                     "userId": "9ca74477-25f9-4557-9e54-373d13002ed7",
                                     "permission": "CONSOLE_READ_WRITE"
                               "agentRequirements": [
                                   "name": "parent_name1",
                                   "value": "parent_value1",
                                   "executionType": "IGNORED",
                                   "resourceId": "14a624f4-76eb-4790-93c5-800693c9775e",
                                   "driverId": "565b35cf-2764-44c7-8312-a3be6dec9997"
                                   "name": "name1",
                                   "value": "value1",
                                   "executionType": "CONSIDERED",
                                   "resourceId": "92f8641c-eb38-442e-9bae-1287ae8110cf",
                                   "driverId": null
                              "snapshotAgentRequirements": [
                                   "name": "parent_name1",
                                   "value": "parent_value1",
                                   "executionType": "IGNORED",
                                   "resourceId": "14a624f4-76eb-4790-93c5-800693c9775e",
                                   "name": "name1",
                                   "value": "value1",
                                   "executionType": "CONSIDERED",
                                   "resourceId": "5773ca7e-85cd-4e76-9882-022ef49487c7",
                               "deviceGroups": ["4a2d181a-24e8-43bb-bf3c-a0b1f225dfac"],
                               "isPollingEnabled": true,
                               "isEphemeral": false,
                               "effectiveCost": 100,
                               "width": 300,
                               "height": 100,
                               "fillColour": "#D6F693",
                               "lineColour": null

                      Returns port groups of the device specified by deviceId

                      Full URL: /velocity/api/inventory/v19/device/{deviceId}/port_groups

                      Access Level: User


                      • portGroups (list) -list of port groups with basic info
                        • id (string) - UUID of the port group (null means “no group”, item with null id is always included in the list)
                        • name (string) - name of the port group (“No Group” when id is null)
                        • reserveWholeGroup (boolean) - if true when reservation needs at least one port from group all ports from the same group are reserved
                        • portCount (number) - number of ports in the group
                        • parentId (string) - UUID of the parent group (null for top-level groups)


                      • filterable by parentId (use “NONE” as a value for parentId filter to get top-level port groups).

                      Error Codes:

                      • DEVICE_NOT_FOUND - specified device was not found
                      • URI Parameters
                      • deviceId
                        string (required) 

                        UUID of the device containing the port group

                      • Response  200Toggle
                      • Body
                              "portGroups": [
                                  "id": null,
                                  "name": "No Group",
                                  "reserveWholeGroup": false,
                                  "portCount": 1,
                                  "parentId": null
                                  "id": "22b15709-14c6-4ceb-ae99-1052820efae5",
                                  "name": "1",
                                  "reserveWholeGroup": false,
                                  "portCount": 0,
                                  "parentId": null
                                  "id": "3c34a617-1e50-4755-be97-61e9b3b29815",
                                  "name": "1.1",
                                  "reserveWholeGroup": true,
                                  "portCount": 1,
                                  "parentId": "22b15709-14c6-4ceb-ae99-1052820efae5"
                                  "id": "c99c5dbe-b12b-4fce-acf0-30f76a53a0f7",
                                  "name": "Lan ports",
                                  "reserveWholeGroup": false,
                                  "portCount": 1,
                                  "parentId": null
                                  "id": "08b615db-30e3-4b56-a21c-63f5862e0d1b",
                                  "name": "New Group",
                                  "reserveWholeGroup": false,
                                  "portCount": 0,
                                  "parentId": null

                      Returns ports of the device specified by deviceId

                      Full URL: /velocity/api/inventory/v19/device/{deviceId}/ports

                      Access Level: User


                      • total (number) - total number of stored items
                      • offset (number) - offset of the current page
                      • count (number) - number of items on the page
                      • ports (list)
                        • id (string) - UUID of the port
                        • name (string) - name of the port
                        • description (string) - port description
                        • templateId (string) - UUID of port template
                        • groupId (string) - UUID of port group (can be null if the port is ungrouped)
                        • parentId (string) - UUID of device containing the port
                        • parentName (string) - name of device containing the port
                        • connectedPortId (string) - UUID of connected port (can be null if the port is not connected)
                        • connectedPortName (string) - name of connected port (can be null if the port is not connected)
                        • connectedPortParentId (string) - UUID of device containing the connected port (can be null if the port is not connected)
                        • connectedPortParentName (string) - name of device containing the connected port (can be null if the port is not connected)
                        • connectedPortLinkPlace (string) - link place of the connected port (can be null if the port is not connected)
                        • connectionType (string) - type of connection, one of “FIXED”, “DYNAMIC” (can be null if the port is not connected)
                        • connectedPortCableId (string) - UUID of cable that used for connection (can be null if the port is not connected)
                        • connectedPortCableTypeId (string) - UUID of cable type that used for connection (can be null if the port is not connected)
                        • backConnectedPortId (string) - UUID of patch panel back connected port (can be null if the back port is not connected)
                        • backConnectedPortName (string) - name of patch panel back connected port (can be null if the back port is not connected)
                        • backConnectedPortParentId (string) - UUID of device containing the patch panel back connected port (can be null if the back port is not connected)
                        • backConnectedPortParentName (string) - name of device containing the patch panel back connected port (can be null if the back port is not connected)
                        • backConnectedPortLinkPlace (string) - link place of the patch panel back connected port (can be null if the back port is not connected)
                        • backConnectionType (string) - type of connection to patch panel back port, one of “FIXED”, “DYNAMIC” (can be null if the back port is not connected)
                        • backConnectedPortCableId (string) - UUID of cable that used for connection to patch panel back port (can be null if the back port is not connected)
                        • backConnectedPortCableTypeId (string) - UUID of cable type that used for connection to patch panel back port (can be null if the back port is not connected)
                        • isOnline (boolean) - true if the port is online
                        • isLocked (boolean) - true if the port is currently locked by active reservation, false otherwise
                        • isShared (boolean) - true if the port’s utilization type is shared
                        • linkChecked (number) - timestamp of the last link check (can be null)
                        • isReportedByDriver (boolean) - true if the port existence was successfully checked by a driver, false otherwise
                        • creatorId - UUID of the creator of the device
                        • created (number) - creation timestamp
                        • lastModifierId (string) - UUID of the user that performed the last modification
                        • lastModified (number) - last modification timestamp
                        • lastAction (string) - one of “CREATED”, “MODIFIED”, “LOCKED”, “RELEASED”
                        • lockUtilizationType (string) - type of utilization, one of “SHARED”, “EXCLUSIVE” (can be null if the port is not reserved)


                      • pageable
                      • filterable by id, name, templateId, groupId, connectedPortId, connectedPortName, connectedPortParentId, connectedPortParentName, isOnline, isShared, creatorId, lastModifierId, lastAction
                      • sortable by any filterable field
                      • Use “NONE” as a value for connectedPortId and connectedPortParentId filters to get not connected ports

                      Error Codes:

                      • DEVICE_NOT_FOUND - specified device was not found
                      • URI Parameters
                      • deviceId
                        string (required) 

                        UUID of the device to fetch ports from

                        string (optional) 

                        if specified, only ports whose name, description or properties match the string are returned

                        boolean (optional) Default: false 

                        when true, properties list is included for every port

                      • Response  200Toggle
                      • Body
                                "total": 50,
                                "offset": 0,
                                "count": 3,
                                "ports": [
                                        "id": "bf9af156-5178-486e-9198-de77daa6e157",
                                        "name": "1",
                                        "description": "",
                                        "templateId": "a5266606-f35b-482b-8c3f-a4317c1ccbb9",
                                        "groupId": "412a3322-94f0-4d62-891a-d88472399c0f",
                                        "connectedPortId": "08fc2681-8242-40ba-b57c-596acae53d5d",
                                        "connectedPortName": "2",
                                        "connectedPortParentId": "4475fd7b-c94c-4e13-a1f0-6502ace013d3",
                                        "connectedPortParentName": "demo3.device.local",
                                        "connectedPortLinkPlace": "FRONT",
                                        "connectionType": "FIXED",
                                        "connectedPortCableId": null,
                                        "connectedPortCableTypeId": null,
                                        "backConnectedPortId": null,
                                        "backConnectedPortName": null,
                                        "backConnectedPortParentId": null,
                                        "backConnectedPortParentName": null,
                                        "backConnectedPortLinkPlace": null,
                                        "backConnectionType": null,
                                        "backConnectedPortCableId": null,
                                        "backConnectedPortCableTypeId": null,
                                        "isOnline": false,
                                        "isLocked": false,
                                        "isShared": false,
                                        "linkChecked": null,
                                        "isReportedByDriver": false,
                                        "created": 1381981788080,
                                        "creatorId": "cb8342b4-403a-4c69-a942-40710484540a",
                                        "lastModified": 1381981788080,
                                        "lastModifierId": "cb8342b4-403a-4c69-a942-40710484540a",
                                        "lastAction": "CREATED",
                                        "lockUtilizationType": null
                                        "id": "2227aeef-4973-4da3-8ed6-d3c38031b2c5",
                                        "name": "2",
                                        "description": "",
                                        "templateId": "a5266606-f35b-482b-8c3f-a4317c1ccbb9",
                                        "groupId": "412a3322-94f0-4d62-891a-d88472399c0f",
                                        "connectedPortId": "a3a58d13-7acd-40d8-bef5-8dd3541fe3ba",
                                        "connectedPortName": "Hub A port 2",
                                        "connectedPortParentId": "fe98cb45-8166-439f-9870-c277fddc1a76",
                                        "connectedPortParentName": "Hub A",
                                        "connectedPortLinkPlace": "FRONT",
                                        "connectionType": "DYNAMIC",
                                        "connectedPortCableId": null,
                                        "connectedPortCableTypeId": null,                        
                                        "backConnectedPortId": null,
                                        "backConnectedPortName": null,
                                        "backConnectedPortParentId": null,
                                        "backConnectedPortParentName": null,
                                        "baclConnectedPortLinkPlace": null,
                                        "backConnectionType": null,
                                        "backConnectedPortCableId": null,
                                        "backConnectedPortCableTypeId": null,                        
                                        "isOnline": false,
                                        "isLocked": false,
                                        "isShared": false,
                                        "linkChecked": null,
                                        "isReportedByDriver": false,
                                        "created": 1381981788148,
                                        "creatorId": "cb8342b4-403a-4c69-a942-40710484540a",
                                        "lastModified": 1381981788148,
                                        "lastModifierId": "cb8342b4-403a-4c69-a942-40710484540a",
                                        "lastAction": "CREATED",
                                        "lockUtilizationType": null
                                        "id": "607a7dbf-f4b1-4df2-b7ba-d9e8466805e9",
                                        "name": "3",
                                        "description": "",
                                        "templateId": "a5266606-f35b-482b-8c3f-a4317c1ccbb9",
                                        "groupId": "412a3322-94f0-4d62-891a-d88472399c0f",
                                        "connectedPortId": "66bab8fb-085e-4e1d-bfcf-dbcbfb10f8c4",
                                        "connectedPortName": "Hab A port 3",
                                        "connectedPortParentId": "fe98cb45-8166-439f-9870-c277fddc1a76",
                                        "connectedPortParentName": "Hub A",
                                        "connectedPortLinkPlace": "FRONT",
                                        "connectionType": "DYNAMIC",
                                        "connectedPortCableId": null,
                                        "connectedPortCableTypeId": null,                             
                                        "backConnectedPortId": "ad88885b-f85e-40c8-a144-56422192d664",
                                        "backConnectedPortName": "1.1.5",
                                        "backConnectedPortParentId": "f6946030-d6ab-4870-9980-4802eeb258dc",
                                        "backConnectedPortParentName": "MRV Swtich",
                                        "backConnectedPortLinkPlace": "FRONT",
                                        "backConnectionType": "FIXED",
                                        "backConnectedPortCableId": null,
                                        "backConnectedPortCableTypeId": null,                        
                                        "isOnline": false,
                                        "isLocked": false,
                                        "isShared": false,
                                        "linkChecked": null,
                                        "isReportedByDriver": false,
                                        "created": 1381981788187,
                                        "creatorId": "cb8342b4-403a-4c69-a942-40710484540a",
                                        "lastModified": 1381981788187,
                                        "lastModifierId": "cb8342b4-403a-4c69-a942-40710484540a",
                                        "lastAction": "CREATED",
                                        "lockUtilizationType": null

                      Returns information and ports of the port group specified by portGroupId

                      Full URL: /velocity/api/inventory/v19/device/{deviceId}/port_group/{portGroupId}

                      Access Level: User


                      The same set of fields as returned by GET /device/{deviceId}/ports as well as:

                      • id (string) - UUID of the port group
                      • name (string) - name of the port group
                      • reserveWholeGroup (boolean) - if true when reservation needs at least one port from group all ports from the same group are reserved
                      • parentId (string) - UUID of the parent group (null for top-level groups)
                      • manualAssociations (list) - list of groups for which allowed manual connections for given group
                        • id (string) - UUID of the port group
                        • name (string) - name of the port group
                        • deviceId (string) - UUID of the device that contains the port group
                        • deviceName (string) - name of the device that contains port group
                      • nestedGroups (list) - nested port groups (empty list if there are none)
                        • id (string) - UUID of the port group
                        • name (string) - name of the port group
                        • portCount (number) - number of ports in the group
                        • parentId (string) - UUID of the parent group


                      Error Codes:

                      • DEVICE_NOT_FOUND - specified device was not found
                      • PORT_GROUP_NOT_FOUND - specified port group was not found
                      • URI Parameters
                      • deviceId
                        string (required) 

                        UUID of the device containing the port group

                        string (required) 

                        UUID of the port group (“NONE” for ports without group)

                      • Response  200Toggle
                      • Body
                                "id": "19111d18-9a2b-4c77-a8f9-3c9e38dddc68",
                                "name": "Blade 1",
                                "reserveWholeGroup": false,
                                "parentId": null,
                                "manualAssociations": [
                                      "id": "df762b4f-83cc-4e81-8219-48198998fdfc",
                                      "name": "Just second time renamed, test that associations retain"
                                "nestedGroups": [],
                                "total": 8,
                                "offset": 0,
                                "count": 2,
                                "ports": [
                                        "id": "c316a5d8-3657-4c8b-98f6-2d1ce4e224ab",
                                        "name": "1:1",
                                        "description": "",
                                        "templateId": "a5266606-f35b-482b-8c3f-a4317c1ccbb9",
                                        "groupId": "19111d18-9a2b-4c77-a8f9-3c9e38dddc68",
                                        "connectedPortId": "dff50c06-c8ec-4ef9-9f0a-11a3e91aa996",
                                        "connectedPortName": "1.1.1",
                                        "connectedPortParentId": "41114ae4-93ab-47dc-ab21-9e434b8adbb0",
                                        "connectedPortParentName": "MRV_session",
                                        "connectedPortLinkPlace": "FRONT",
                                        "connectionType": "FIXED",
                                        "connectedPortCableId": null,
                                        "connectedPortCableTypeId": null,                             
                                        "backConnectedPortId": null,
                                        "backConnectedPortName": null,
                                        "backConnectedPortParentId": null,
                                        "backConnectedPortParentName": null,
                                        "backConnectedPortLinkPlace": null,
                                        "backConnectionType": null,
                                        "backConnectedPortCableId": null,
                                        "backConnectedPortCableTypeId": null,                        
                                        "isOnline": false,
                                        "isShared": false,
                                        "linkChecked": null,
                                        "created": 1390801426405,
                                        "creatorId": "05b92629-ecc6-45bb-b67a-366a3ec4366e",
                                        "lastModified": 1390801426405,
                                        "lastModifierId": "05b92629-ecc6-45bb-b67a-366a3ec4366e",
                                        "lastAction": "CREATED",
                                        "lockUtilizationType": null
                                        "id": "bab82e7a-0fde-4757-a00f-872c7a8b8d0a",
                                        "name": "1:2",
                                        "description": "",
                                        "templateId": "a5266606-f35b-482b-8c3f-a4317c1ccbb9",
                                        "groupId": "19111d18-9a2b-4c77-a8f9-3c9e38dddc68",
                                        "connectedPortId": "6330a14c-1cb7-4894-992e-f291f8dc077b",
                                        "connectedPortName": "1.1.2",
                                        "connectedPortParentId": "41114ae4-93ab-47dc-ab21-9e434b8adbb0",
                                        "connectedPortParentName": "MRV_session",
                                        "connectedPortLinkPlace": "FRONT",
                                        "connectionType": "FIXED",
                                        "connectedPortCableId": null,
                                        "connectedPortCableTypeId": null,                             
                                        "backConnectedPortId": null,
                                        "backConnectedPortName": null,
                                        "backConnectedPortParentId": null,
                                        "backConnectedPortParentName": null,
                                        "backConnectedPortLinkPlace": null,
                                        "backConnectionType": null,
                                        "backConnectedPortCableId": null,
                                        "backConnectedPortCableTypeId": null,                        
                                        "isOnline": false,
                                        "isShared": false,
                                        "linkChecked": null,
                                        "created": 1390801426436,
                                        "creatorId": "05b92629-ecc6-45bb-b67a-366a3ec4366e",
                                        "lastModified": 1390801426436,
                                        "lastModifierId": "05b92629-ecc6-45bb-b67a-366a3ec4366e",
                                        "lastAction": "CREATED",
                                        "lockUtilizationType": null

                      Returns detailed information about the port specified by portId

                      Full URL: /velocity/api/inventory/v19/device/{deviceId}/port/{portId}

                      Access Level: User


                      The same info as returned by GET /device/{deviceId}/ports plus:

                      • properties (list) - list of properties with the following fields:
                        • definitionId (string) - UUID of the property definition in the corresponding template
                        • name (string) - name of the property
                        • value (string) - value of the property (can be null, meaning “no value”, always null for type: “PASSWORD”)
                        • type (string) - one of “TEXT”, “TEXT_AREA”, “BOOLEAN”, “DECIMAL”, “INTEGER”, “ATTACHMENT”, “PASSWORD” or “DROP_DOWN_LIST”
                        • groupName (string) - name of the property group containing this property
                        • availableValues (list) - used only for “DROP_DOWN_LIST” type, list of available values
                      • effectiveCost (number) - estimated port cost based on device cost and admin defined cost

                      Error Codes:

                      • DEVICE_NOT_FOUND - specified device was not found
                      • PORT_NOT_FOUND - specified port was not found in the device
                      • URI Parameters
                      • deviceId
                        string (required) 

                        UUID of the device to containing the port

                        string (required) 

                        UUID of the port

                      • Response  200Toggle
                      • Body
                                "id": "bf9af156-5178-486e-9198-de77daa6e157",
                                "name": "1",
                                "description": "",
                                "parentId": "5773ca7e-85cd-4e76-9882-022ef49487c7",
                                "templateId": "a5266606-f35b-482b-8c3f-a4317c1ccbb9",
                                "groupId": "412a3322-94f0-4d62-891a-d88472399c0f",
                                "connectedPortId": "08fc2681-8242-40ba-b57c-596acae53d5d",
                                "connectedPortName": "2",
                                "connectedPortParentId": "4475fd7b-c94c-4e13-a1f0-6502ace013d3",
                                "connectedPortParentName": "demo3.device.local",
                                "connectedPortLinkPlace": "FRONT",
                                "connectionType": "FIXED",
                                "connectedPortCableId": null,
                                "connectedPortCableTypeId": null,                
                                "backConnectedPortId": null,
                                "backConnectedPortName": null,
                                "backConnectedPortParentId": null,
                                "backConnectedPortParentName": null,
                                "backConnectedPortLinkPlace": null,
                                "backConnectionType": null,
                                "backConnectedPortCableId": null,
                                "backConnectedPortCableTypeId": null,                
                                "isOnline": false,
                                "isLocked": false,
                                "isShared": false,
                                "linkChecked": null,
                                "properties": [
                                        "definitionId": "6a7f19a4-0a26-46fe-bd61-224db702285c",
                                        "name": "portNumber",
                                        "value": "1",
                                        "type": "TEXT",
                                        "groupName": " System Identification",
                                        "definitionId": "92042087-ea76-45f9-a275-14b00e8a6eb8",
                                        "name": "Port Type",
                                        "value": "Ethernet",
                                        "type": "TEXT",
                                        "groupName": " System Identification",
                                        "definitionId": "bbfaa411-cb99-4346-a49c-1e2208fccefa",
                                        "name": "Port Speed",
                                        "value": "1000",
                                        "type": "TEXT",
                                        "groupName": " System Identification",
                                "created": 1381981788080,
                                "creatorId": "cb8342b4-403a-4c69-a942-40710484540a",
                                "lastModified": 1381981788080,
                                "lastModifierId": "cb8342b4-403a-4c69-a942-40710484540a",
                                "lastAction": "CREATED",
                                "lockUtilizationType": null,
                                "effectiveCost": 101

                      Returns all device ports in the inventory

                      Full URL: /velocity/api/inventory/v19/devices/ports

                      Access Level: User


                      Device ports list, the same as if returned by GET /device/{deviceId}/ports


                      • pageable
                      • filterable by name, templateId, groupId, parentId, parentName, connectedPortId, connectedPortName, connectedPortParentId, connectedPortParentName, isOnline, isShared, creatorId, lastModifierId, lastAction
                      • sortable by any filterable field
                      • Use “NONE” as a value for connectedPortId and connectedPortParentId filters to get not connected ports
                      • URI Parameters
                      • searchString
                        string (optional) 

                        if specified, only ports whose name, parentName, description or properties match the string are returned

                        boolean (optional) Default: false 

                        when true, properties list is included for every port

                        boolean (optional) Default: false 

                        when true, only one of connected ports will be on the result list

                      • Response  200Toggle
                      • Body
                              "total": 9,
                              "offset": 0,
                              "count": 9,
                              "ports": [
                                  "id": "4a8694db-9a85-4a0a-ad64-b220aa7d9914",
                                  "name": "s1.2",
                                  "description": "",
                                  "templateId": "a5266606-f35b-482b-8c3f-a4317c1ccbb9",
                                  "groupId": "8cb0037c-1f36-4f8c-a149-bebb16e685c9",
                                  "parentId": "f3128eb7-a48f-429b-9401-718641a3359b",
                                  "parentName": "Server #1",
                                  "connectedPortId": "71c1a15c-e042-4b11-a8a2-3476139809ad",
                                  "connectedPortName": "s2.2",
                                  "connectedPortParentId": "d29ab5d5-f740-4b1b-8509-59c8d87efda6",
                                  "connectedPortParentName": "Server #2",
                                  "connectedPortLinkPlace": "FRONT",
                                  "connectionType": "FIXED",
                                  "connectedPortCableId": null,
                                  "connectedPortCableTypeId": null,                                                    
                                  "backConnectedPortId": null,
                                  "backConnectedPortName": null,
                                  "backConnectedPortParentId": null,
                                  "backConnectedPortParentName": null,
                                  "backConnectedPortLinkPlace": null,
                                  "backConnectionType": null,
                                  "backConnectedPortCableId": null,
                                  "backConnectedPortCableTypeId": null,                                  
                                  "isOnline": false,
                                  "isLocked": false,
                                  "isShared": false,
                                  "linkChecked": null,
                                  "isReportedByDriver": false,
                                  "creatorId": "5d120dc1-7f54-4cc2-ad57-34f8a5c47b18",
                                  "created": 1435569728389,
                                  "lastModifierId": "5d120dc1-7f54-4cc2-ad57-34f8a5c47b18",
                                  "lastModified": 1435569728389,
                                  "lastAction": "CREATED",
                                  "lockUtilizationType": null,
                                  "properties": [
                                      "definitionId": "9012da4d-2881-4cf5-a662-027ff59a4689",
                                      "name": "Port Type",
                                      "value": "Ethernet",
                                      "type": "TEXT",
                                      "groupName": "System Identification",
                                      "availableValues": null
                                      "definitionId": "e58bb9d5-1b8f-4529-b78e-5687d01cf298",
                                      "name": "Port Speed",
                                      "value": "1000",
                                      "type": "INTEGER",
                                      "groupName": "System Identification",
                                      "availableValues": null
                                      "definitionId": "d23e8bd6-1a0a-4a26-9bd4-77c3376c5c24",
                                      "name": "portNumber",
                                      "value": "s1.2",
                                      "type": "TEXT",
                                      "groupName": "System Identification",
                                      "availableValues": null
                                  "id": "98ad8b69-7a7b-4fa3-aaf4-c90b7815c36e",
                                  "name": "s1.3",
                                  "description": "",
                                  "templateId": "a5266606-f35b-482b-8c3f-a4317c1ccbb9",
                                  "groupId": "8cb0037c-1f36-4f8c-a149-bebb16e685c9",
                                  "parentId": "f3128eb7-a48f-429b-9401-718641a3359b",
                                  "parentName": "Server #1",
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                                  "connectedPortName": "s2.3",
                                  "connectedPortParentId": "d29ab5d5-f740-4b1b-8509-59c8d87efda6",
                                  "connectedPortParentName": "Server #2",
                                  "connectedPortLinkPlace": "FRONT",
                                  "connectionType": "FIXED",
                                  "connectedPortCableId": null,
                                  "connectedPortCableTypeId": null,                                                    
                                  "backConnectedPortId": null,
                                  "backConnectedPortName": null,
                                  "backConnectedPortParentId": null,
                                  "backConnectedPortParentName": null,
                                  "bakcConnectedPortLinkPlace": null,
                                  "backConnectionType": null,
                                  "backConnectedPortCableId": null,
                                  "backConnectedPortCableTypeId": null,                                                    
                                  "isOnline": false,
                                  "isLocked": false,
                                  "isShared": false,
                                  "linkChecked": null,
                                  "isReportedByDriver": false,
                                  "creatorId": "5d120dc1-7f54-4cc2-ad57-34f8a5c47b18",
                                  "created": 1435569728488,
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                                  "lastModified": 1435569728488,
                                  "lastAction": "CREATED",
                                  "lockUtilizationType": null,
                                  "properties": [
                                      "definitionId": "9012da4d-2881-4cf5-a662-027ff59a4689",
                                      "name": "Port Type",
                                      "value": "Ethernet",
                                      "type": "TEXT",
                                      "groupName": "System Identification",
                                      "availableValues": null
                                      "definitionId": "e58bb9d5-1b8f-4529-b78e-5687d01cf298",
                                      "name": "Port Speed",
                                      "value": "1000",
                                      "type": "INTEGER",
                                      "groupName": "System Identification",
                                      "availableValues": null
                                      "definitionId": "d23e8bd6-1a0a-4a26-9bd4-77c3376c5c24",
                                      "name": "portNumber",
                                      "value": "s1.3",
                                      "type": "TEXT",
                                      "groupName": "System Identification",
                                      "availableValues": null
                                  "id": "6b457366-dd9c-46ce-af7c-15f824bc6d6f",
                                  "name": "s2.1",
                                  "description": "",
                                  "templateId": "a5266606-f35b-482b-8c3f-a4317c1ccbb9",
                                  "groupId": "78353005-8d1d-456d-bc28-993e1bfc6965",
                                  "parentId": "d29ab5d5-f740-4b1b-8509-59c8d87efda6",
                                  "parentName": "Server #2",
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                                  "connectedPortName": "s1.1",
                                  "connectedPortParentId": "f3128eb7-a48f-429b-9401-718641a3359b",
                                  "connectedPortParentName": "Server #1",
                                  "connectedPortLinkPlace": "FRONT",
                                  "connectionType": "FIXED",
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                                  "connectedPortCableTypeId": null,                                                    
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                                  "backConnectedPortName": null,
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                                  "backConnectedPortParentName": null,
                                  "backConnectedPortLinkPlace": null,
                                  "backConnectionType": null,
                                  "backConnectedPortCableId": null,
                                  "backConnectedPortCableTypeId": null,                                                    
                                  "isOnline": false,
                                  "isLocked": false,
                                  "isShared": false,
                                  "linkChecked": null,
                                  "isReportedByDriver": false,
                                  "creatorId": "5d120dc1-7f54-4cc2-ad57-34f8a5c47b18",
                                  "created": 1435569729204,
                                  "lastModifierId": "5d120dc1-7f54-4cc2-ad57-34f8a5c47b18",
                                  "lastModified": 1435569729204,
                                  "lastAction": "CREATED",
                                  "lockUtilizationType": null,
                                  "properties": [
                                      "definitionId": "9012da4d-2881-4cf5-a662-027ff59a4689",
                                      "name": "Port Type",
                                      "value": "Ethernet",
                                      "type": "TEXT",
                                      "groupName": "System Identification",
                                      "availableValues": null
                                      "definitionId": "e58bb9d5-1b8f-4529-b78e-5687d01cf298",
                                      "name": "Port Speed",
                                      "value": "1000",
                                      "type": "INTEGER",
                                      "groupName": "System Identification",
                                      "availableValues": null
                                      "definitionId": "d23e8bd6-1a0a-4a26-9bd4-77c3376c5c24",
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                                      "groupName": "System Identification",
                                      "availableValues": null
                                      "definitionId": "e58bb9d5-1b8f-4529-b78e-5687d01cf298",
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                                      "groupName": "System Identification",
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                                      "definitionId": "d23e8bd6-1a0a-4a26-9bd4-77c3376c5c24",
                                      "name": "portNumber",
                                      "value": "s3.1",
                                      "type": "TEXT",
                                      "groupName": "System Identification",
                                      "availableValues": null
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                                  "description": "",
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                                  "groupId": "30e2e2d2-d574-4835-b550-f8cb1c1c0ee1",
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                                  "parentName": "Server #3",
                                  "connectedPortId": null,
                                  "connectedPortName": null,
                                  "connectedPortParentId": null,
                                  "connectedPortParentName": null,
                                  "connectedPortLinkPlace": null,
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                                  "connectedPortCableId": null,
                                  "connectedPortCableTypeId": null,                                                    
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                                  "backConnectedPortParentName": null,
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                                  "backConnectionType": null,
                                  "backConnectedPortCableId": null,
                                  "backConnectedPortCableTypeId": null,                                                    
                                  "isOnline": false,
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                                  "created": 1435569729662,
                                  "lastModifierId": "5d120dc1-7f54-4cc2-ad57-34f8a5c47b18",
                                  "lastModified": 1435569729662,
                                  "lastAction": "CREATED",
                                  "lockUtilizationType": null,
                                  "properties": [
                                      "definitionId": "9012da4d-2881-4cf5-a662-027ff59a4689",
                                      "name": "Port Type",
                                      "value": "Ethernet",
                                      "type": "TEXT",
                                      "groupName": "System Identification",
                                      "availableValues": null
                                      "definitionId": "e58bb9d5-1b8f-4529-b78e-5687d01cf298",
                                      "name": "Port Speed",
                                      "value": "1000",
                                      "type": "INTEGER",
                                      "groupName": "System Identification",
                                      "availableValues": null
                                      "definitionId": "d23e8bd6-1a0a-4a26-9bd4-77c3376c5c24",
                                      "name": "portNumber",
                                      "value": "s3.2",
                                      "type": "TEXT",
                                      "groupName": "System Identification",
                                      "availableValues": null
                                  "id": "6f00a35c-d6e4-455e-b57a-1fd035753cf6",
                                  "name": "s3.3",
                                  "description": "",
                                  "templateId": "a5266606-f35b-482b-8c3f-a4317c1ccbb9",
                                  "groupId": "30e2e2d2-d574-4835-b550-f8cb1c1c0ee1",
                                  "parentId": "dc73e8f8-2627-4371-a564-5380c4baffba",
                                  "parentName": "Server #3",
                                  "connectedPortId": null,
                                  "connectedPortName": null,
                                  "connectedPortParentId": null,
                                  "connectedPortParentName": null,
                                  "connectedPortLinkPlace": null,
                                  "connectionType": null,
                                  "connectedPortCableId": null,
                                  "connectedPortCableTypeId": null,                                                    
                                  "backConnectedPortId": null,
                                  "backConnectedPortName": null,
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                                  "backConnectedPortParentName": null,
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                                  "created": 1435569729756,
                                  "lastModifierId": "5d120dc1-7f54-4cc2-ad57-34f8a5c47b18",
                                  "lastModified": 1435569729756,
                                  "lastAction": "CREATED",
                                  "lockUtilizationType": null,
                                  "properties": [
                                      "definitionId": "9012da4d-2881-4cf5-a662-027ff59a4689",
                                      "name": "Port Type",
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                                      "type": "TEXT",
                                      "groupName": "System Identification",
                                      "availableValues": null
                                      "definitionId": "e58bb9d5-1b8f-4529-b78e-5687d01cf298",
                                      "name": "Port Speed",
                                      "value": "1000",
                                      "type": "INTEGER",
                                      "groupName": "System Identification",
                                      "availableValues": null
                                      "definitionId": "d23e8bd6-1a0a-4a26-9bd4-77c3376c5c24",
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                                      "value": "s3.3",
                                      "type": "TEXT",
                                      "groupName": "System Identification",
                                      "availableValues": null
                                  "id": "d3ee2c56-b08c-4dac-9fb8-e32ad2414aef",
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                                  "connectedPortName": null,
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                                  "connectedPortParentName": null,
                                  "connectedPortLinkPlace": null,
                                  "connectionType": null,
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                                  "creatorId": "5d120dc1-7f54-4cc2-ad57-34f8a5c47b18",
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                                  "lastModified": 1435572710751,
                                  "lastAction": "MODIFIED",
                                  "lockUtilizationType": null,
                                  "properties": [
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                                      "type": "TEXT",
                                      "groupName": "System Identification",
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                                      "definitionId": "9012da4d-2881-4cf5-a662-027ff59a4689",
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                                      "type": "TEXT",
                                      "groupName": "System Identification",
                                      "availableValues": null
                                      "definitionId": "e58bb9d5-1b8f-4529-b78e-5687d01cf298",
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                                      "groupName": "System Identification",
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                                  "connectedPortParentName": null,
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                                  "created": 1435572700407,
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                                  "lockUtilizationType": null,
                                  "properties": [
                                      "definitionId": "d23e8bd6-1a0a-4a26-9bd4-77c3376c5c24",
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                                      "type": "TEXT",
                                      "groupName": "System Identification",
                                      "availableValues": null
                                      "definitionId": "9012da4d-2881-4cf5-a662-027ff59a4689",
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                                      "value": "Ethernet",
                                      "type": "TEXT",
                                      "groupName": "System Identification",
                                      "availableValues": null
                                      "definitionId": "e58bb9d5-1b8f-4529-b78e-5687d01cf298",
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                      Returns all device port groups

                      Full URL: /velocity/api/inventory/v19/devices/port_groups

                      Access Level: User


                      • portGroups (list) -list of port groups with basic info
                        • id (string) - UUID of the port group
                        • name (string) - name of the port group
                        • reserveWholeGroup (boolean) - if true when reservation needs at least one port from group all ports from the same group are reserved
                        • portCount (number) - number of ports in the group
                        • parentId (string) - UUID of the parent group (null for top-level groups)
                        • deviceId (string) - UUID of the device containing the group
                        • deviceName (string) - name of the device containing the group


                      • pageable
                      • filterable by deviceId/parentId (use “NONE” as a value for parentId filter to get top-level port groups)
                      • URI Parameters
                      • searchString
                        string (optional) 

                        if specified, only port groups whose name or deviceName match the string are returned

                      • Response  200Toggle
                      • Body
                              "total": 4,
                              "offset": 0,
                              "count": 4,
                              "portGroups": [
                                  "id": "7b6940e5-c67e-4978-85d9-2738047e8a64",
                                  "name": "1.1",
                                  "reserveWholeGroup": false,
                                  "portCount": 36,
                                  "parentId": null,
                                  "deviceId": "f6946030-d6ab-4870-9980-4802eeb258dc",
                                  "deviceName": "Sunnyvale MRV Swtich"
                                  "id": "12ef9421-67b8-426d-b43a-3b7c87a5072e",
                                  "name": "Default",
                                  "reserveWholeGroup": false,
                                  "portCount": 3,
                                  "parentId": null,
                                  "deviceId": "f3128eb7-a48f-429b-9401-718641a3359b",
                                  "deviceName": "Server #1"
                                  "id": "601c7a5d-3a45-44a0-b6b6-4f1f76081fd4",
                                  "name": "Default",
                                  "reserveWholeGroup": false,
                                  "portCount": 3,
                                  "parentId": null,
                                  "deviceId": "dc73e8f8-2627-4371-a564-5380c4baffba",
                                  "deviceName": "Server #3"
                                  "id": "84997b7b-64a3-41fa-a6aa-ce64ae298894",
                                  "name": "Default",
                                  "reserveWholeGroup": false,
                                  "portCount": 2,
                                  "parentId": null,
                                  "deviceId": "d29ab5d5-f740-4b1b-8509-59c8d87efda6",
                                  "deviceName": "Server #2"

                      Returns basic information about all devices which matched to search query.

                      Full URL: /velocity/api/inventory/v19/devices/search

                      Access Level: User


                      Device list represented the same way as in GET /devices


                      Error Codes:

                      • UNRECOGNIZED_SEARCH_QUERY - specified searchString is unrecognized by parser
                      • INVALID_SEARCH_EXPRESSION - specified searchString is recognized by parser but has invalid value
                      • FOLDER_NOT_FOUND - specified folder was not found
                      • USER_NOT_FOUND - specified user was not found
                      • INTERFACE_NOT_FOUND - specified driver interface was not found
                      • DRIVER_NOT_FOUND - specified driver was not found
                      • RESOURCE_GROUP_NOT_FOUND - specified resource group was not found
                      • URI Parameters
                      • searchString
                        string (optional) 

                        Will return info only about devices whose match the search string

                      • Response  200Toggle
                      • Body
                              "total": 1,
                              "offset": 0,
                              "count": 1,
                              "devices": [

                      Creates new device

                      Full URL: /velocity/api/inventory/v19/device

                      Access Level: Admin, Resource Group Admin

                      Request Body:

                      JSON object containing the following fields:

                      • name (string, required) - name of the device
                      • description (string, optional) - device description (“” by default)
                      • templateId (string, required) - UUID of the template associated with the device
                      • folderId (string, optional) - UUID of the folder containing the device (null for root folder; null by default)
                      • driverId (string, optional) - UUID of the driver associated with the device (inherited from template by default)
                      • configAssetId (string, optional) - UUID of the attached configuration (null by default). Has priority over configURI when both configAssetId and configURI fields are specified
                      • configURI (string, optional) - URI of the associated configuration from a file store (null by default)
                      • inheritConfig (boolean) - if true, the configuration is inherited from the parent template (configAssetId and configURI values are ignored in reservations), false by default
                      • firmwareAssetId (string, optional) - UUID of the attached image (firmware) (null by default). Has priority over firmwareURI when both firmwareAssetId and firmwareURI fields are specified
                      • firmwareURI (string, optional) - URI of the associated image (firmware) from a file store (null by default)
                      • inheritFirmware (boolean, optional) - if true, the image (firmware) is inherited from the parent template (firmwareAssetId and firmwareURI values are ignored in reservations), false by default
                      • iconId (string, optional) - UUID of the device icon (inherited from template by default)
                      • reservationTime (string, optional) - either “IMMEDIATE” or “DEFERRED”, inherited from template by default
                      • vlanIdSet (string, optional) - VLAN ID set (for resources with interface “LAYER2_SWITCH” and “CONFIGURABLE_LAYER2_SWITCH”, “200+” by default)
                      • isOutOfService (boolean, optional) - true if the device is out of service, false otherwise (false by default)
                      • outOfServiceTill (number, optional) - timestamp which the device will be out of service till, or null if it is not set
                      • isReservedPrivately (boolean, optional) - if true the details of any reservation that includes the device are visible only to members of the user group of the person who reserved the device. If false the details of any reservation are visible to all users (false by default).
                      • tags (list, optional) - list of tags associated with the device (empty list by default)
                      • consoleUrls (list) - list of management console URLs for this device with the following info:
                        • name (string) - management console name
                        • url (string) - management console URL
                      • properties (list, optional) - list of properties with the following fields (empty list by default):
                        • definitionId (string, required) - UUID of the property definition in the corresponding template
                        • value - value of the property (can be null, meaning “no value”)
                      • userPermissions (list, optional) - list of device console access permissions to this device, with the following fields:
                        • userId (string) - UUID of a user
                        • permission (string) - one of “CONSOLE_READ_ONLY”, “CONSOLE_READ_WRITE”, “CONSOLE_ADMIN”
                      • agentRequirements (list, optional) - list of agent requirements (individual and overridden) corresponding to the template
                        • name (string, required) - name of the requirement
                        • value (string, required) - value of the requirement
                        • driverId (string, optional) - UUID of the driver associated to the requirement if it is the embedded. Null if the requirement is individual.
                        • executionType (string, optional) - one of “CONSIDERED”, “IGNORED”. “CONSIDERED” by default if the field if null or absent.
                      • deviceGroups (list) - list of device groups related to device
                      • isPollingEnabled (boolean) - true if state polling is enabled for the device, false otherwise
                      • width (number) - default width in a topology editor
                      • height (number) - default height in a topology editor
                      • fillColour (string) - HEX colour code representing default fill colour in a topology editor
                      • lineColour (string) - HEX colour code representing default border colour in a topology editor
                      • snapshotAgentRequirements (list, optional) - list of requirements for agents which can be used for snapshot/restore scripts execution
                        • name (string, required) - name of the requirement.
                        • value (string, required) - value of the requirement.
                        • resourceId (string, optional) - ID of the parent template for requirements specified on the template level. Null if the requirement is specified for the device.
                        • executionType (string, optional) - one of “CONSIDERED”, “IGNORED”. “CONSIDERED” by default if the field if null or absent.

                      Note: It is not recommended to pass configAssetId and configURI when inheritConfig is set to true. Otherwise only first of these three fields will be used in the reservation in the following order: inheritConfig, configAssetId, configURI. The same behavior is defined for inheritFirmware, firmwareAssetId, firmwareURI.


                      Newly created device, the same as if returned by GET /device/{deviceId}

                      Error Codes:

                      • TEMPLATE_NOT_FOUND - specified template was not found
                      • BAD_TEMPLATE - Device type does not match its template type
                      • CONFIG_NOT_FOUND - specified config was not found
                      • DRIVER_NOT_FOUND - specified driver was not found
                      • FIRMWARE_NOT_FOUND - specified image was not found
                      • FOLDER_NOT_FOUND - specified folder was not found
                      • ICON_NOT_FOUND - specified icon was not found
                      • NAME_NOT_UNIQUE - device with specified name already exists
                      • INVALID_VALUE_TYPE - property value has an invalid type
                      • PROPERTY_NOT_FOUND - property of a device was not found by definition
                      • PROPERTY_BAD_ENUM_VALUE - The value field of a property of type “DROP_DOWN_LIST” has a value that is not included in the availableValues list of the corresponding property definition from the template
                      • INVALID_VLAN_ID_SET - specified VLAN ID set is not valid
                      • SCHEDULE_ERROR - the device is out of service, but specified out of service till date is not in the future
                      • URI Parameters
                      • copyPortsFrom
                        string (optional) 

                        if specified, UUID of the device from which to copy ports (and port groups)

                      • RequestToggle
                      • Body
                              "name": "Server #4",
                              "description": "This is server #4",
                              "templateId": "f64b12a8-0d56-4470-9208-329b9b45c647",
                              "folderId": null,
                              "isRemoved": false,
                              "isOnline": false,
                              "linkChecked": null,
                              "driverId": null,
                              "configAssetId": null,
                              "configURI" : "vfs://fd03eada-a1bd-5419-9733-34752940ca54/foo/bar/config.xml",
                              "inheritConfig": false,
                              "firmwareAssetId": "cc03eafc-a3bd-7419-9731-76762940ca75",
                              "firmwareURI": null,
                              "inheritFirmware": false,
                              "interface": "MANAGEMENT",
                              "iconId": null,
                              "reservationTime": "IMMEDIATE",
                              "vlanIdSet": null,
                              "isOutOfService": false,
                              "outOfServiceTill": null,
                              "isReservedPrivately": false,
                              "tags": [
                              "portCount": 0,
                              "connectedPortCount": 0,
                              "portGroups": [
                                  "id": null,
                                  "name": "No Group",
                                  "portCount": 0
                              "consoleUrls": [],
                              "creatorId": "3e00b83d-eca5-48ad-8cff-e17c75b93206",
                              "created": 1431926047900,
                              "lastModifierId": "3e00b83d-eca5-48ad-8cff-e17c75b93206",
                              "lastModified": 1431926047900,
                              "lastAction": "CREATED",
                              "properties": [
                                  "definitionId": "b3ed092a-7bc3-4663-9458-e39b26d1967c",
                                  "name": "Facility",
                                  "value": "San Jose - Site 4",
                                  "type": "TEXT",
                                  "groupName": "Location Information",
                                  "availableValues": null
                                  "definitionId": "8a3a82e3-2016-4fd9-b025-3f884f34b7e0",
                                  "name": "ipAddress",
                                  "value": null,
                                  "type": "TEXT",
                                  "groupName": "System Identification",
                                  "availableValues": null
                                  "definitionId": "53e01f95-61e5-423e-813e-35e2873ff1d1",
                                  "name": "Hostname",
                                  "value": null,
                                  "type": "TEXT",
                                  "groupName": "System Identification",
                                  "availableValues": null
                                  "definitionId": "9c6f629a-86c2-495d-ad0c-449382f662c8",
                                  "name": "Make",
                                  "value": null,
                                  "type": "TEXT",
                                  "groupName": "System Identification",
                                  "availableValues": null
                                  "definitionId": "805afd36-2532-44a7-b807-e4714863221f",
                                  "name": "Model",
                                  "value": null,
                                  "type": "TEXT",
                                  "groupName": "System Identification",
                                  "availableValues": null
                                  "definitionId": "6517df3f-09f9-40c3-9958-331abc4f007f",
                                  "name": "Serial Number",
                                  "value": null,
                                  "type": "TEXT",
                                  "groupName": "System Identification",
                                  "availableValues": null
                              "userPermissions": [
                                  "userId": "fac31d0a-4f2f-4d0b-8e9c-4ed8b0aca67c",
                                  "permission": "CONSOLE_ADMIN"
                                  "userId": "9ca74477-25f9-4557-9e54-373d13002ed7",
                                  "permission": "CONSOLE_READ_WRITE"
                              "agentRequirements": [
                                  "name": "parent_name1",
                                  "value": "parent_value1",
                                  "executionType": "IGNORED",
                                  "driverId": null
                                  "name": "name1",
                                  "value": "value1",
                                  "executionType": "CONSIDERED"
                              "snapshotAgentRequirements": [
                                  "name": "parent_name1",
                                  "value": "parent_value1",
                                  "executionType": "IGNORED",
                                  "resourceId": "f64b12a8-0d56-4470-9208-329b9b45c647",
                                  "name": "name1",
                                  "value": "value1",
                                  "executionType": "CONSIDERED",
                                  "resourceId": null,
                              "deviceGroups": ["4a2d181a-24e8-43bb-bf3c-a0b1f225dfac"],
                              "isPollingEnabled": true,
                              "width": 0,
                              "height": 0,
                              "fillColour": null,
                              "lineColour": null
                      • Response  200Toggle
                      • Body
                              "id": "31b03a2e-7dc8-4942-9fd0-eaa4116cddd9",
                              "name": "Server #4",
                              "description": "This is server #4",
                              "templateId": "f64b12a8-0d56-4470-9208-329b9b45c647",
                              "folderId": null,
                              "isRemoved": false,
                              "isOnline": false,
                              "isLocked": false,
                              "isShared": true,
                              "linkChecked": null,
                              "driverId": null,
                              "configAssetId": null,
                              "configURI" : "vfs://fd03eada-a1bd-5419-9733-34752940ca54/foo/bar/config.xml",
                              "inheritConfig": false,
                              "firmwareAssetId": "cc03eafc-a3bd-7419-9731-76762940ca75",
                              "firmwareURI": null,
                              "inheritFirmware": false,
                              "interface": "MANAGEMENT",
                              "iconId": null,
                              "reservationTime": "IMMEDIATE",
                              "vlanIdSet": null,
                              "isOutOfService": false,
                              "outOfServiceTill": null,
                              "isReservedPrivately": false,
                              "isRefreshing": false,
                              "isDiscovering": false,
                              "tags": [
                              "portCount": 0,
                              "connectedPortCount": 0,
                              "portGroups": [
                                  "id": null,
                                  "name": "No Group",
                                  "portCount": 0
                              "consoleUrls": [],
                              "creatorId": "3e00b83d-eca5-48ad-8cff-e17c75b93206",
                              "created": 1431926047900,
                              "lastModifierId": "3e00b83d-eca5-48ad-8cff-e17c75b93206",
                              "lastModified": 1431926047900,
                              "lastAction": "CREATED",
                              "properties": [
                                  "definitionId": "b3ed092a-7bc3-4663-9458-e39b26d1967c",
                                  "name": "Facility",
                                  "value": "San Jose - Site 4",
                                  "type": "TEXT",
                                  "groupName": "Location Information",
                                  "availableValues": null
                                  "definitionId": "8a3a82e3-2016-4fd9-b025-3f884f34b7e0",
                                  "name": "ipAddress",
                                  "value": null,
                                  "type": "TEXT",
                                  "groupName": "System Identification",
                                  "availableValues": null
                                  "definitionId": "53e01f95-61e5-423e-813e-35e2873ff1d1",
                                  "name": "Hostname",
                                  "value": null,
                                  "type": "TEXT",
                                  "groupName": "System Identification",
                                  "availableValues": null
                                  "definitionId": "9c6f629a-86c2-495d-ad0c-449382f662c8",
                                  "name": "Make",
                                  "value": null,
                                  "type": "TEXT",
                                  "groupName": "System Identification",
                                  "availableValues": null
                                  "definitionId": "805afd36-2532-44a7-b807-e4714863221f",
                                  "name": "Model",
                                  "value": null,
                                  "type": "TEXT",
                                  "groupName": "System Identification",
                                  "availableValues": null
                                  "definitionId": "6517df3f-09f9-40c3-9958-331abc4f007f",
                                  "name": "Serial Number",
                                  "value": null,
                                  "type": "TEXT",
                                  "groupName": "System Identification",
                                  "availableValues": null
                              "agentRequirements": [
                                  "name": "parent_name1",
                                  "value": "parent_value1",
                                  "executionType": "IGNORED",
                                  "resourceId": "f64b12a8-0d56-4470-9208-329b9b45c647",
                                  "driverId": null
                                  "name": "name1",
                                  "value": "value1",
                                  "executionType": "CONSIDERED",
                                  "resourceId": "31b03a2e-7dc8-4942-9fd0-eaa4116cddd9",
                                  "driverId": null
                              "snapshotAgentRequirements": [
                                  "name": "parent_name1",
                                  "value": "parent_value1",
                                  "executionType": "IGNORED",
                                  "resourceId": "f64b12a8-0d56-4470-9208-329b9b45c647",
                                  "name": "name1",
                                  "value": "value1",
                                  "executionType": "CONSIDERED",
                                  "resourceId": "31b03a2e-7dc8-4942-9fd0-eaa4116cddd9",
                              "deviceGroups": ["4a2d181a-24e8-43bb-bf3c-a0b1f225dfac"],
                              "isPollingEnabled": true,
                              "isEphemeral": false,
                              "width": 0,
                              "height": 0,
                              "fillColour": null,
                              "lineColour": null

                      Creates port group for the device specified by deviceId

                      Full URL: /velocity/api/inventory/v19/device/{deviceId}/port_group

                      Access Level: Admin

                      Request Body:

                      JSON object with the following fields:

                      • name (string, required) - port group name
                      • reserveWholeGroup (boolean) - if true when reservation needs at least one port from group all ports from the same group are reserved
                      • parentId (string, optional) - UUID of the parent group
                      • manualAssociations (list) - list of group IDs for which allowed manual connections for created group
                        • id (string) - UUID of the port group


                      Newly created device port group, the same as if returned by GET /device/{deviceId}/port_group/{portGroupId}

                      Error Codes:

                      • DEVICE_NOT_FOUND - the device was not found
                      • NAME_NOT_UNIQUE - port group with specified name already exists
                      • INVALID_NAME - port group name is malformed
                      • CHILD_GROUP_CONTAIN_ASSOCIATIONS - child port group cannot be associated to other port groups
                      • PARENT_PORT_GROUP_NOT_FOUND - specified parent port group does not exist
                      • PARENT_PORT_GROUP_HAS_PORT - the specified parent port group has ports, do not allowed to add a port group to it
                      • URI Parameters
                      • deviceId
                        string (required) 

                        UUID of the device to create the port group in

                        boolean (optional) Default: false 

                        when true, manual connections allowed within the group

                      • RequestToggle
                      • Body
                              "name": "LAN"
                      • Response  200Toggle
                      • Body
                              "id": "c99c5dbe-b12b-4fce-acf0-30f76a53a0f7",
                              "name": "LAN",
                              "reserveWholeGroup": false,
                              "parentId": null,
                              "manualAssociations": [],
                              "nestedGroups": [],
                              "total": 0,
                              "offset": 0,
                              "count": 0,
                              "ports": []

                      Creates port for the device specified by deviceId

                      Full URL: /velocity/api/inventory/v19/device/{deviceId}/port

                      Access Level: Admin

                      Request Body:

                      JSON object with a subset of the following fields:

                      • name (string, required) - name of the port
                      • description (string, optional) - port description (“” by default)
                      • templateId (string, required) - UUID of the template to inherit from
                      • groupId (string, optional) - UUID of the port group to put this port into (null by default)
                      • connectedPortId (string, optional) - UUID of the port to connect to (specify null to disconnect port)
                      • connectedPortLinkPlace (string, optional) - link place of the port to connect to (FRONT by default; if set, connectedPortId must also be set)
                      • connectionType (string, optional) - type of connection, one of “FIXED”, “DYNAMIC” (FIXED by default; if set, connectedPortId must also be set)
                      • connectedPortCableId (string, optional) - UUID of cable to use for connection
                      • connectedPortCableTypeId (string, optional) - UUID of cable type to use for connection
                      • backConnectedPortId (string, optional) - UUID of the port to connect to patch panel back port (specify null to disconnect back port)
                      • backConnectedPortLinkPlace (string, optional) - link place of the port to connect to patch panel back port (FRONT by default; if set, backConnectedPortId must also be set)
                      • backConnectionType (string, optional) - type of back connection, one of “FIXED”, “DYNAMIC” (FIXED by default; if set, backConnectedPortId must also be set)
                      • backConnectedPortCableId (string, optional) - UUID of cable to use for patch panel back port connection
                      • backConnectedPortCableTypeId (string, optional) - UUID of cable type to use for patch panel back port connection

                      • properties (list, optional) - list of properties with the following fields ([] by default):

                        • definitionId (string, required) - UUID of the property definition from specified template
                        • value (string, optional) - value of the property


                      Newly created device port, the same as if returned by GET /device/{deviceId}/port/{portId}

                      Error Codes:

                      • DEVICE_NOT_FOUND - the device was not found
                      • BAD_TEMPLATE - port type does not match its template type
                      • PORT_GROUP_NOT_FOUND - specified port group was not found
                      • PORT_GROUP_CONTAINS_GROUP - specified port group contains child group(s), therefore it is not allowed to add a port to it
                      • NAME_NOT_UNIQUE - port with the specified name already exists in the device
                      • TEMPLATE_NOT_FOUND - specified template was not found
                      • PROPERTY_NOT_FOUND - one of the specified property definition IDs was not found in the template
                      • PORT_NOT_FOUND - specified port to connect to was not found
                      • PORT_ALREADY_CONNECTED - specified port to connect to was already busy
                      • INVALID_VALUE_TYPE - property value has an invalid type
                      • PROPERTY_BAD_ENUM_VALUE - the value field of property of type “DROP_DOWN_LIST” has a value that is not included in the availableValues list of the corresponding property definition from the template
                      • URI Parameters
                      • deviceId
                        string (required) 

                        UUID of the device to create the port in

                      • RequestToggle
                      • Body
                              "name": "Lan 1",
                              "description": "This is the first LAN port",
                              "templateId": "a5266606-f35b-482b-8c3f-a4317c1ccbb9",
                              "groupId": "c99c5dbe-b12b-4fce-acf0-30f76a53a0f7",
                              "connectedPortId": null,
                              "properties": [
                                  "definitionId": "c6de2ce8-082b-4af0-a364-6fe504dea05a",
                                  "value": "lan1"
                                  "definitionId": "b45d79cf-2c91-4644-a977-4798ebfe2903",
                                  "value": "Ethernet"
                                  "definitionId": "5f25b077-efc9-4138-8298-5cf148bd566c",
                                  "value": "1000"
                      • Response  200Toggle
                      • Body
                              "id": "ff9da5a3-467e-476c-bda3-b1dcc6f5d17d",
                              "name": "Lan 1",
                              "description": "This is the first LAN port",
                              "templateId": "a5266606-f35b-482b-8c3f-a4317c1ccbb9",
                              "groupId": "c99c5dbe-b12b-4fce-acf0-30f76a53a0f7",
                              "connectedPortId": null,
                              "connectedPortName": null,
                              "connectedPortParentId": null,
                              "connectedPortParentName": null,
                              "connectedPortLinkPlace": null,
                              "connectionType": null,
                              "connectedPortCableId": null,
                              "connectedPortCableTypeId": null,                                                
                              "backConnectedPortId": null,
                              "backConnectedPortName": null,
                              "backConnectedPortParentId": null,
                              "backConnectedPortParentName": null,
                              "backConnectedPortLinkPlace": null,
                              "backConnectionType": null,
                              "backConnectedPortCableId": null,
                              "backConnectedPortCableTypeId": null,                                                
                              "isOnline": false,
                              "isLocked": false,
                              "isShared": false,
                              "linkChecked": null,
                              "creatorId": "3e00b83d-eca5-48ad-8cff-e17c75b93206",
                              "created": 1431927081282,
                              "lastModifierId": "3e00b83d-eca5-48ad-8cff-e17c75b93206",
                              "lastModified": 1431927081282,
                              "lastAction": "CREATED",
                              "lockUtilizationType": null,
                              "properties": [
                                  "definitionId": "5f25b077-efc9-4138-8298-5cf148bd566c",
                                  "name": "Port Speed",
                                  "value": "1000",
                                  "type": "TEXT",
                                  "groupName": "System Identification",
                                  "availableValues": null
                                  "definitionId": "b45d79cf-2c91-4644-a977-4798ebfe2903",
                                  "name": "Port Type",
                                  "value": "Ethernet",
                                  "type": "TEXT",
                                  "groupName": "System Identification",
                                  "availableValues": null
                                  "definitionId": "c6de2ce8-082b-4af0-a364-6fe504dea05a",
                                  "name": "portNumber",
                                  "value": "Lan 1",
                                  "type": "TEXT",
                                  "groupName": "System Identification",
                                  "availableValues": null

                      Creates ports for the device specified by deviceId

                      Full URL: /velocity/api/inventory/v19/device/{deviceId}/ports

                      Access Level: Admin

                      Request Body:

                      JSON object with a subset of the following fields:


                      List of newly created device ports with the same fields as if returned by GET /device/{deviceId}/port/{portId}

                      Error Codes:

                      • DEVICE_NOT_FOUND - the device was not found
                      • BAD_TEMPLATE - port type does not match its template type
                      • PORT_GROUP_NOT_FOUND - specified port group was not found
                      • PORT_GROUP_CONTAINS_GROUP - specified port group contains child group(s), therefore it is not allowed to add a port to it
                      • NAME_NOT_UNIQUE - port with the specified name already exists in the device
                      • TEMPLATE_NOT_FOUND - specified template was not found
                      • PROPERTY_NOT_FOUND - one of the specified property definition IDs was not found in the template
                      • PORT_NOT_FOUND - specified port to connect to was not found
                      • PORT_ALREADY_CONNECTED - specified port to connect to was already busy
                      • INVALID_VALUE_TYPE - property value has an invalid type
                      • PROPERTY_BAD_ENUM_VALUE - the value field of property of type “DROP_DOWN_LIST” has a value that is not included in the availableValues list of the corresponding property definition from the template
                      • URI Parameters
                      • deviceId
                        string (required) 

                        UUID of the device to create ports in

                      • RequestToggle
                      • Body
                              "ports": [
                                  "name": "Demo port 1",
                                  "description": "This is a demo port",
                                  "templateId": "633f52c5-55c1-468d-a1f9-1fb27962ffc9",
                                  "groupId": "76d9c8a0-9aad-46af-8397-e2f138ff9ec9",
                                  "properties": [
                                      "definitionId": "ce0d6ff7-7b7c-4266-8bc4-661ac5510570",
                                      "value": "Ethernet"
                                      "definitionId": "2a0ad7af-3f36-496e-8f0d-dba3b182b953",
                                      "value": 1000
                                      "definitionId": "17e9ab3b-f8c0-4af8-aa68-7caedb1c16bd",
                                      "value": "demo 1"
                                  "name": "Demo port 2",
                                  "description": "This is a demo port",
                                  "templateId": "633f52c5-55c1-468d-a1f9-1fb27962ffc9",
                                  "groupId": "76d9c8a0-9aad-46af-8397-e2f138ff9ec9",
                                  "properties": [
                                      "definitionId": "ce0d6ff7-7b7c-4266-8bc4-661ac5510570",
                                      "value": "Ethernet"
                                      "definitionId": "2a0ad7af-3f36-496e-8f0d-dba3b182b953",
                                      "value": 1000
                                      "definitionId": "17e9ab3b-f8c0-4af8-aa68-7caedb1c16bd",
                                      "value": "demo 2"
                      • Response  200Toggle
                      • Body
                              "ports": [
                                  "id": "3e901737-d06a-4af9-be0f-844fa57ba373",
                                  "name": "Demo port 1",
                                  "description": "This is a demo port",
                                  "templateId": "633f52c5-55c1-468d-a1f9-1fb27962ffc9",
                                  "groupId": "76d9c8a0-9aad-46af-8397-e2f138ff9ec9",
                                  "connectedPortId": null,
                                  "connectedPortName": null,
                                  "connectedPortParentId": null,
                                  "connectedPortParentName": null,
                                  "connectedPortLinkPlace": null,
                                  "connectionType": null,
                                  "connectedPortCableId": null,
                                  "connectedPortCableTypeId": null,                                                    
                                  "backConnectedPortId": null,
                                  "backConnectedPortName": null,
                                  "backConnectedPortParentId": null,
                                  "backConnectedPortParentName": null,
                                  "backConnectedPortLinkPlace": null,
                                  "backConnectionType": null,
                                  "backConnectedPortCableId": null,
                                  "backConnectedPortCableTypeId": null,                                                    
                                  "isOnline": false,
                                  "isLocked": false,
                                  "isShared": false,
                                  "linkChecked": null,
                                  "isReportedByDriver": false,
                                  "creatorId": "79389ac4-2f83-41c6-9fef-eec55bf307a5",
                                  "created": 1434526469392,
                                  "lastModifierId": "79389ac4-2f83-41c6-9fef-eec55bf307a5",
                                  "lastModified": 1434526469392,
                                  "lastAction": "CREATED",
                                  "lockUtilizationType": null,
                                  "properties": [
                                      "definitionId": "ce0d6ff7-7b7c-4266-8bc4-661ac5510570",
                                      "name": "Port Type",
                                      "value": "Ethernet",
                                      "type": "TEXT",
                                      "groupName": "System Identification",
                                      "availableValues": null
                                      "definitionId": "2a0ad7af-3f36-496e-8f0d-dba3b182b953",
                                      "name": "Port Speed",
                                      "value": "1000",
                                      "type": "INTEGER",
                                      "groupName": "System Identification",
                                      "availableValues": null
                                      "definitionId": "17e9ab3b-f8c0-4af8-aa68-7caedb1c16bd",
                                      "name": "Demo enum property",
                                      "value": "demo 1",
                                      "type": "DROP_DOWN_LIST",
                                      "groupName": "Demo group",
                                      "availableValues": [
                                        "demo 1",
                                        "demo 2",
                                        "demo 3"
                                      "definitionId": "bc5c8178-445b-48af-846e-094f5f274e19",
                                      "name": "portNumber",
                                      "value": "Demo port 1",
                                      "type": "TEXT",
                                      "groupName": "System Identification",
                                      "availableValues": null
                                  "id": "228cd4db-5d6d-4959-979a-8387baf7a7cb",
                                  "name": "Demo port 2",
                                  "description": "This is a demo port",
                                  "templateId": "633f52c5-55c1-468d-a1f9-1fb27962ffc9",
                                  "groupId": "76d9c8a0-9aad-46af-8397-e2f138ff9ec9",
                                  "connectedPortId": null,
                                  "connectedPortName": null,
                                  "connectedPortParentId": null,
                                  "connectedPortParentName": null,
                                  "connectedPortLinkPlace": null,
                                  "connectionType": null,
                                  "connectedPortCableId": null,
                                  "connectedPortCableTypeId": null,                                                    
                                  "backConnectedPortId": null,
                                  "backConnectedPortName": null,
                                  "backConnectedPortParentId": null,
                                  "backConnectedPortParentName": null,
                                  "backConnectedPortLinkPlace": null,
                                  "backConnectionType": null,
                                  "backConnectedPortCableId": null,
                                  "backConnectedPortCableTypeId": null,                                                    
                                  "isOnline": false,
                                  "isLocked": false,
                                  "isShared": false,
                                  "linkChecked": null,
                                  "isReportedByDriver": false,
                                  "creatorId": "79389ac4-2f83-41c6-9fef-eec55bf307a5",
                                  "created": 1434526469478,
                                  "lastModifierId": "79389ac4-2f83-41c6-9fef-eec55bf307a5",
                                  "lastModified": 1434526469478,
                                  "lastAction": "CREATED",
                                  "lockUtilizationType": null,
                                  "properties": [
                                      "definitionId": "ce0d6ff7-7b7c-4266-8bc4-661ac5510570",
                                      "name": "Port Type",
                                      "value": "Ethernet",
                                      "type": "TEXT",
                                      "groupName": "System Identification",
                                      "availableValues": null
                                      "definitionId": "2a0ad7af-3f36-496e-8f0d-dba3b182b953",
                                      "name": "Port Speed",
                                      "value": "1000",
                                      "type": "INTEGER",
                                      "groupName": "System Identification",
                                      "availableValues": null
                                      "definitionId": "17e9ab3b-f8c0-4af8-aa68-7caedb1c16bd",
                                      "name": "Demo enum property",
                                      "value": "demo 2",
                                      "type": "DROP_DOWN_LIST",
                                      "groupName": "Demo group",
                                      "availableValues": [
                                        "demo 1",
                                        "demo 2",
                                        "demo 3"
                                      "definitionId": "bc5c8178-445b-48af-846e-094f5f274e19",
                                      "name": "portNumber",
                                      "value": "Demo port 2",
                                      "type": "TEXT",
                                      "groupName": "System Identification",
                                      "availableValues": null
                      • Response  400Toggle
                      • Body
                              "status": 400,
                              "errorId": "PORT_ALREADY_CONNECTED",
                              "message": "Specified port is already connected to another port",
                              "moreInfo": {
                                "ids": [

                      Returns all devices that inherit(probably recursively) from specified template.

                      Full URL: /velocity/api/inventory/v19/devices/resource_templates/{templateId}

                      Access Level: User


                      Device list represented the same way as in GET /devices


                      • pageable
                      • filterable by id, name, folderId, isOnline, isShared, isOutOfService, isPollingEnabled, iconId, driverId, configAssetId, firmwareAssetId, interface, creatorId, lastModifierId, lastAction
                      • URI Parameters
                      • searchString
                        string (optional) 

                        if specified, only devices whose name match the string are returned

                      • Response  200Toggle
                      • Body
                              "total": 1,
                              "offset": 0,
                              "count": 1,
                              "devices": [
                                  "id": "a642c0a2-5b08-4d61-b328-ac62f5870abf",
                                  "name": "Test Switch",
                                  "description": "",
                                  "templateId": "f56c0a5-7b45-4d23-f743-cd45f6854acd",
                                  "folderId": "ac03eafc-a5bd-3419-9435-46712920ca23",
                                  "isOnline": true,
                                  "isLocked": true,
                                  "isShared": true,
                                  "linkChecked": 1378621237200,
                                  "iconId": "a642c0a2-5b08-4d61-b328-ac62f5870abf",
                                  "vlanIdSet": "300-400",
                                  "isOutOfService": false,
                                  "outOfServiceTill": null,
                                  "isReservedPrivately": false,
                                  "tags": ["test"],
                                  "driverId": "c345c0a2-5b15-2d61-f332-bf62f5870dbc",
                                  "configAssetId": null,
                                  "configURI" : "vfs://fd03eada-a1bd-5419-9733-34752940ca54/foo/bar/config.xml",
                                  "inheritConfig": false,
                                  "firmwareAssetId": "cc03eafc-a3bd-7419-9731-76762940ca75",
                                  "firmwareURI": null,
                                  "inheritFirmware": false,
                                  "interface": "CONFIGURABLE_LAYER2_SWITCH",
                                  "portCount": 2,
                                  "consoleUrls": [
                                          "id": "cc03eafc-5b15-2d61-f332-bf62f5879733",
                                          "name": "SSH",
                                          "url": "ssh://",
                                          "clientUrl": ""
                                  "connectedPortCount": 1,
                                  "creatorId": "3f744d00-ea76-4454-9665-8690fb0f1ffe",
                                  "created": 1378621237001,
                                  "lastModifierId": "3f744d00-ea76-4454-9665-8690fb0f1ffe",
                                  "lastModified": 1378621237200,
                                  "lastAction": "LOCKED",
                                  "deviceGroups": ["5f744d00-ea76-4454-9665-8690fb0f1ffe"],
                                  "isPollingEnabled": true

                      Returns devices which can be a parent for specified devices.

                      Full URL: /velocity/api/inventory/v19/devices/host_candidates

                      Access Level: User

                      Request Body:

                      JSON body with the following fields:

                      • ids (list, required) - UUID’s of devices for which we are looking a parent


                      Device list represented the same way as in GET /devices


                      • pageable
                      • filterable by id, name, folderId, isOnline, isShared, isOutOfService, isPollingEnabled iconId, driverId, configAssetId, firmwareAssetId, interface, creatorId, lastModifierId, lastAction
                      • URI Parameters
                      • searchString
                        string (optional) 

                        if specified, only devices whose name match the string are returned

                      • Response  200Toggle
                      • Body
                              "total": 1,
                              "offset": 0,
                              "count": 1,
                              "devices": [
                                  "id": "a642c0a2-5b08-4d61-b328-ac62f5870abf",
                                  "name": "Test Switch",
                                  "description": "",
                                  "templateId": "f56c0a5-7b45-4d23-f743-cd45f6854acd",
                                  "folderId": "ac03eafc-a5bd-3419-9435-46712920ca23",
                                  "isOnline": true,
                                  "isLocked": true,
                                  "isShared": true,
                                  "linkChecked": 1378621237200,
                                  "iconId": "a642c0a2-5b08-4d61-b328-ac62f5870abf",
                                  "vlanIdSet": "300-400",
                                  "isOutOfService": false,
                                  "outOfServiceTill": null,
                                  "isReservedPrivately": false,
                                  "tags": ["test"],
                                  "driverId": "c345c0a2-5b15-2d61-f332-bf62f5870dbc",
                                  "configAssetId": null,
                                  "configURI" : "vfs://fd03eada-a1bd-5419-9733-34752940ca54/foo/bar/config.xml",
                                  "inheritConfig": false,
                                  "firmwareAssetId": "cc03eafc-a3bd-7419-9731-76762940ca75",
                                  "firmwareURI": null,
                                  "inheritFirmware": false,
                                  "interface": "CONFIGURABLE_LAYER2_SWITCH",
                                  "portCount": 2,
                                  "consoleUrls": [
                                          "id": "cc03eafc-5b15-2d61-f332-bf62f5879733",
                                          "name": "SSH",
                                          "url": "ssh://",
                                          "clientUrl": ""
                                  "connectedPortCount": 1,
                                  "creatorId": "3f744d00-ea76-4454-9665-8690fb0f1ffe",
                                  "created": 1378621237001,
                                  "lastModifierId": "3f744d00-ea76-4454-9665-8690fb0f1ffe",
                                  "lastModified": 1378621237200,
                                  "lastAction": "LOCKED",
                                  "deviceGroups": ["5f744d00-ea76-4454-9665-8690fb0f1ffe"],
                                  "isPollingEnabled": true

                      Add nested devices to a parent device.

                      Full URL: /velocity/api/inventory/v19/device/{deviceId}/nested_resources

                      Access Level: Admin

                      Request Body:

                      JSON body with the following fields:

                      • ids (list, required) - UUID’s of nested devices

                      Error Codes:

                      • DEVICE_NOT_FOUND - the parent device or nested device was not found
                      • RESOURCE_LOCKED - the parent device or nested device is currently locked
                      • BAD_NESTED_RESOURCE - the current templates structure does not allow nest specified devices to the parent device
                      • URI Parameters
                      • deviceId
                        string (required) 

                        UUID of the parent device

                        string (optional) 

                        UUID of the nested template. If this parameter is not specified the closest in hierarchy nested template will be used.


                        Delete nested devices from a parent device.

                        Full URL: /velocity/api/inventory/v19/devices/{deviceId}/nested_resources_delete

                        Access Level: Admin

                        Request Body:

                        JSON body with the following fields:

                        • ids (list, required) - UUID’s of nested devices

                        Error Codes:

                        • DEVICE_NOT_FOUND - the parent device or nested device was not found
                        • RESOURCE_LOCKED - the parent device or nested device is currently locked
                        • BAD_NESTED_RESOURCE - the specified devices are not nested to the parent device
                        • URI Parameters
                        • deviceId
                          string (required) 

                          UUID of the parent device


                          Returns a chain of parent devices for a specified device.

                          Full URL: /velocity/api/inventory/v19/device/{deviceId}/hosts_chain

                          Access Level: User


                          Chain of parent devices is sorted from the nearest parent to the farthest.

                          • items (list)
                          • id (string) - UUID of the device
                          • name (string) - name of the device
                          • isAccessible (boolean) - true, if the device is accessible, false otherwise
                          • URI Parameters
                          • deviceId
                            string (required) 

                            UUID of the device

                          • Response  200Toggle
                          • Body
                                    "items": [
                                            "id": "89855948-6044-4184-ac94-b3a24185529a",
                                            "name": "Rack",
                                            "isAccessible": true
                                            "id": "ebfc0c57-85e5-4445-9f57-b4487dd60edf",
                                            "name": "Lab",
                                            "isAccessible": true
                                    "count": 2,
                                    "offset": 0,
                                    "total": 2

                          Performs an action on the device specified by deviceId.

                          The “refresh” action schedules a task to refresh the status of the specified device.

                          The “discover” action schedules an auto-discovery task for the specified device.

                          Full URL: /velocity/api/inventory/v19/device/{deviceId}/action

                          Access Level: Admin

                          Error Codes:

                          • DEVICE_NOT_FOUND - specified device was not found
                          • URI Parameters
                          • deviceId
                            string (required) 

                            UUID of the device

                            string (required) 

                            type of the action

                            Choices: refresh discover 


                            Updates coordinates for nested device.

                            Full URL: /velocity/api/inventory/v19/devices/{deviceId}/nested_coordinates

                            Access Level: Admin

                            Request Body: JSON object with the following fields:

                            • column (string) - device column coordinate (A-Z)
                            • row (number) - device row coordinate (1-…)


                            Returns basic information of newly updated device, the same as if returned by GET /devices

                            Error Codes:

                            • DEVICE_NOT_FOUND - specified device was not found
                            • BAD_NESTED_RESOURCE - specified device are not nested to the parent device
                            • NESTED_COORDINATES_ARE_ALREADY_USED - nested coordinates already used for other nested devices which has the common host device
                            • URI Parameters
                            • deviceId
                              string (required) 

                              UUID of the device to update

                            • RequestToggle
                            • Body
                                      "column": "A",
                                      "row": 1
                            • Response  200Toggle
                            • Body
                                      "id": "a642c0a2-5b08-4d61-b328-ac62f5870abf",
                                      "name": "Test Switch",
                                      "description": "",
                                      "templateId": "f56c0a5-7b45-4d23-f743-cd45f6854acd",
                                      "folderId": "ac03eafc-a5bd-3419-9435-46712920ca23",
                                      "isOnline": true,
                                      "isLocked": true,
                                      "isShared": true,
                                      "reservationTime": "IMMEDIATE",
                                      "linkChecked": 1378621237200,
                                      "iconId": "a642c0a2-5b08-4d61-b328-ac62f5870abf",
                                      "vlanIdSet": "300-400",
                                      "isOutOfService": false,
                                      "outOfServiceReason": "MANUAL",
                                      "outOfServiceTill": null,
                                      "isReservedPrivately": false,
                                      "tags": [],
                                      "driverId": "c345c0a2-5b15-2d61-f332-bf62f5870dbc",
                                      "configAssetId": null,
                                      "configURI" : "vfs://fd03eada-a1bd-5419-9733-34752940ca54/foo/bar/config.xml",
                                      "inheritConfig": false,
                                      "firmwareAssetId": "cc03eafc-a3bd-7419-9731-76762940ca75",
                                      "firmwareURI": null,
                                      "inheritFirmware": false,
                                      "interface": "CONFIGURABLE_LAYER2_SWITCH",
                                      "portCount": 2,
                                      "consoleUrls": [
                                              "id": "cc03eafc-5b15-2d61-f332-bf62f5879733",
                                              "name": "SSH",
                                              "url": "ssh://",
                                              "clientUrl": ""
                                      "connectedPortCount": 1,
                                      "creatorId": "3f744d00-ea76-4454-9665-8690fb0f1ffe",
                                      "created": 1378621237001,
                                      "lastModifierId": "3f744d00-ea76-4454-9665-8690fb0f1ffe",
                                      "lastModified": 1378621237200,
                                      "lastAction": "LOCKED",
                                      "deviceGroups": ["5f744d00-ea76-4454-9665-8690fb0f1ffe"],
                                      "isPollingEnabled": true,
                                      "lockUtilizationType": "SHARED",
                                      "isEphemeral": false,
                                      "width": 0,
                                      "height": 0,
                                      "fillColour": null,
                                      "lineColour": null,
                                      "nestedCoordinates": {
                                          "column": "A",
                                          "row": 1

                            Updates the device specified by deviceId

                            Full URL: /velocity/api/inventory/v19/device/{deviceId}

                            Access Level: Admin, Resource Group Admin

                            Request Body: JSON object with any subset of fields from the corresponding POST request. The consoleUrls items are updated by corresponding ids. If id is null for a item, it will be added. Resource Group Admin should provide at least one administered device group


                            Newly updated device, the same as if returned by GET /device/{deviceId}

                            Error Codes:

                            • DEVICE_NOT_FOUND - specified device was not found
                            • TEMPLATE_NOT_FOUND - specified template was not found
                            • PROPERTY_INHERITED - For inherited property settings, you can modify only the default value
                            • CONFIG_NOT_FOUND - specified config was not found
                            • FIRMWARE_NOT_FOUND - specified image was not found
                            • FOLDER_NOT_FOUND - specified folder was not found
                            • ICON_NOT_FOUND - specified icon was not found
                            • NAME_NOT_UNIQUE - device with specified name already exists
                            • INVALID_VALUE_TYPE - property value has an invalid type
                            • PROPERTY_BAD_ENUM_VALUE - The value field of property of type “DROP_DOWN_LIST” has a value that is not included in the availableValues list of the corresponding property definition from the template
                            • INVALID_VLAN_ID_SET - specified VLAN ID set is not valid
                            • SCHEDULE_ERROR - the device is out of service, but specified out of service till date is not in the future
                            • URI Parameters
                            • deviceId
                              string (required) 

                              UUID of the device to update

                            • RequestToggle
                            • Body
                                    "name": "Server #444",
                                    "description": "This is server #444",
                                    "templateId": "f64b12a8-0d56-4470-9208-329b9b45c647",
                                    "folderId": null,
                                    "isShared": true,
                                    "driverId": null,
                                    "configAssetId": null,
                                    "configURI" : "vfs://fd03eada-a1bd-5419-9733-34752940ca54/foo/bar/config.xml",
                                    "inheritConfig": false,
                                    "firmwareAssetId": "cc03eafc-a3bd-7419-9731-76762940ca75",
                                    "firmwareURI": null,
                                    "inheritFirmware": false,
                                    "interface": "MANAGEMENT",
                                    "iconId": null,
                                    "reservationTime": "IMMEDIATE",
                                    "vlanIdSet": null,
                                    "isOutOfService": false,
                                    "outOfServiceTill": null,
                                    "isReservedPrivately": false,
                                    "tags": [
                                    "consoleUrls": [],
                                    "properties": [
                                        "definitionId": "b3ed092a-7bc3-4663-9458-e39b26d1967c",
                                        "name": "Facility",
                                        "value": "San Jose - Site 4",
                                        "type": "TEXT",
                                        "groupName": "Location Information",
                                        "availableValues": null
                                        "definitionId": "8a3a82e3-2016-4fd9-b025-3f884f34b7e0",
                                        "name": "ipAddress",
                                        "value": null,
                                        "type": "TEXT",
                                        "groupName": "System Identification",
                                        "availableValues": null
                                        "definitionId": "53e01f95-61e5-423e-813e-35e2873ff1d1",
                                        "name": "Hostname",
                                        "value": null,
                                        "type": "TEXT",
                                        "groupName": "System Identification",
                                        "availableValues": null
                                        "definitionId": "9c6f629a-86c2-495d-ad0c-449382f662c8",
                                        "name": "Make",
                                        "value": null,
                                        "type": "TEXT",
                                        "groupName": "System Identification",
                                        "availableValues": null
                                        "definitionId": "805afd36-2532-44a7-b807-e4714863221f",
                                        "name": "Model",
                                        "value": null,
                                        "type": "TEXT",
                                        "groupName": "System Identification",
                                        "availableValues": null
                                        "definitionId": "6517df3f-09f9-40c3-9958-331abc4f007f",
                                        "name": "Serial Number",
                                        "value": null,
                                        "type": "TEXT",
                                        "groupName": "System Identification",
                                        "availableValues": null
                                    "agentRequirements": [
                                        "name": "parent_name1",
                                        "value": "parent_value1",
                                        "executionType": "IGNORED",
                                        "driverId": null
                                        "name": "name1",
                                        "value": "value1",
                                        "executionType": "CONSIDERED",
                                        "driverId": null
                                      "snapshotAgentRequirements": [
                                        "name": "parent_name1",
                                        "value": "parent_value1",
                                        "executionType": "IGNORED",
                                        "resourceId": "f64b12a8-0d56-4470-9208-329b9b45c647"
                                        "name": "name1",
                                        "value": "value1",
                                        "executionType": "CONSIDERED",
                                        "driverId": null
                                    "deviceGroups": ["f64b12a8-0d56-4470-9208-329b9b45c648"],
                                    "isPollingEnabled": true
                            • Response  200Toggle
                            • Body
                                    "id": "31b03a2e-7dc8-4942-9fd0-eaa4116cddd9",
                                    "name": "Server #444",
                                    "description": "This is server #444",
                                    "templateId": "f64b12a8-0d56-4470-9208-329b9b45c647",
                                    "folderId": null,
                                    "isRemoved": false,
                                    "isOnline": false,
                                    "isLocked": false,
                                    "isShared": true,
                                    "linkChecked": null,
                                    "driverId": null,
                                    "configAssetId": null,
                                    "configURI" : "vfs://fd03eada-a1bd-5419-9733-34752940ca54/foo/bar/config.xml",
                                    "inheritConfig": false,
                                    "firmwareAssetId": "cc03eafc-a3bd-7419-9731-76762940ca75",
                                    "firmwareURI": null,
                                    "inheritFirmware": false,
                                    "interface": "MANAGEMENT",
                                    "iconId": null,
                                    "reservationTime": "IMMEDIATE",
                                    "vlanIdSet": null,
                                    "isOutOfService": false,
                                    "outOfServiceTill": null,
                                    "isReservedPrivately": false,
                                    "isRefreshing": false,
                                    "isDiscovering": false,
                                    "tags": [
                                    "portCount": 0,
                                    "connectedPortCount": 0,
                                    "portGroups": [
                                        "id": null,
                                        "name": "No Group",
                                        "portCount": 0
                                    "consoleUrls": [],
                                    "creatorId": "3e00b83d-eca5-48ad-8cff-e17c75b93206",
                                    "created": 1431926047900,
                                    "lastModifierId": "3e00b83d-eca5-48ad-8cff-e17c75b93206",
                                    "lastModified": 1431926488363,
                                    "lastAction": "MODIFIED",
                                    "properties": [
                                        "definitionId": "b3ed092a-7bc3-4663-9458-e39b26d1967c",
                                        "name": "Facility",
                                        "value": "San Jose - Site 4",
                                        "type": "TEXT",
                                        "groupName": "Location Information",
                                        "availableValues": null
                                        "definitionId": "8a3a82e3-2016-4fd9-b025-3f884f34b7e0",
                                        "name": "ipAddress",
                                        "value": null,
                                        "type": "TEXT",
                                        "groupName": "System Identification",
                                        "availableValues": null
                                        "definitionId": "53e01f95-61e5-423e-813e-35e2873ff1d1",
                                        "name": "Hostname",
                                        "value": null,
                                        "type": "TEXT",
                                        "groupName": "System Identification",
                                        "availableValues": null
                                        "definitionId": "9c6f629a-86c2-495d-ad0c-449382f662c8",
                                        "name": "Make",
                                        "value": null,
                                        "type": "TEXT",
                                        "groupName": "System Identification",
                                        "availableValues": null
                                        "definitionId": "805afd36-2532-44a7-b807-e4714863221f",
                                        "name": "Model",
                                        "value": null,
                                        "type": "TEXT",
                                        "groupName": "System Identification",
                                        "availableValues": null
                                        "definitionId": "6517df3f-09f9-40c3-9958-331abc4f007f",
                                        "name": "Serial Number",
                                        "value": null,
                                        "type": "TEXT",
                                        "groupName": "System Identification",
                                        "availableValues": null
                                    "agentRequirements": [
                                        "name": "parent_name1",
                                        "value": "parent_value1",
                                        "executionType": "IGNORED",
                                        "resourceId": "f64b12a8-0d56-4470-9208-329b9b45c647",
                                        "driverId": null
                                        "name": "name1",
                                        "value": "value1",
                                        "executionType": "CONSIDERED",
                                        "resourceId": "31b03a2e-7dc8-4942-9fd0-eaa4116cddd9",
                                        "driverId": null
                                    "snapshotAgentRequirements": [
                                        "name": "parent_name1",
                                        "value": "parent_value1",
                                        "executionType": "IGNORED",
                                        "resourceId": "f64b12a8-0d56-4470-9208-329b9b45c647"
                                        "name": "name1",
                                        "value": "value1",
                                        "executionType": "CONSIDERED",
                                        "resourceId": "31b03a2e-7dc8-4942-9fd0-eaa4116cddd9"
                                    "deviceGroups": ["f64b12a8-0d56-4470-9208-329b9b45c648"],
                                    "isPollingEnabled": true

                            Updates an attribute of multiple devices.

                            Full URL: /velocity/api/inventory/v19/devices

                            Access Level: Admin, Resource Group Admin

                            Request Body:

                            JSON object with the following fields:

                            • folderId (string, required) - UUID of the folder to put topologies into


                            List of newly updated devices with the same fields as if returned by GET /devices.

                            Error Codes:

                            • FOLDER_NOT_FOUND - the folder was not found
                            • URI Parameters
                            • filter
                              string (required) 

                              filterable by the same set of options as GET /devices

                              string (optional) 

                              will update only devices whose names, descriptions, or properties match the string

                              boolean (optional) 

                              when true, only devices containing 1 or more ports are updated. When false, only devices without ports are updated.

                            • RequestToggle
                            • Body
                                "folderId": "662e5bc3-e2ed-4c74-a4be-2a7f79d84fc7"
                            • Response  200Toggle
                            • Body
                                    "devices": [
                                        "id": "2d4d6fad-766c-4f28-a961-e92d936a6412",
                                        "name": "PC #1",
                                        "description": "",
                                        "templateId": "fea52e8b-8d75-455e-baa5-80751d9625c7",
                                        "folderId": "662e5bc3-e2ed-4c74-a4be-2a7f79d84fc7",
                                        "isOnline": false,
                                        "isLocked": false,
                                        "isShared": true,
                                        "linkChecked": null,
                                        "driverId": "e660edc3-e5b6-4ecd-bcd9-5a152ffb94ec",
                                        "configAssetId": null,
                                        "configURI" : null,
                                        "inheritConfig": false,
                                        "firmwareAssetId": null,
                                        "firmwareURI": null,
                                        "inheritFirmware": false,
                                        "interface": "MANAGEMENT",
                                        "iconId": "92869974-df77-42cf-a330-e3f9714ba4dd",
                                        "vlanIdSet": null,
                                        "isOutOfService": false,
                                        "outOfServiceTill": null,
                                        "isReservedPrivately": false,
                                        "tags": [],
                                        "portCount": 1,
                                        "connectedPortCount": 0,
                                        "creatorId": "f8204003-4d02-4d97-a3b8-034296f2e745",
                                        "created": 1434719177984,
                                        "lastModifierId": "f8204003-4d02-4d97-a3b8-034296f2e745",
                                        "lastModified": 1434719178275,
                                        "lastAction": "MODIFIED",
                                        "isPollingEnabled": true
                                        "id": "a15c290a-bcb5-456b-8633-9017924e55e9",
                                        "name": "PC #2",
                                        "description": "",
                                        "templateId": "fea52e8b-8d75-455e-baa5-80751d9625c7",
                                        "folderId": "662e5bc3-e2ed-4c74-a4be-2a7f79d84fc7",
                                        "isOnline": false,
                                        "isLocked": false,
                                        "isShared": true,
                                        "linkChecked": null,
                                        "driverId": "e660edc3-e5b6-4ecd-bcd9-5a152ffb94ec",
                                        "configAssetId": null,
                                        "configURI" : null,
                                        "inheritConfig": false,
                                        "firmwareAssetId": null,
                                        "firmwareURI": null,
                                        "inheritFirmware": false,
                                        "interface": "MANAGEMENT",
                                        "iconId": "81c92852-1d49-4121-ac07-c4ca25a292f4",
                                        "vlanIdSet": null,
                                        "isOutOfService": false,
                                        "outOfServiceTill": null,
                                        "isReservedPrivately": false,
                                        "tags": [],
                                        "portCount": 1,
                                        "connectedPortCount": 0,
                                        "creatorId": "f8204003-4d02-4d97-a3b8-034296f2e745",
                                        "created": 1434719178341,
                                        "lastModifierId": "f8204003-4d02-4d97-a3b8-034296f2e745",
                                        "lastModified": 1434719178541,
                                        "lastAction": "MODIFIED",
                                        "isPollingEnabled": true

                            Updates port group in the device specified by deviceId

                            Full URL: /velocity/api/inventory/v19/device/{deviceId}/port_group/{portGroupId}

                            Access Level: Admin

                            Request Body:

                            JSON object with any subset of fields from the corresponding POST request


                            Newly updated device port group, the same as if returned by GET /device/{deviceId}/port_group/{portGroupId}

                            Error Codes:

                            • DEVICE_NOT_FOUND
                            • PORT_GROUP_NOT_FOUND
                            • NAME_NOT_UNIQUE - port group with specified name already exists
                            • INVALID_NAME - port group name is malformed
                            • CHILD_GROUP_CONTAIN_ASSOCIATIONS - child port group cannot be associated to other port groups
                            • PARENT_PORT_GROUP_NOT_FOUND - specified parent port group does not exist
                            • PARENT_PORT_GROUP_HAS_PORT - the specified parent port group has ports, do not allowed to add a port group to it
                            • PORT_GROUP_CONTAINS_GROUP - when trying to set reserve whole group to true for non leaf group
                            • URI Parameters
                            • deviceId
                              string (required) 

                              UUID of the device containing the port group

                              string (required) 

                              UUID of the port group to update

                              string (optional) 

                              UUID of the device, if not null then port group will be moved to specified device

                              boolean (optional) Default: false 

                              when true, all ports of the updated port group and nested groups will be disconnected

                            • RequestToggle
                            • Body
                                    "name": "Lan ports"
                            • Response  200Toggle
                            • Body
                                    "id": "c99c5dbe-b12b-4fce-acf0-30f76a53a0f7",
                                    "name": "Lan ports",
                                    "reserveWholeGroup": false,
                                    "total": 1,
                                    "offset": 0,
                                    "count": 1,
                                    "ports": [
                                        "id": "ff9da5a3-467e-476c-bda3-b1dcc6f5d17d",
                                        "name": "Lan 1",
                                        "description": "This is the first LAN port",
                                        "templateId": "a5266606-f35b-482b-8c3f-a4317c1ccbb9",
                                        "groupId": "c99c5dbe-b12b-4fce-acf0-30f76a53a0f7",
                                        "connectedPortId": null,
                                        "connectedPortName": null,
                                        "connectedPortParentId": null,
                                        "connectedPortParentName": null,
                                        "connectedPortLinkPlace": null,
                                        "connectionType": null,
                                        "connectedPortCableId": null,
                                        "connectedPortCableTypeId": null,                                                    
                                        "backConnectedPortId": null,
                                        "backConnectedPortName": null,
                                        "backConnectedPortParentId": null,
                                        "backConnectedPortParentName": null,
                                        "backConnectedPortLinkPlace": null,
                                        "backConnectionType": null,
                                        "backConnectedPortCableId": null,
                                        "backConnectedPortCableTypeId": null,                                                    
                                        "isOnline": false,
                                        "isShared": false,
                                        "linkChecked": null,
                                        "creatorId": "3e00b83d-eca5-48ad-8cff-e17c75b93206",
                                        "created": 1431927081282,
                                        "lastModifierId": "3e00b83d-eca5-48ad-8cff-e17c75b93206",
                                        "lastModified": 1431927081282,
                                        "lastAction": "CREATED",
                                        "lockUtilizationType": null

                            Updates port in the device specified by deviceId

                            Full URL: /velocity/api/inventory/v19/device/{deviceId}/port/{portId}

                            Access Level: Admin

                            Request Body:

                            JSON object with any subset of fields from the corresponding POST request


                            Newly updated device port, the same as if returned by GET /device/{deviceId}/port/{portId}

                            Error Codes:

                            • DEVICE_NOT_FOUND - the device was not found
                            • PORT_NOT_FOUND - the port or specified port to connect to was not found
                            • PORT_GROUP_NOT_FOUND - specified port group was not found
                            • PORT_GROUP_CONTAINS_GROUP - specified port group contains child group(s), therefore it is not allowed to add a port to it
                            • PROPERTY_INHERITED - For inherited property settings, you can modify only the default value
                            • NAME_NOT_UNIQUE - port with the specified name already exists in the device
                            • TEMPLATE_NOT_FOUND - specified template was not found
                            • BAD_TEMPLATE - port type does not match its template type
                            • PROPERTY_NOT_FOUND - one of specified property definition IDs was not found in the template
                            • PORT_ALREADY_CONNECTED - specified port to connect to was already busy
                            • INVALID_LINK - A port cannot be connected with itself
                            • INVALID_VALUE_TYPE - property value has an invalid type
                            • PROPERTY_BAD_ENUM_VALUE - The value field of property of type “DROP_DOWN_LIST” has a value that is not included in the availableValues list of the corresponding property definition from the template
                            • URI Parameters
                            • deviceId
                              string (required) 

                              UUID of the device containing port to update

                              string (required) 

                              UUID of the port to update

                            • RequestToggle
                            • Body
                                    "name": "Lan 2",
                                    "description": "This is the second LAN port",
                                    "templateId": "a5266606-f35b-482b-8c3f-a4317c1ccbb9",
                                    "groupId": "c99c5dbe-b12b-4fce-acf0-30f76a53a0f7",
                                    "isOnline": false,
                                    "isShared": false,
                                    "connectedPortId": null,
                                    "properties": [
                                        "definitionId": "5f25b077-efc9-4138-8298-5cf148bd566c",
                                        "value": "1000"
                                        "definitionId": "b45d79cf-2c91-4644-a977-4798ebfe2903",
                                        "value": "Ethernet"
                                        "definitionId": "c6de2ce8-082b-4af0-a364-6fe504dea05a",
                                        "value": "Lan 2"
                            • Response  200Toggle
                            • Body
                                    "id": "ff9da5a3-467e-476c-bda3-b1dcc6f5d17d",
                                    "name": "Lan 2",
                                    "description": "This is the second LAN port",
                                    "templateId": "a5266606-f35b-482b-8c3f-a4317c1ccbb9",
                                    "groupId": "c99c5dbe-b12b-4fce-acf0-30f76a53a0f7",
                                    "connectedPortId": null,
                                    "connectedPortName": null,
                                    "connectedPortParentId": null,
                                    "connectedPortParentName": null,
                                    "connectedPortLinkPlace": null,
                                    "connectionType": null,
                                    "connectedPortCableId": null,
                                    "connectedPortCableTypeId": null,                                                
                                    "backConnectedPortId": null,
                                    "backConnectedPortName": null,
                                    "backConnectedPortParentId": null,
                                    "backConnectedPortParentName": null,
                                    "backConnectedPortLinkPlace": null,
                                    "backConnectionType": null,
                                    "backConnectedPortCableId": null,
                                    "backConnectedPortCableTypeId": null,                                                
                                    "isOnline": false,
                                    "isLocked": false,
                                    "isShared": false,
                                    "linkChecked": null,
                                    "creatorId": "3e00b83d-eca5-48ad-8cff-e17c75b93206",
                                    "created": 1431927081282,
                                    "lastModifierId": "3e00b83d-eca5-48ad-8cff-e17c75b93206",
                                    "lastModified": 1431927569744,
                                    "lastAction": "MODIFIED",
                                    "properties": [
                                        "definitionId": "5f25b077-efc9-4138-8298-5cf148bd566c",
                                        "name": "Port Speed",
                                        "value": "1000",
                                        "type": "TEXT",
                                        "groupName": "System Identification",
                                        "availableValues": null
                                        "definitionId": "b45d79cf-2c91-4644-a977-4798ebfe2903",
                                        "name": "Port Type",
                                        "value": "Ethernet",
                                        "type": "TEXT",
                                        "groupName": "System Identification",
                                        "availableValues": null
                                        "definitionId": "c6de2ce8-082b-4af0-a364-6fe504dea05a",
                                        "name": "portNumber",
                                        "value": "Lan 2",
                                        "type": "TEXT",
                                        "groupName": "System Identification",
                                        "availableValues": null

                            Updates ports in the device specified by deviceId

                            Full URL: /velocity/api/inventory/v19/device/{deviceId}/ports

                            Access Level: Admin

                            Request Body:

                            JSON object with a subset of the following fields:


                            List of newly updated device ports with the same fields as if returned by GET /device/{deviceId}/port/{portId}

                            Error Codes:

                            • DEVICE_NOT_FOUND - the device was not found
                            • PORT_NOT_FOUND - a port or a specified port to connect to was not found
                            • PORT_GROUP_NOT_FOUND - specified port group was not found
                            • PORT_GROUP_CONTAINS_GROUP - specified port group contains child group(s), therefore it is not allowed to add a port to it
                            • PROPERTY_INHERITED - For inherited property settings, you can modify only the default value
                            • NAME_NOT_UNIQUE - port with the specified name already exists in the device
                            • TEMPLATE_NOT_FOUND - specified template was not found
                            • BAD_TEMPLATE - port type does not match its template type
                            • PROPERTY_NOT_FOUND - one of specified property definition IDs was not found in the template
                            • PORT_ALREADY_CONNECTED - specified port to connect to was already busy
                            • INVALID_LINK - A port cannot be connected with itself
                            • INVALID_VALUE_TYPE - property value has an invalid type
                            • PROPERTY_BAD_ENUM_VALUE - The value field of property of type “DROP_DOWN_LIST” has a value that is not included in the availableValues list of the corresponding property definition from the template
                            • URI Parameters
                            • deviceId
                              string (required) 

                              UUID of the device to update ports in

                            • RequestToggle
                            • Body
                                    "ports": [
                                        "id": "921d34b2-c22a-499a-86f7-6f08d184fe65",
                                        "name": "Demo port 1",
                                        "description": "This is a demo port",
                                        "templateId": "633f52c5-55c1-468d-a1f9-1fb27962ffc9",
                                        "groupId": "76d9c8a0-9aad-46af-8397-e2f138ff9ec9",
                                        "isShared": false,
                                        "connectedPortId": "cd1f2855-0a9f-45ca-904d-204950097215"
                                        "id": "942e16e3-a8d5-4188-a5b2-b79de5d639b9",
                                        "name": "Demo port 2",
                                        "description": "This is a demo port",
                                        "templateId": "633f52c5-55c1-468d-a1f9-1fb27962ffc9",
                                        "groupId": "76d9c8a0-9aad-46af-8397-e2f138ff9ec9",
                                        "isShared": false,
                                        "connectedPortId": "dca076c7-ef45-43d1-97d5-5e99e4bc34f0"
                            • Response  200Toggle
                            • Body
                                    "ports": [
                                        "id": "921d34b2-c22a-499a-86f7-6f08d184fe65",
                                        "name": "Demo port 1",
                                        "description": "This is a demo port",
                                        "templateId": "633f52c5-55c1-468d-a1f9-1fb27962ffc9",
                                        "groupId": "76d9c8a0-9aad-46af-8397-e2f138ff9ec9",
                                        "connectedPortId": "cd1f2855-0a9f-45ca-904d-204950097215",
                                        "connectedPortName": "Demo port 1",
                                        "connectedPortParentId": "39724fc9-4007-4876-a1a3-c458b6788e8f",
                                        "connectedPortParentName": "Demo Server 2",
                                        "connectedPortLinkPlace": "FRONT",
                                        "connectionType": null,
                                        "connectedPortCableId": null,
                                        "connectedPortCableTypeId": null,                                                    
                                        "backConnectedPortId": null,
                                        "backConnectedPortName": null,
                                        "backConnectedPortParentId": null,
                                        "backConnectedPortParentName": null,
                                        "backConnectedPortLinkPlace": null,
                                        "backConnectionType": null,
                                        "backConnectedPortCableId": null,
                                        "backConnectedPortCableTypeId": null,                                                    
                                        "isOnline": false,
                                        "isLocked": false,
                                        "isShared": false,
                                        "linkChecked": null,
                                        "isReportedByDriver": false,
                                        "creatorId": "79389ac4-2f83-41c6-9fef-eec55bf307a5",
                                        "created": 1434526668691,
                                        "lastModifierId": "79389ac4-2f83-41c6-9fef-eec55bf307a5",
                                        "lastModified": 1434527448997,
                                        "lastAction": "MODIFIED",
                                        "properties": [
                                            "definitionId": "bc5c8178-445b-48af-846e-094f5f274e19",
                                            "name": "portNumber",
                                            "value": "Demo port 1",
                                            "type": "TEXT",
                                            "groupName": "System Identification",
                                            "availableValues": null
                                            "definitionId": "ce0d6ff7-7b7c-4266-8bc4-661ac5510570",
                                            "name": "Port Type",
                                            "value": "Ethernet",
                                            "type": "TEXT",
                                            "groupName": "System Identification",
                                            "availableValues": null
                                            "definitionId": "2a0ad7af-3f36-496e-8f0d-dba3b182b953",
                                            "name": "Port Speed",
                                            "value": "1000",
                                            "type": "INTEGER",
                                            "groupName": "System Identification",
                                            "availableValues": null
                                            "definitionId": "17e9ab3b-f8c0-4af8-aa68-7caedb1c16bd",
                                            "name": "Demo enum property",
                                            "value": "demo 1",
                                            "type": "DROP_DOWN_LIST",
                                            "groupName": "Demo group",
                                            "availableValues": [
                                              "demo 1",
                                              "demo 2",
                                              "demo 3"
                                        "id": "942e16e3-a8d5-4188-a5b2-b79de5d639b9",
                                        "name": "Demo port 2",
                                        "description": "This is a demo port",
                                        "templateId": "633f52c5-55c1-468d-a1f9-1fb27962ffc9",
                                        "groupId": "76d9c8a0-9aad-46af-8397-e2f138ff9ec9",
                                        "connectedPortId": "dca076c7-ef45-43d1-97d5-5e99e4bc34f0",
                                        "connectedPortName": "Demo port 2",
                                        "connectedPortParentId": "39724fc9-4007-4876-a1a3-c458b6788e8f",
                                        "connectedPortParentName": "Demo Server 2",
                                        "connectedPortLinkPlace": "FRONT",
                                        "connectionType": null,
                                        "connectedPortCableId": null,
                                        "connectedPortCableTypeId": null,                                                    
                                        "backConnectedPortId": null,
                                        "backConnectedPortName": null,
                                        "backConnectedPortParentId": null,
                                        "backConnectedPortParentName": null,
                                        "backConnectedPortLinkPlace": null,
                                        "backConnectionType": null,
                                        "backConnectedPortCableId": null,
                                        "backConnectedPortCableTypeId": null,                                                    
                                        "isOnline": false,
                                        "isLocked": false,
                                        "isShared": false,
                                        "linkChecked": null,
                                        "isReportedByDriver": false,
                                        "creatorId": "79389ac4-2f83-41c6-9fef-eec55bf307a5",
                                        "created": 1434526668602,
                                        "lastModifierId": "79389ac4-2f83-41c6-9fef-eec55bf307a5",
                                        "lastModified": 1434527449091,
                                        "lastAction": "MODIFIED",
                                        "properties": [
                                            "definitionId": "ce0d6ff7-7b7c-4266-8bc4-661ac5510570",
                                            "name": "Port Type",
                                            "value": "Ethernet",
                                            "type": "TEXT",
                                            "groupName": "System Identification",
                                            "availableValues": null
                                            "definitionId": "2a0ad7af-3f36-496e-8f0d-dba3b182b953",
                                            "name": "Port Speed",
                                            "value": "1000",
                                            "type": "INTEGER",
                                            "groupName": "System Identification",
                                            "availableValues": null
                                            "definitionId": "17e9ab3b-f8c0-4af8-aa68-7caedb1c16bd",
                                            "name": "Demo enum property",
                                            "value": "demo 2",
                                            "type": "DROP_DOWN_LIST",
                                            "groupName": "Demo group",
                                            "availableValues": [
                                              "demo 1",
                                              "demo 2",
                                              "demo 3"
                                            "definitionId": "bc5c8178-445b-48af-846e-094f5f274e19",
                                            "name": "portNumber",
                                            "value": "Demo port 2",
                                            "type": "TEXT",
                                            "groupName": "System Identification",
                                            "availableValues": null
                            • Response  400Toggle
                            • Body
                                    "status": 400,
                                    "errorId": "PORT_ALREADY_CONNECTED",
                                    "message": "Specified port is already connected to another port",
                                    "moreInfo": {
                                      "ids": [

                            Deletes the device specified by deviceId

                            Full URL: /velocity/api/inventory/v19/device/{deviceId}

                            Access Level: Admin, Resource Group Admin

                            Error Codes:

                            • DEVICE_NOT_FOUND - specified device is was not found
                            • RESOURCE_LOCKED - specified device is currently locked
                            • URI Parameters
                            • deviceId
                              string (required) 

                              UUID of the device to remove


                              Deletes multiple devices.

                              Full URL: /velocity/api/inventory/v19/devices

                              Access Level: Admin, Resource Group Admin

                              Error Codes:

                              • RESOURCE_LOCKED - specified device is currently locked
                              • URI Parameters
                              • filter
                                string (required) 

                                filterable by the same set of options as GET /devices

                                string (optional) 

                                only devices whose names, descriptions, or properties match the string are processed

                                boolean (optional) 

                                when true, only devices containing 1 or more ports are processed. When false, only devices without ports are processed.


                                Deletes the port group specified by portGroupId and all its contained ports located in the device specified by deviceId

                                Full URL: /velocity/api/inventory/v19/device/{deviceId}/port_group/{portGroupId}

                                Access Level: Admin

                                Error Codes:

                                • DEVICE_NOT_FOUND - specified device was not found
                                • PORT_GROUP_NOT_FOUND - specified port group was not found
                                • RESOURCE_LOCKED - specified device is locked or has locked ports
                                • URI Parameters
                                • deviceId
                                  string (required) 

                                  UUID of the device

                                  string (required) 

                                  UUID of the port group to remove


                                  Deletes the port specified by portId located in the device specified by deviceId

                                  Full URL: /velocity/api/inventory/v19/device/{deviceId}/port/{portId}

                                  Access Level: Admin

                                  Error Codes:

                                  • DEVICE_NOT_FOUND - specified device was not found
                                  • PORT_NOT_FOUND - specified port was not found
                                  • RESOURCE_LOCKED - specified port is currently locked
                                  • URI Parameters
                                  • deviceId
                                    string (required) 

                                    UUID of the device containing the port to remove

                                    string (required) 

                                    UUID of the port to remove


                                    Deletes ports located in the device specified by deviceId

                                    Full URL: /velocity/api/inventory/v19/device/{deviceId}/ports

                                    Access Level: Admin

                                    Request Body:

                                    JSON body with the following fields:

                                    • ids (list, required) - UUID’s of ports to be deleted

                                    Error Codes:

                                    • DEVICE_NOT_FOUND - specified device was not found
                                    • RESOURCE_LOCKED - a port is currently locked
                                    • URI Parameters
                                    • deviceId
                                      string (required) 

                                      UUID of the device containing the port to remove

                                    • RequestToggle
                                    • Body
                                            "ids": ["6ca19f9f-8ade-4c9b-b987-a982c746f00e", "47f9a743-458f-4934-b3a0-aa28ca2c46c5"]

                                    Returns sessions of the device specified by deviceId (including enabled sessions of the parent resource)

                                    Full URL: /velocity/api/inventory/v19/device/{deviceId}/sessions

                                    Access Level: User


                                    • total (number) - total number of stored items
                                    • offset (number) - offset of the current page
                                    • count (number) - number of items on the page
                                    • sessions (list of Object)
                                      • id (string) - UUID of the session
                                      • name (string) - name of the session
                                      • language (string) - session language (TCL, Python)
                                      • baseProfile (string) - session URI (project://project_name/path/name.ffsp or application://{session_type})
                                      • baseApplication (string) - type of the session (com.fnfr.svt.applications.ssh or com.fnfr.svt.applications.telnet)
                                      • isDisabled (boolean) - is session disabled
                                      • isInherited (boolean) - is session inherited


                                    Error Codes:

                                    • DEVICE_NOT_FOUND - specified device was not found
                                    • URI Parameters
                                    • deviceId
                                      string (required) 

                                      UUID of the device

                                    • Response  200Toggle
                                    • Body
                                              "total": 1,
                                              "offset": 0,
                                              "count": 1,
                                              "sessions": [
                                                      "id": "32ef965b-b7ed-45f7-a0c2-124c69568bb7",
                                                      "name": "RM-17421",
                                                      "language": "Python",
                                                      "baseProfile": "application://com.fnfr.svt.applications.ssh",
                                                      "baseApplication": "com.fnfr.svt.applications.ssh",
                                                      "isDisabled": false,
                                                      "isInherited": false,
                                                      "properties": null

                                    Returns information and merged properties of the resource session specified by sessionId

                                    Full URL: /velocity/api/inventory/v19/device/{deviceId}/session/{sessionId}?merge=<NO/INVENTORY/FULL>

                                    Access Level: User


                                    • id (string) - UUID of the session
                                    • name (string) - name of the session
                                    • language (string) - session language (TCL, Python)
                                    • baseProfile (string) - session URI (project://project_name/path/name.ffsp or application://{session_type})
                                    • baseApplication (string) - type of the session (com.fnfr.svt.applications.ssh or com.fnfr.svt.applications.telnet)
                                    • isDisabled (boolean) - is session disabled
                                    • isInherited (boolean) - is session inherited
                                    • properties (PropertiesTree) - tree of the overridden session properties

                                    Error Codes:

                                    • DEVICE_NOT_FOUND - specified device was not found
                                    • SESSION_NOT_FOUND - specified session was not found
                                    • URI Parameters
                                    • deviceId
                                      string (required) 

                                      UUID of the device

                                      string (required) 

                                      UUID of the session

                                      <no/inventory/full> (required) 

                                      merge level. Default NO

                                    • Response  200Toggle
                                    • Body
                                              "id": "cb269ae2-b3c5-46e0-9b74-8a53075bdbf9",
                                              "name": "new_session",
                                              "language": "Python",
                                              "baseProfile": "application://com.fnfr.svt.applications.ssh",
                                              "baseApplication": "com.fnfr.svt.applications.ssh",
                                              "isDisabled": false,
                                              "isInherited": false,
                                              "properties": {
                                                  "type": "com.fnfr.svt.applications.ssh.documents.SSHProperties",
                                                  "TerminalProperties": {
                                                      "prompts": {
                                                          "items": [
                                                                  "Content": "root_p1",
                                                                  "name": "prompt1"
                                                                  "Content": "root_p2",
                                                                  "name": "prompt2",
                                                                  "TypeOfPrompt": "MORE"
                                                                  "HAPromptType": "NORMAL",
                                                                  "MatchMethod": "NORMAL",
                                                                  "Content": "local_p3",
                                                                  "name": "localprompt1"
                                                          "useInherited": true
                                                  "agentRequirements": {
                                                      "useInherited": true
                                              "inheritedProperties": null

                                    Creates session for the resource by resourceId. Validates and throws an error if there are validation errors

                                    Full URL: /velocity/api/inventory/v19/device/{deviceId}/session

                                    Access Level: Admin

                                    Request Body:

                                    JSON object with the following fields:

                                    • name (string, required) - name of the session
                                    • baseProfile (string) - session URI (project://project_name/path/name.ffsp or application://{session_type})
                                    • baseApplication (string) - type of the session (com.fnfr.svt.applications.ssh or com.fnfr.svt.applications.telnet)
                                    • language (string) - only if session uri scheme is application. Default “Python”
                                    • properties (PropertiesTree) - list of overriden properties // See GET /device/{deviceId}/session/{sessionId}

                                    baseProfile: session URI (project://project_name/path/name.ffsp or application://{session_type})

                                    baseApplication: type of the session (com.fnfr.svt.applications.ssh or com.fnfr.svt.applications.telnet)

                                    • One from baseSessinon or baseApplication is required.
                                    • if baseSessinon isn’t specified then baseSessinon := application://{baseApplication}.
                                    • if baseApplication isn’t specified then baseApplication will extract from baseSessinon.
                                    • REST API allow to save the session in case baseSessinon doesn’t correspond to baseApplication. (But It will displayed as validation error).


                                    Newly created session, the same as if returned by GET /device/{deviceId}/session/{sessionId}

                                    Error Codes:

                                    • DEVICE_NOT_FOUND - specified device was not found
                                    • INVALID_SESSION_NAME - session with the specified name already exists or invalid format
                                    • INVALID_SESSION_PROFILE - invalid uri format or unsupported scheme or unexisting/invalid session profile in repository
                                    • INVALID_LANGUAGE - unsupported or unexpected language
                                    • URI Parameters
                                    • deviceId
                                      string (required) 

                                      UUID of the device to add session to

                                    • Response  200Toggle
                                    • Body
                                              "id": "cb269ae2-b3c5-46e0-9b74-8a53075bdbf9",
                                              "name": "new_session",
                                              "language": "Python",
                                              "baseProfile": "application://com.fnfr.svt.applications.ssh",
                                              "baseApplication": "com.fnfr.svt.applications.ssh",
                                              "isDisabled": false,
                                              "isInherited": false,
                                              "properties": null

                                    Updates session in the resource by resourceId. Validates and throws an error if there are validation errors. Only isDisable and properties can be updated for inherited session. The other fields (name, uri etc) will ignored.

                                    Full URL: /velocity/api/inventory/v19/device/{deviceId}/session/{sessionId}

                                    Access Level: Admin

                                    Request Body:

                                    JSON object with the following fields:

                                    • name (string) - name of the session
                                    • baseProfile (string) - session URI (project://project_name/path/name.ffsp or application://{session_type})
                                    • baseApplication (string) - type of the session (com.fnfr.svt.applications.ssh or com.fnfr.svt.applications.telnet)
                                    • language (string) - only if session uri scheme is application. Default “Python”
                                    • properties (PropertiesTree) - list of overriden properties // See GET /device/{deviceId}/session/{sessionId}

                                    if any field is missed or is null then it meens that this field inherited value from parent resource


                                    Updated session, the same as if returned by GET /device/{deviceId}/session/{sessionId}

                                    Error Codes:

                                    • DEVICE_NOT_FOUND - specified device was not found
                                    • INVALID_SESSION_NAME - session with the specified name already exists or invalid format
                                    • INVALID_SESSION_PROFILE - invalid uri format or unsupported scheme or unexisting/invalid session profile in repository
                                    • INVALID_LANGUAGE - unsupported or unexpected language
                                    • URI Parameters
                                    • deviceId
                                      string (required) 

                                      UUID of the device to update session to

                                      string (required) 

                                      UUID of the session

                                    • Response  200Toggle
                                    • Body
                                              "id": "cb269ae2-b3c5-46e0-9b74-8a53075bdbf9",
                                              "name": "new_session",
                                              "language": "Python",
                                              "baseProfile": "application://com.fnfr.svt.applications.ssh",
                                              "baseApplication": "com.fnfr.svt.applications.ssh",
                                              "isDisabled": false,
                                              "isInherited": false,
                                              "properties": null

                                    Cascade deletes the session specified by sessionId.

                                    This operation is available for own sessions only. Returns UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION for inherited sessions.

                                    Full URL: /velocity/api/inventory/v19/device/{deviceId}/session/{sessionId}

                                    Access Level: Admin

                                    Error Codes:

                                    • UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION - specified session was not found or inherited session is specified.
                                    • URI Parameters
                                    • deviceId
                                      string (required) 

                                      UUID of the device to delete session from

                                      string (required) 

                                      UUID of the session


                                      Validate the list of session of specified resource. Checks:

                                      • names conflict up the inheritance tree (session name collisions in the parent resources).
                                      • Session type conflict up the inheritance tree (session type isn’t equals to parent session type).
                                      • base profile (is exists and session type in profile equals to session type in session)

                                      Full URL: /velocity/api/inventory/v19/device/{deviceId}/validate_sessions

                                      Access Level: User


                                      • total (number) - total number of errors
                                      • offset (number) - offset of the current page
                                      • count (number) - number of items on the page
                                      • items (list of Object):
                                      • sessionId (UUID) - session id
                                      • sessuibName (String) - session name
                                      • type (NAME_CONFLICT, TYPE_CONFLICT or INVALID_BASE_PROFILE):
                                        • NAME_CONFLICT - if parent with same session name exists
                                        • TYPE_CONFLICT - (for inherited session only). if session type isn’t equals to parent session type. (Telnet session override the ssh session)
                                        • INVALID_BASE_PROFILE - base profile not found or invalid
                                      • URI Parameters
                                      • deviceId
                                        string (required) 

                                        UUID of the device


                                        Return list of available cable types.

                                        Full URL: /velocity/api/inventory/v19/cable_types

                                        Access Level: User


                                        • cableTypes (list)
                                        • id (string) - UUID of the cable type
                                        • name (string) - name of the cable type
                                        • description (string) - cable type description
                                        • cableCount (number) - number of cables of this cable type
                                        • usedCableCount (number) - number of cables of this cable type that used in physical connections
                                        • creatorId (string) - UUID of the owner
                                        • created (number) - creation timestamp
                                        • lastModifierId (string) - UUID of the last modifier
                                        • lastModified (number) - last modification timestamp
                                        • propertyGroups (list) - (included to response only if includeProperties parameter if true) list of cable type property groups with the following fields:
                                          • id (string) - UUID of the group
                                          • name (string) - name of the group
                                          • properties (list) - a list of property definitions, each containing the following fields:
                                            • id (string) - UUID of the definition
                                            • name (string) - name of the property
                                            • description (string) - description of the property
                                            • defaultValue (string) - default value of the property (can be null, meaning no value, always null for type: “PASSWORD”)
                                            • isRequired (boolean) - true, if the property is mandatory, false otherwise
                                            • type (string) - one of “TEXT_AREA”, “TEXT”, “BOOLEAN”, “DECIMAL”, “INTEGER”, “ATTACHMENT”, “PASSWORD” or “DROP_DOWN_LIST”
                                            • availableValues (list) - used only for “DROP_DOWN_LIST” type, list of available values
                                        • URI Parameters
                                        • includeProperties
                                          boolean (optional) Default: false 

                                          when true, property groups and properties is returned for every cable type

                                        • Response  200Toggle
                                        • Body
                                              "cableTypes": [
                                                  "id": "9e732a67-2683-402f-89d9-14bb4fc46a10",
                                                  "name": "Optical Fiber",
                                                  "description": "This is Optical fiber cables",
                                                  "cableCount": 7,
                                                  "usedCableCount": 3,
                                                  "creatorId": "fb0b7bc4-dfae-4ecc-a118-184cf2e507b3",
                                                  "created": 1445949269337,
                                                  "lastModifierId": "fb0b7bc4-dfae-4ecc-a118-184cf2e507b3",
                                                  "lastModified": 1445949269337,
                                                  "propertyGroups": []
                                                  "id": "af94a64b-bc59-4139-b734-ba6f9ca9382e",
                                                  "name": "RF Cables 10",
                                                  "description": "RF Cox 10 meters cables only",
                                                  "cableCount": 0,
                                                  "usedCableCount": 0,
                                                  "creatorId": "fb0b7bc4-dfae-4ecc-a118-184cf2e507b3",
                                                  "created": 1445949362157,
                                                  "lastModifierId": "fb0b7bc4-dfae-4ecc-a118-184cf2e507b3",
                                                  "lastModified": 1445949362157,
                                                  "propertyGroups": [
                                                      "id": "3c824336-a368-4f83-ac4f-0b8501d4501b",
                                                      "name": "Main",
                                                      "properties": [
                                                          "id": "64435b94-4632-40ae-9f30-9ea09fbb061e",
                                                          "name": "Length, m",
                                                          "description": "",
                                                          "defaultValue": "10",
                                                          "isRequired": false,
                                                          "type": "INTEGER",
                                                          "availableValues": null
                                                          "id": "de699f03-3b01-45dd-94ec-ed7066bcab40",
                                                          "name": "Mode",
                                                          "description": "",
                                                          "defaultValue": "Single",
                                                          "isRequired": false,
                                                          "type": "TEXT",
                                                          "availableValues": null

                                        Return information about cable type specified by cableTypeId.

                                        Full URL: /velocity/api/inventory/v19/cable_type/{cableTypeId}

                                        Access Level: User


                                        • id (string) - UUID of the cable type
                                        • name (string) - name of the cable type
                                        • description (string) - cable type description
                                        • cableCount (number) - number of cables of this cable type
                                        • usedCableCount (number) - number of cables of this cable type that used in physical connections
                                        • creatorId (string) - UUID of the owner
                                        • created (number) - creation timestamp
                                        • lastModifierId (string) - UUID of the last modifier
                                        • lastModified (number) - last modification timestamp
                                        • propertyGroups (list) - list of cable type property groups with the following fields:
                                          • id (string) - UUID of the group
                                          • name (string) - name of the group
                                          • properties (list) - a list of property definitions, each containing the following fields:
                                            • id (string) - UUID of the definition
                                            • name (string) - name of the property
                                            • description (string) - description of the property
                                            • defaultValue (string) - default value of the property (can be null, meaning no value, always null for type: “PASSWORD”)
                                            • isRequired (boolean) - true, if the property is mandatory, false otherwise
                                            • type (string) - one of “TEXT_AREA”, “TEXT”, “BOOLEAN”, “DECIMAL”, “INTEGER”, “ATTACHMENT”, “PASSWORD” or “DROP_DOWN_LIST”
                                            • availableValues (list) - used only for “DROP_DOWN_LIST” type, list of available values

                                        Error Codes:

                                        • CABLE_TYPE_NOT_FOUND - specified cable type was not found
                                        • URI Parameters
                                        • cableTypeId
                                          string (required) 

                                          UUID of the cable type

                                        • Response  200Toggle
                                        • Body
                                                "id": "9e732a67-2683-402f-89d9-14bb4fc46a10",
                                                "name": "Optical Fiber",
                                                "description": "This is Optical fiber cables",
                                                "cableCount": 0,
                                                "usedCableCount": 0,
                                                "creatorId": "fb0b7bc4-dfae-4ecc-a118-184cf2e507b3",
                                                "created": 1445949269337,
                                                "lastModifierId": "fb0b7bc4-dfae-4ecc-a118-184cf2e507b3",
                                                "lastModified": 1445949269337,
                                                "propertyGroups": [
                                                    "id": "3c824336-a368-4f83-ac4f-0b8501d4501b",
                                                    "name": "Main",
                                                    "properties": [
                                                        "id": "64435b94-4632-40ae-9f30-9ea09fbb061e",
                                                        "name": "Length, m",
                                                        "description": "",
                                                        "defaultValue": "10",
                                                        "isRequired": false,
                                                        "type": "INTEGER",
                                                        "availableValues": null
                                                        "id": "de699f03-3b01-45dd-94ec-ed7066bcab40",
                                                        "name": "Mode",
                                                        "description": "",
                                                        "defaultValue": "Single",
                                                        "isRequired": false,
                                                        "type": "TEXT",
                                                        "availableValues": null

                                        Create new cable type.

                                        Full URL: /velocity/api/inventory/v19/cable_type

                                        Access Level: Admin

                                        Request Body: JSON object with the following fields:

                                        • name (string, required) - name of the cable type
                                        • description (string, optional) - cable type description
                                        • propertyGroups (list, optional) - list of cable type property groups ([] by default). Each group consists of:
                                          • name (string, required) - name of the group
                                          • isHidden (string, optional) - field reused from template properties API. Make no any effect on cable type
                                          • properties (list, optional) ([] by default) - list of property definitions, each containing the following fields:
                                            • name (string, required) - name of the property
                                            • description (string, optional) - description of the property (“” by default)
                                            • defaultValue (string, optional) - default value of the property (null by default)
                                            • isRequired (boolean, optional) - true, if the property is mandatory, false otherwise (false by default)
                                            • type (string, optional) - one of “TEXT”, “TEXT_AREA”, “BOOLEAN”, “DECIMAL”, “INTEGER”, “ATTACHMENT”, “PASSWORD” or “DROP_DOWN_LIST” (“TEXT” by default)
                                            • availableValues (list, optional) - used only for “DROP_DOWN_LIST” type, list of available values

                                        Returns: Newly created cable type, the same as if returned by GET /cable_type/{cableTypeId}

                                        Error Codes:

                                        • NAME_NOT_UNIQUE - cable type with that name already exists
                                        • INVALID_VALUE_TYPE - default value of a property does not match its type
                                        • PROPERTY_BAD_ENUM_VALUE - The defaultValue field of a property of type “DROP_DOWN_LIST” has a value that is not included in the availableValues list
                                        • RequestToggle
                                        • Body
                                                  "name": "Optical Fiber",
                                                  "description": "This is Optical fiber cables",
                                                  "propertyGroups": [
                                                          "name": "Main",
                                                          "properties": [
                                                                  "name": "Length, m",
                                                                  "type": "INTEGER",
                                                                  "defaultValue": 10
                                                                  "name": "Mode",
                                                                  "type": "TEXT",
                                                                  "defaultValue": "Single"
                                        • Response  200Toggle
                                        • Body
                                                "id": "9e732a67-2683-402f-89d9-14bb4fc46a10",
                                                "name": "Optical Fiber",
                                                "description": "This is Optical fiber cables",
                                                "cableCount": 0,
                                                "usedCableCount": 0,
                                                "creatorId": "fb0b7bc4-dfae-4ecc-a118-184cf2e507b3",
                                                "created": 1445949269337,
                                                "lastModifierId": "fb0b7bc4-dfae-4ecc-a118-184cf2e507b3",
                                                "lastModified": 1445949269337,
                                                "propertyGroups": [
                                                    "id": "3c824336-a368-4f83-ac4f-0b8501d4501b",
                                                    "name": "Main",
                                                    "properties": [
                                                        "id": "64435b94-4632-40ae-9f30-9ea09fbb061e",
                                                        "name": "Length, m",
                                                        "description": "",
                                                        "defaultValue": "10",
                                                        "isRequired": false,
                                                        "type": "INTEGER",
                                                        "availableValues": null
                                                        "id": "de699f03-3b01-45dd-94ec-ed7066bcab40",
                                                        "name": "Mode",
                                                        "description": "",
                                                        "defaultValue": "Single",
                                                        "isRequired": false,
                                                        "type": "TEXT",
                                                        "availableValues": null

                                        Update an existing cable type specified by cableTypeId

                                        Full URL: /velocity/api/inventory/v19/cable_type/{cableTypeId}?replaceProperties={true/false}

                                        Access Level: Admin

                                        Request Body: JSON object containing any subset of fields from the corresponding POST request. Sub-fields (propertyGroups and properties) are updated by corresponding IDs. If ID is null for a sub-field, it is added to the cable type.

                                        Returns: Updated cable type, the same as if returned by GET /cable_type/{cableTypeId}

                                        Error Codes:

                                        • CABLE_TYPE_NOT_FOUND - specified cable type was not found
                                        • PROPERTY_GROUP_NOT_FOUND - specified property group does not exist
                                        • PROPERTY_NOT_FOUND - specified property does not exist
                                        • BAD_DEFAULT_VALUE - default value of a property does not match its type
                                        • NAME_NOT_UNIQUE - cable type with the specified name already exists
                                        • PROPERTY_BAD_ENUM_VALUE - The defaultValue field of a property of type “DROP_DOWN_LIST” has a value that is not included in the availableValues list
                                        • RequestToggle
                                        • Body
                                                  "name": "Optical Fiber",
                                                  "description": "This is Optical fiber cables",
                                                  "propertyGroups": [
                                                          "properties": [
                                                                  "id": "64435b94-4632-40ae-9f30-9ea09fbb061e",
                                                                  "defaultValue": 15
                                        • Response  200Toggle
                                        • Body
                                                "id": "9e732a67-2683-402f-89d9-14bb4fc46a10",
                                                "name": "Optical Fiber",
                                                "description": "This is Optical fiber cables",
                                                  "cableCount": 0,
                                                  "usedCableCount": 0,
                                                "creatorId": "fb0b7bc4-dfae-4ecc-a118-184cf2e507b3",
                                                "created": 1445949269337,
                                                "lastModifierId": "fb0b7bc4-dfae-4ecc-a118-184cf2e507b3",
                                                "lastModified": 1445949269337,
                                                "propertyGroups": [
                                                    "id": "3c824336-a368-4f83-ac4f-0b8501d4501b",
                                                    "name": "Main",
                                                    "properties": [
                                                        "id": "64435b94-4632-40ae-9f30-9ea09fbb061e",
                                                        "name": "Length, m",
                                                        "description": "",
                                                        "defaultValue": "15",
                                                        "isRequired": false,
                                                        "type": "INTEGER",
                                                        "availableValues": null
                                                        "id": "de699f03-3b01-45dd-94ec-ed7066bcab40",
                                                        "name": "Mode",
                                                        "description": "",
                                                        "defaultValue": "Single",
                                                        "isRequired": false,
                                                        "type": "TEXT",
                                                        "availableValues": null

                                        Delete an existing cable type specified by cableTypeId

                                        Full URL: /velocity/api/inventory/v19/cable_type/{cableTypeId}

                                        Access Level: Admin

                                        Error Codes:

                                        • CABLE_TYPE_NOT_FOUND - specified cable type was not found

                                          Return list of available cables sorted by name.

                                          Full URL: /velocity/api/inventory/v19/cables

                                          Access Level: User


                                          • total (number) - total number of stored items
                                          • offset (number) - offset of the current page
                                          • count (number) - number of items on the page
                                          • cables (list)
                                            • id (string) - UUID of the cable
                                            • cableTypeId (string) - UUID of the cable type
                                            • name (string) - name of the cable
                                            • description (string) - cable description
                                            • creatorId (string) - UUID of the owner
                                            • created (number) - creation timestamp
                                            • lastModifierId (string) - UUID of the last modifier
                                            • lastModified (number) - last modification timestamp
                                            • properties (list) - a list of properties, each containing the following fields:
                                              • definitionId (string) - UUID of the property definition in the corresponding cable type
                                              • name (string) - name of the property
                                              • description (string) - description of the property
                                              • value (string) - value of the property (can be null, meaning no value, always null for type: “PASSWORD”)
                                              • type (string) - one of “TEXT_AREA”, “TEXT”, “BOOLEAN”, “DECIMAL”, “INTEGER”, “ATTACHMENT”, “PASSWORD” or “DROP_DOWN_LIST”
                                              • groupName (string) - name of the property group containing this property
                                              • availableValues (list) - used only for “DROP_DOWN_LIST” type, list of available values
                                              • isRequired (boolean) - is property required
                                            • connection (object) - connection that used the cable (null if the cable is not connected), containing the following fields:
                                              • port1Id (string) - UUID of the first connected port
                                              • linkPlace1 (string) - link place of the first connected port, can be one of “BACK” or “FRONT”
                                              • port2Id (string) - UUID of the second connected port
                                              • linkPlace2 (string) - link place of the second connected port, can be one of “BACK” or “FRONT”
                                              • type (string) - type of connection, one of “FIXED”, “DYNAMIC”


                                          • URI Parameters
                                          • searchString
                                            string (optional) 

                                            Will return info only about cables whose names, descriptions, or properties match the string

                                          • Response  200Toggle
                                          • Body
                                                "total": 9,
                                                "offset": 0,
                                                "count": 2,
                                                "cables": [
                                                    "id": "42d5bffb-618d-498a-96f0-f24b57ae66cf",
                                                    "cableTypeId": "b6797029-2f87-430f-ac13-300d1ab15bfa",
                                                    "name": "Optical Fiber Cable",
                                                    "description": "This is Optical fiber cable",
                                                    "connection": {
                                                        "port1Id": "2e4dc6ff-a0a1-45ad-bbe1-0bd25024148d",
                                                        "linkPlace1": "FRONT",
                                                        "port2Id": "b6163743-6adf-4c47-adeb-9f90947359f0",
                                                        "linkPlace2": "FRONT",
                                                        "type": "FIXED"
                                                    "properties": [
                                                        "definitionId": "2e483586-bcef-4fa0-9218-9f83a683f56f",
                                                        "name": "Length, m",
                                                        "description": "",
                                                        "value": "15",
                                                        "type": "INTEGER",
                                                        "groupName": "Main",
                                                        "availableValues": null
                                                        "definitionId": "08f32b59-8d45-4d5a-aabc-3bc73f7ef4c3",
                                                        "name": "Mode",
                                                        "description": "",
                                                        "value": "Double",
                                                        "type": "TEXT",
                                                        "groupName": "Main",
                                                        "availableValues": null
                                                    "creatorId": "5e0c5e53-f8df-4eae-81bd-ecff703af91a",
                                                    "created": 1447245005594,
                                                    "lastModifierId": "5e0c5e53-f8df-4eae-81bd-ecff703af91a",
                                                    "lastModified": 1447245005594
                                                    "id": "11d9e9e6-d49a-4efa-83b7-4442af065132",
                                                    "cableTypeId": "5d7eb7cf-dacb-4012-8baf-dcbadbef34fa",
                                                    "name": "RF Cable 10",
                                                    "description": "RF Cox 10 meters cable",
                                                    "connection": null,
                                                    "properties": [],
                                                    "creatorId": "5e0c5e53-f8df-4eae-81bd-ecff703af91a",
                                                    "created": 1447244439846,
                                                    "lastModifierId": "5e0c5e53-f8df-4eae-81bd-ecff703af91a",
                                                    "lastModified": 1447244439846

                                          Return information about cable specified by cableId.

                                          Full URL: /velocity/api/inventory/v19/cable/{cableId}

                                          Access Level: User


                                          • id (string) - UUID of the cable
                                          • cableTypeId (string) - UUID of the cable type
                                          • name (string) - name of the cable
                                          • description (string) - cable description
                                          • creatorId (string) - UUID of the owner
                                          • created (number) - creation timestamp
                                          • lastModifierId (string) - UUID of the last modifier
                                          • lastModified (number) - last modification timestamp
                                          • properties (list) - a list of properties, each containing the following fields:
                                            • definitionId (string) - UUID of the property definition in the corresponding cable type
                                            • name (string) - name of the property
                                            • description (string) - description of the property
                                            • value (string) - value of the property (can be null, meaning no value, always null for type: “PASSWORD”)
                                            • type (string) - one of “TEXT_AREA”, “TEXT”, “BOOLEAN”, “DECIMAL”, “INTEGER”, “ATTACHMENT”, “PASSWORD” or “DROP_DOWN_LIST”
                                            • groupName (string) - name of the property group containing this property
                                            • availableValues (list) - used only for “DROP_DOWN_LIST” type, list of available values
                                            • isRequired (boolean) - is property required
                                          • connection (object) - connection that used the cable (null if the cable is not connected), containing the following fields:
                                            • port1Id (string) - UUID of the first connected port
                                            • linkPlace1 (string) - link place of the first connected port, can be one of “BACK” or “FRONT”
                                            • port2Id (string) - UUID of the second connected port
                                            • linkPlace2 (string) - link place of the second connected port, can be one of “BACK” or “FRONT”
                                            • type (string) - type of connection, one of “FIXED”, “DYNAMIC”

                                          Error Codes:

                                          • CABLE_NOT_FOUND - specified cable was not found
                                          • Response  200Toggle
                                          • Body
                                                  "id": "42d5bffb-618d-498a-96f0-f24b57ae66cf",
                                                  "cableTypeId": "b6797029-2f87-430f-ac13-300d1ab15bfa",
                                                  "name": "Optical Fiber Cable",
                                                  "description": "This is Optical fiber cable",
                                                  "connection": null,
                                                  "properties": [
                                                      "definitionId": "2e483586-bcef-4fa0-9218-9f83a683f56f",
                                                      "name": "Length, m",
                                                      "description": "",
                                                      "value": "15",
                                                      "type": "INTEGER",
                                                      "groupName": "Main",
                                                      "availableValues": null
                                                      "definitionId": "08f32b59-8d45-4d5a-aabc-3bc73f7ef4c3",
                                                      "name": "Mode",
                                                      "description": "",
                                                      "value": "Double trouble",
                                                      "type": "TEXT",
                                                      "groupName": "Main",
                                                      "availableValues": null
                                                  "creatorId": "5e0c5e53-f8df-4eae-81bd-ecff703af91a",
                                                  "created": 1447245005594,
                                                  "lastModifierId": "5e0c5e53-f8df-4eae-81bd-ecff703af91a",
                                                  "lastModified": 1447245005594

                                          Create new cable.

                                          Full URL: /velocity/api/inventory/v19/cable

                                          Access Level: Admin

                                          Request Body: JSON object with the following fields:

                                          • cableTypeId (string, required) - UUID of the cable type
                                          • name (string, required) - name of the cable
                                          • description (string, optional) - cable description
                                          • properties (list, optional) - list of properties with the following fields :
                                            • definitionId (string, required) - UUID of the property definition in the corresponding cable type
                                            • value (string, optional) - value of the property (can be null, meaning “no value”)

                                          Returns: Newly created cable, the same as if returned by GET /cable/{cableId}

                                          Error Codes:

                                          • CABLE_TYPE_NOT_FOUND - specified cable type was not found
                                          • NAME_NOT_UNIQUE - cable with that name already exists
                                          • INVALID_VALUE_TYPE - property value has an invalid type
                                          • PROPERTY_NOT_FOUND - property of a cable was not found by definition in corresponding cable type
                                          • PROPERTY_BAD_ENUM_VALUE - The defaultValue field of a property of type “DROP_DOWN_LIST” has a value that is not included in the availableValues list
                                          • RequestToggle
                                          • Body
                                                    "cableTypeId": "b6797029-2f87-430f-ac13-300d1ab15bfa",
                                                    "name": "Optical Fiber",
                                                    "description": "This is Optical fiber cable",
                                                    "properties": [
                                                          "definitionId": "2e483586-bcef-4fa0-9218-9f83a683f56f",
                                                          "value": "15"
                                                          "definitionId": "08f32b59-8d45-4d5a-aabc-3bc73f7ef4c3",
                                                          "value": "Double"
                                          • Response  200Toggle
                                          • Body
                                                  "id": "a739b3ec-7455-497d-acfc-d72edda94c7e",
                                                  "cableTypeId": "b6797029-2f87-430f-ac13-300d1ab15bfa",
                                                  "name": "Optical Fiber",
                                                  "description": "This is Optical fiber cable",
                                                  "connection": null,
                                                  "properties": [
                                                      "definitionId": "2e483586-bcef-4fa0-9218-9f83a683f56f",
                                                      "name": "Length, m",
                                                      "description": "",
                                                      "value": "15",
                                                      "type": "INTEGER",
                                                      "groupName": "Main",
                                                      "availableValues": null
                                                      "definitionId": "08f32b59-8d45-4d5a-aabc-3bc73f7ef4c3",
                                                      "name": "Mode",
                                                      "description": "",
                                                      "value": "Double",
                                                      "type": "TEXT",
                                                      "groupName": "Main",
                                                      "availableValues": null
                                                  "creatorId": "5e0c5e53-f8df-4eae-81bd-ecff703af91a",
                                                  "created": 1447309754059,
                                                  "lastModifierId": "5e0c5e53-f8df-4eae-81bd-ecff703af91a",
                                                  "lastModified": 1447309754059

                                          Update an existing cable specified by cableId

                                          Full URL: /velocity/api/inventory/v19/cable/{cableId}

                                          Access Level: Admin

                                          Request Body: JSON object containing any subset of fields from the corresponding POST request. Sub-fields properties are updated by corresponding definition IDs.

                                          Returns: Updated cable, the same as if returned by GET /cable/{cableId}

                                          Error Codes:

                                          • CABLE_NOT_FOUND - specified cable was not found
                                          • CABLE_TYPE_NOT_FOUND - specified cable type was not found
                                          • NAME_NOT_UNIQUE - cable with that name already exists
                                          • INVALID_VALUE_TYPE - property value has an invalid type
                                          • PROPERTY_NOT_FOUND - property of a cable was not found by definition in corresponding cable type
                                          • PROPERTY_BAD_ENUM_VALUE - The defaultValue field of a property of type “DROP_DOWN_LIST” has a value that is not included in the availableValues list
                                          • RequestToggle
                                          • Body
                                                    "description": "This is Optical fiber cable (10m length)",
                                                    "properties": [
                                                          "definitionId": "2e483586-bcef-4fa0-9218-9f83a683f56f",
                                                          "value": "10"
                                          • Response  200Toggle
                                          • Body
                                                  "id": "a739b3ec-7455-497d-acfc-d72edda94c7e",
                                                  "cableTypeId": "b6797029-2f87-430f-ac13-300d1ab15bfa",
                                                  "name": "Optical Fiber",
                                                  "description": "This is Optical fiber cable (10m length)",
                                                  "connection": null,
                                                  "properties": [
                                                      "definitionId": "2e483586-bcef-4fa0-9218-9f83a683f56f",
                                                      "name": "Length, m",
                                                      "description": "",
                                                      "value": "10",
                                                      "type": "INTEGER",
                                                      "groupName": "Main",
                                                      "availableValues": null
                                                      "definitionId": "08f32b59-8d45-4d5a-aabc-3bc73f7ef4c3",
                                                      "name": "Mode",
                                                      "description": "",
                                                      "value": "Double",
                                                      "type": "TEXT",
                                                      "groupName": "Main",
                                                      "availableValues": null
                                                  "creatorId": "5e0c5e53-f8df-4eae-81bd-ecff703af91a",
                                                  "created": 1447309754059,
                                                  "lastModifierId": "5e0c5e53-f8df-4eae-81bd-ecff703af91a",
                                                  "lastModified": 1447310059435

                                          Delete an existing cable specified by cableId

                                          Full URL: /velocity/api/inventory/v19/cable/{cableId}

                                          Access Level: Admin

                                          Error Codes:

                                          • CABLE_NOT_FOUND - specified cable was not found

                                            Exports cables into a CSV file.

                                            Full URL: /velocity/api/inventory/v19/cables_csv

                                            Access Level: User


                                            A CSV file with exported cables, containing the following columns:

                                            • name (string) - name of a cable
                                            • type (string) - name of a cable type
                                            • description (string) - description of a cable Another columns present properties of cables. “remove” column name is reserved for importing.
                                            • Request  export cables to CSVToggle
                                            • Headers
                                              Content-Type: text/csv
                                            • Response  200Toggle
                                            • Headers
                                              Content-Type: text/csv
                                              Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=cables.csv
                                              OPT-1,Optical,Optical cable,5
                                              ETH-2,Ethernet,Ethernet cable,10

                                            Schedules a new cables import job based on the passed CSV data.

                                            Full URL: /velocity/api/inventory/v19/cables_csv

                                            Access Level: Admin

                                            Request Body:

                                            CSV data containing the same set of columns from the corresponding export request.

                                            • It is expected that a specified cable type exists in the inventory prior to importing the CSV file. If it does not exist, the row is skipped.
                                            • If the specified cable type does not contain a property, the column value is ignored for the row.
                                            • If it is needed to remove a cable, you are expected to add “remove” column and specify “remove” value for the cable.


                                            Scheduled job ID.

                                            Job’s successful result is JSON object with the following fields:

                                            • imported (object) - statistics about imported cables
                                              • total (number) - total number of cables to be imported
                                              • imported (number) - number of successfully imported cables
                                              • skipped (number) - number of skipped cables
                                              • failed (number) - number of cables that were not imported due to an error
                                            • removed (object) - statistics about removed cables
                                              • total (number) - total number of cables to be removed
                                              • removed (number) - number of successfully removed cables
                                              • failed (number) - number of cables that were not removed due to an error
                                            • details (list) - list of details describing import result for every particular cable:
                                              • id (string) - UUID of the imported or removed cable (null if the operation was not successful)
                                              • name (string) - string representation of the imported or removed cable
                                              • type (string) - string representation of a cable type
                                              • status (string) - one of “IMPORTED”, “SKIPPED”, “FAILED” OR “REMOVED”
                                              • message (string) - message describing why the object was skipped or failure reason (null when status is “IMPORTED” OR “REMOVED”)

                                            Response example for job result is shown below as “Response 200”.


                                            Error Codes:

                                            • MAX_SIZE_EXCEEDED - request body is too big - more than 64 MB
                                            • Response  200Toggle
                                            • Body
                                                "status": "SUCCESS",
                                                "result": {
                                                  "imported": {
                                                    "total": 3,
                                                    "imported": 3,
                                                    "skipped": 0,
                                                    "failed": 0
                                                  "removed": {
                                                    "total": 1,
                                                    "removed": 1,
                                                    "failed": 0
                                                  "details": [
                                                      "id": "b2c0d24d-4353-40a0-a546-9c3fe394b1dc",
                                                      "name": "OPT-1",
                                                      "type": "Optical",
                                                      "status": "IMPORTED",
                                                      "message": null
                                                      "id": "cdd7a4d6-6bcb-4b5b-9660-856fb19d0bd5",
                                                      "name": "OPT-2",
                                                      "type": "Optical",
                                                      "status": "IMPORTED",
                                                      "message": null
                                                      "id": "eba11736-25c0-45eb-8d26-a8997c062dee",
                                                      "name": "OPT-3",
                                                      "type": "Optical",
                                                      "status": "IMPORTED",
                                                      "message": null
                                                      "id": "2542552a-4a70-40f0-99a9-feeeb3051be4",
                                                      "name": "ETH-1",
                                                      "type": "Ethernet",
                                                      "status": "REMOVED",
                                                      "message": null
                                                "errorMessage": null
                                            • Request  import cables from CSVToggle
                                            • Headers
                                              Content-Type: text/csv
                                                  OPT-1,Optical,Red cable,
                                                  OPT-2,Optical,Green cable,
                                                  OPT-3,Optical,Blue cable,
                                            • Response  202Toggle
                                            • Body
                                                    "jobId": "1fcd6be6-1c94-4b4e-ad9a-9cc5f699816c"

                                            Return list of available inventory VLANs and Networks.

                                            Full URL: /velocity/api/inventory/v19/vlans

                                            Access Level: User


                                            • total (number) - total number of stored items
                                            • offset (number) - offset of the current page
                                            • count (number) - number of items on the page
                                            • vlans (list)
                                              • id (string) - UUID of the VLAN
                                              • name (string) - name of the VLAN
                                              • description (string) - description of the VLAN
                                              • untaggedVlanId (number) - untagged ID of the VLAN
                                              • taggedVlanIds (list) - list of tagged VLAN IDs
                                              • isShared (boolean) - true if the VLAN is in shared use, false otherwise (false by default)
                                              • lockUtilizationType (string) - VLAN lock utilization type, one of “SHARED”, “EXCLUSIVE”. null when VLAN is not currently locked by active reservation
                                              • creatorId (string) - UUID of the owner
                                              • created (number) - creation timestamp
                                              • lastModifierId (string) - UUID of the last modifier
                                              • lastModified (number) - last modification timestamp
                                              • typе (string) - either “INVENTORY_VLAN“ or “INVENTORY_NETWORK“
                                              • arguments (list) - list of network custom arguments that will be passed to the driver when the network is activated or deactivated:
                                                • id (string) - UUID of the existing network custom argument
                                                • name (string) - name of the network custom argument
                                                • description (string) - description of the network custom argument
                                                • type (string) - field type, one of “TEXT”, “TEXT_AREA”, “BOOLEAN”, “DECIMAL”, “INTEGER” or “DROP_DOWN_LIST”
                                                • value (string) - value of the field (can be null, meaning no value)
                                                • availableValues (list) - used only for “DROP_DOWN_LIST” type, list of available values
                                                • isInherited (boolean) - true, if property value is inherited from network custom argument value, false if property value was overwritten with the new value


                                            • URI Parameters
                                            • searchString
                                              string (required) 

                                              if specified, only VLANs whose names or descriptions and Networks whose name, description or network custom arguments values match the string are returned

                                              boolean (optional) 

                                              If true, network custom arguments for networks will be included. false by default

                                            • Response  200Toggle
                                            • Body
                                                    "total": 1,
                                                    "offset": 0,
                                                    "count": 1,
                                                    "vlan": [
                                                        "id": "1d47af90-2e5c-41e6-b489-4c345b67bb35",
                                                        "name": "Vlan 1",
                                                        "description": "Some text",
                                                        "untaggedVlanId": 204,
                                                        "taggedVlanIds": [
                                                        "isShared": false,
                                                        "creatorId": "5b03a938-6926-4e82-9271-37cfae5fe4cb",
                                                        "created": 1459953051682,
                                                        "lastModifierId": "5b03a938-6926-4e82-9271-37cfae5fe4cb",
                                                        "lastModified": 1459953051682,
                                                        "arguments": [],
                                                        "type": "INVENTORY_VLAN"
                                                        "id": "1d47af90-2e5c-41e6-b489-4c345b67bb36",
                                                        "name": "Network 1",
                                                        "description": "Some text",
                                                        "untaggedVlanId": null,
                                                        "taggedVlanIds": [],
                                                        "isShared": false,
                                                        "lockUtilizationType": null,
                                                        "creatorId": "5b03a938-6926-4e82-9271-37cfae5fe4cb",
                                                        "created": 1459953051682,
                                                        "lastModifierId": "5b03a938-6926-4e82-9271-37cfae5fe4cb",
                                                        "lastModified": 1459953051682,
                                                        "arguments": [ {
                                                            "id": "48768973-0185-4c6f-b5e6-3531d2e67bec",
                                                            "name": "vlanId",
                                                            "description": "",
                                                            "type": "INTEGER",
                                                            "value": "100",
                                                            "argumentValues": [],
                                                            "isInherited": true
                                                          }, {
                                                             "id": "7395cb57-aaf7-42e9-9060-9ad28ba28bf2",
                                                             "name": "Test",
                                                             "description": "Test Description",
                                                             "type": "TEXT",
                                                             "value": "Test",
                                                             "argumentValues": [],
                                                             "isInherited": true
                                                        "type": "INVENTORY_NETWORK"

                                            Return information about inventory VLAN or Network specified by id.

                                            Full URL: /velocity/api/inventory/v19/vlan/{id}

                                            Access Level: User


                                            • id (string) - UUID of the VLAN
                                            • name (string) - name of the VLAN
                                            • description (string) - description of the VLAN
                                            • untaggedVlanId (number) - untagged ID of the VLAN
                                            • taggedVlanIds (list) - list of tagged VLAN IDs
                                            • isShared (boolean) - true if the VLAN is in shared use, false otherwise (false by default)
                                            • lockUtilizationType (string) - VLAN lock utilization type, one of “SHARED”, “EXCLUSIVE”. null when VLAN is not currently locked by active reservation
                                            • creatorId (string) - UUID of the owner
                                            • created (number) - creation timestamp
                                            • lastModifierId (string) - UUID of the last modifier
                                            • lastModified (number) - last modification timestamp
                                            • typе (string) - either “INVENTORY_VLAN“ or “INVENTORY_NETWORK“
                                            • arguments (list) - list of network custom arguments that will be passed to the driver when the network is activated or deactivated:
                                              • id (string) - UUID of the existing network custom argument
                                              • name (string) - name of the network custom argument
                                              • description (string) - description of the network custom argument
                                              • type (string) - field type, one of “TEXT”, “TEXT_AREA”, “BOOLEAN”, “DECIMAL”, “INTEGER” or “DROP_DOWN_LIST”
                                              • value (string) - value of the field (can be null, meaning no value)
                                              • availableValues (list) - used only for “DROP_DOWN_LIST” type, list of available values
                                              • isInherited (boolean) - true, if property value is inherited from network custom argument value, false if property value was overwritten with the new value

                                            Error Codes:

                                            • VLAN_NOT_FOUND - specified inventory VLAN or Network was not found
                                            • URI Parameters
                                            • includeArguments
                                              boolean (optional) 

                                              If true, network custom arguments for networks will be included. false by default

                                            • Response  200Toggle
                                            • Body
                                                    "id": "1d47af90-2e5c-41e6-b489-4c345b67bb35",
                                                    "name": "Vlan 1",
                                                    "description": "Some text",
                                                    "untaggedVlanId": 204,
                                                    "taggedVlanIds": [
                                                    "isShared": false,
                                                    "lockUtilizationType": null,
                                                    "creatorId": "5b03a938-6926-4e82-9271-37cfae5fe4cb",
                                                    "created": 1459953051682,
                                                    "lastModifierId": "5b03a938-6926-4e82-9271-37cfae5fe4cb",
                                                    "lastModified": 1459953051682,
                                                    "arguments": [],
                                                    "type": "INVENTORY_VLAN"

                                            Create new inventory VLAN or Network.

                                            Full URL: /velocity/api/inventory/v19/vlan

                                            Access Level: User

                                            Request Body: JSON object with the following fields:

                                            • name (string) - name of the VLAN
                                            • description (string) - description of the VLAN
                                            • untaggedVlanId (number) - untagged ID of the VLAN
                                            • taggedVlanIds (list) - list of tagged VLAN IDs
                                            • isShared (boolean) - true if the VLAN is in shared use, false otherwise (false by default)
                                            • typе (string) - either “INVENTORY_VLAN“ or “INVENTORY_NETWORK“
                                            • arguments (list) - list of network custom arguments whose value should be overwritten with the new values:
                                              • id (string) - UUID of the existing network custom argument
                                              • value (string) - value of the field (can be null, meaning no value)
                                              • isInherited (boolean) - true, if property value is inherited from network custom argument value, false if property value should be overwritten with the new value

                                            Returns: Newly created inventory VLAN or Network, the same as if returned by GET /vlan/{id}

                                            Error Codes:

                                            • NO_VLAN_ID - when no one VLAN ID untagged or tagged is specified for “INVENTORY_VLAN“
                                            • INVALID_VLAN_ID - VLAN ID is not valid. The VLAN ID must be between 1 and 4094 for “INVENTORY_VLAN“
                                            • Request  : for VlanToggle
                                            • Body
                                                    "name": "Vlan 1",
                                                    "description": "Some text",
                                                    "untaggedVlanId" : 204,
                                                    "taggedVlanIds": [
                                                    "isShared": false,
                                                    "type": "INVENTORY_VLAN"
                                            • Request  : for NetworkToggle
                                            • Body
                                                    "name": "Network 1",
                                                    "description": "Some text",
                                                    "isShared": false,
                                                    "arguments": [ {
                                                        "id": "7395cb57-aaf7-42e9-9060-9ad28ba28bf2",
                                                        "value": "Test New",
                                                        "isInherited": false
                                                    "type": "INVENTORY_NETWORK"
                                            • Response  200Toggle
                                            • Body
                                                    "id": "1d47af90-2e5c-41e6-b489-4c345b67bb35",
                                                    "name": "Vlan 1",
                                                    "description": "Some text",
                                                    "untaggedVlanId" : 204,
                                                    "taggedVlanIds": [
                                                    "isShared": false,
                                                    "creatorId": "5b03a938-6926-4e82-9271-37cfae5fe4cb",
                                                    "created": 1459953051682,
                                                    "lastModifierId": "5b03a938-6926-4e82-9271-37cfae5fe4cb",
                                                    "lastModified": 1459953051682,
                                                    "arguments": [],
                                                    "type": "INVENTORY_VLAN"
                                            • Response  200Toggle
                                            • Body
                                                    "id": "1d47af90-2e5c-41e6-b489-4c345b67bb36",
                                                    "name": "Network 1",
                                                    "description": "Some text",
                                                    "untaggedVlanId": null,
                                                    "taggedVlanIds": [],
                                                    "isShared": false,
                                                    "creatorId": "5b03a938-6926-4e82-9271-37cfae5fe4cb",
                                                    "created": 1459953051682,
                                                    "lastModifierId": "5b03a938-6926-4e82-9271-37cfae5fe4cb",
                                                    "lastModified": 1459953051682,
                                                    "arguments": [ {
                                                        "id": "48768973-0185-4c6f-b5e6-3531d2e67bec",
                                                        "name": "vlanId",
                                                        "description": "",
                                                        "type": "INTEGER",
                                                        "value": "100",
                                                        "argumentValues": [],
                                                        "isInherited": true
                                                      }, {
                                                         "id": "7395cb57-aaf7-42e9-9060-9ad28ba28bf2",
                                                         "name": "Test",
                                                         "description": "Test Description",
                                                         "type": "TEXT",
                                                         "value": "Test New",
                                                         "argumentValues": [],
                                                         "isInherited": false
                                                    "type": "INVENTORY_NETWORK"

                                            Update an existing inventory VLAN or Network specified by id

                                            Full URL: /velocity/api/inventory/v19/vlan/{id}

                                            Access Level: User

                                            Request Body: JSON object with any subset of the following fields:

                                            • name (string) - name of the VLAN
                                            • description (string) - description of the VLAN
                                            • untaggedVlanId (number) - untagged ID of the VLAN
                                            • taggedVlanIds (list) - list of tagged VLAN IDs
                                            • isShared (boolean) - true if the VLAN is in shared use, false otherwise (false by default)
                                            • arguments (list) - list of network custom arguments whose value should be overwritten with the new values:
                                              • id (string) - UUID of the existing network custom argument
                                              • value (string) - value of the field (can be null, meaning no value)
                                              • isInherited (boolean) - true, if property value is inherited from network custom argument value, false if property value should be overwritten with the new value

                                            Returns: Updated inventory VLAN or Network, the same as if returned by GET /vlan/{id}

                                            Error Codes:

                                            • VLAN_NOT_FOUND - specified inventory VLAN or Network was not found
                                            • NO_VLAN_ID - when no one VLAN ID untagged or tagged is specified for “INVENTORY_VLAN“
                                            • INVALID_VLAN_ID - VLAN ID is not valid. The VLAN ID must be between 1 and 4094 for “INVENTORY_VLAN“
                                            • UNABLE_TO_UPDATE_INVENTORY_VLAN_ENTITY_TYPE - inventory vlan type cannot be updated
                                            • Request  : for VlanToggle
                                            • Body
                                                    "name": "Vlan 1 updated",
                                                    "description": "Some text",
                                                    "untaggedVlanId" : 204,
                                                    "taggedVlanIds": [
                                                    "isShared": true
                                            • Request  : for NetworkToggle
                                            • Body
                                                    "name": "Network 1",
                                                    "description": "Some text",
                                                    "isShared": false,
                                                    "arguments": [ {
                                                        "id": "7395cb57-aaf7-42e9-9060-9ad28ba28bf2",
                                                        "value": "Test New",
                                                        "isInherited": false
                                            • Response  200Toggle
                                            • Body
                                                    "id": "1d47af90-2e5c-41e6-b489-4c345b67bb35",
                                                    "name": "Vlan 1 updated",
                                                    "description": "Some text",
                                                    "untaggedVlanId" : 204,
                                                    "taggedVlanIds": [
                                                    "isShared": true,
                                                    "creatorId": "5b03a938-6926-4e82-9271-37cfae5fe4cb",
                                                    "created": 1459953051682,
                                                    "lastModifierId": "5b03a938-6926-4e82-9271-37cfae5fe4cb",
                                                    "lastModified": 1459953051682,
                                                    "arguments": [],
                                                    "type": "INVENTORY_VLAN"
                                            • Response  200Toggle
                                            • Body
                                                    "id": "1d47af90-2e5c-41e6-b489-4c345b67bb36",
                                                    "name": "Network 1",
                                                    "description": "Some text",
                                                    "untaggedVlanId": null,
                                                    "taggedVlanIds": [],
                                                    "isShared": false,
                                                    "creatorId": "5b03a938-6926-4e82-9271-37cfae5fe4cb",
                                                    "created": 1459953051682,
                                                    "lastModifierId": "5b03a938-6926-4e82-9271-37cfae5fe4cb",
                                                    "lastModified": 1459953051682,
                                                    "arguments": [ {
                                                        "id": "48768973-0185-4c6f-b5e6-3531d2e67bec",
                                                        "name": "vlanId",
                                                        "description": "",
                                                        "type": "INTEGER",
                                                        "value": "100",
                                                        "argumentValues": [],
                                                        "isInherited": true
                                                      }, {
                                                        "id": "7395cb57-aaf7-42e9-9060-9ad28ba28bf2",
                                                        "name": "Test",
                                                        "description": "Test Description",
                                                        "type": "TEXT",
                                                        "value": "Test New",
                                                        "argumentValues": [],
                                                        "isInherited": false
                                                    "type": "INVENTORY_NETWORK"

                                            Delete an existing inventory VLAN or Network specified by id

                                            Full URL: /velocity/api/inventory/v19/vlan/{id}

                                            Access Level: User

                                            Error Codes:

                                            • VLAN_NOT_FOUND - specified inventory VLAN or Network was not found

                                              Return list of available abstract resources.

                                              Full URL: /velocity/api/inventory/v19/abstract_resources

                                              Access Level: User


                                              • total (number) - total number of stored items
                                              • offset (number) - offset of the current page
                                              • count (number) - number of items on the page
                                              • items (list)
                                                • id (string) - UUID of the abstract resource
                                                • name (string) - name of the abstract resource
                                                • description (string) - abstract resource description
                                                • type (string) - type of abstract resource, one of “DEVICE”, “PORT”, “LINK”
                                                • condition (string) - abstract resource condition
                                                • iconId (string) - UUID of abstract resource icon
                                                • isPublic (boolean) - whether the abstract resource is visible not only to the owner
                                                • isReadOnly (boolean) - true if the abstract resource was imported from a package, false* otherwise
                                                • isTemplate (boolean) - whether the abstract resource is based on inventory template
                                                • creatorId (string) - UUID of the creator
                                                • ownerId (string) - UUID of the owner, owner is creator of top level abstract resource
                                                • created (number) - creation timestamp
                                                • lastModifierId (string) - UUID of the last modifier
                                                • lastModified (number) - last modification timestamp
                                                • parentId (string) - UUID of abstract resource parent
                                                • childrenCount (int) - Abstract resource children count
                                                • nestedResourceCount (int) - Abstract nested resources count. It doesn’t include abstract ports
                                                • definitionObjectId (string) - UUID of abstract resource or template that defines condition
                                                • definitionObjectType (string) - Type of how condition is defined. One of “CUSTOM”, “TEMPLATE”, “ABSTRACT_RESOURCE”
                                                • reservationTime (string) - template reservation time, either “IMMEDIATE” or “DEFERRED”
                                                • width (number) - default width in a topology editor
                                                • height (number) - default height in a topology editor
                                                • fillColour (string) - HEX colour code representing default fill colour in a topology editor
                                                • lineColour (string) - HEX colour code representing default border colour in a topology editor


                                              • pageable
                                              • sortable by any of name, description, type, condition, isPublic, isTemplate, lastModified, created, creatorName
                                              • filterable by the name, description, type, condition, iconId, isPublic, isTemplate, creatorId, lastModifierId, parentId, repository
                                              • URI Parameters
                                              • searchString
                                                string (required) 

                                                if specified, only abstract resource whose names or descriptions match the string are returned

                                                boolean (optional) Default: false 

                                                when true, resource dimensions and colours are returned for every device

                                              • Response  200Toggle
                                              • Body
                                                      "total": 21,
                                                      "offset": 0,
                                                      "count": 3,
                                                      "abstractResources": [
                                                          "id": "ad11d4c4-9fc3-11e8-98d0-529269fb1459",
                                                          "name": "Base Station",
                                                          "description": "",
                                                          "type": "DEVICE",
                                                          "condition": "template[Base Station]",
                                                          "iconId": "35621347-75ac-4af9-9eab-0a2a633500d0",
                                                          "isPublic": true,
                                                          "isReadOnly": false,
                                                          "isTemplate": true,
                                                          "creatorId": "1d098c77-1649-4860-9a45-ef57656c6569",
                                                          "ownerId": "1d098c77-1649-4860-9a45-ef57656c6569",
                                                          "created": 1426587057070,
                                                          "lastModifierId": "1d098c77-1649-4860-9a45-ef57656c6569",
                                                          "lastModified": 1426587057105,
                                                          "parentId": null,
                                                          "childrenCount": 0,
                                                          "nestedResourceCount": 0,
                                                          "definitionObjectId": "ad11d4c4-9fc3-11e8-98d0-529269fb1459",
                                                          "definitionObjectType": "TEMPLATE",
                                                          "reservationTime": "IMMEDIATE",
                                                          "width": 0,
                                                          "height": 0,
                                                          "fillColour": null,
                                                          "lineColour": null
                                                          "id": "f2be38a6-b68d-48f7-a403-fabcbf042701",
                                                          "name": "Custom Port",
                                                          "description": "",
                                                          "type": "PORT",
                                                          "condition": "template[Network Port]",
                                                          "iconId": "355070e3-ab1d-4e3b-8e94-87a9fe45461e",
                                                          "isPublic": true,
                                                          "isReadOnly": false,
                                                          "isTemplate": false,
                                                          "creatorId": "1d098c77-1649-4860-9a45-ef57656c6569",
                                                          "ownerId": "1d098c77-1649-4860-9a45-ef57656c6569",
                                                          "created": 1426587057120,
                                                          "lastModifierId": "1d098c77-1649-4860-9a45-ef57656c6569",
                                                          "lastModified": 1426587057152,
                                                          "parentId": "4785b3e0-9fc4-11e8-98d0-529269fb1459",
                                                          "childrenCount": 0,
                                                          "nestedResourceCount": 0,
                                                          "definitionObjectId": "0f8fabd0-9fc4-11e8-98d0-529269fb1459",
                                                          "definitionObjectType": "TEMPLATE",
                                                          "reservationTime": "IMMEDIATE",
                                                          "width": 0,
                                                          "height": 0,
                                                          "fillColour": null,
                                                          "lineColour": null
                                                          "id": "9407c588-0131-4add-ba6e-ac7b6b079ed5",
                                                          "name": "Cisco Switch",
                                                          "description": "",
                                                          "type": "DEVICE",
                                                          "condition": "template[Cisco Switch]",
                                                          "iconId": "2d52d018-259c-4ac0-bb05-7fbe20624066",
                                                          "isPublic": true,
                                                          "isReadOnly": false,
                                                          "isTemplate": false,
                                                          "creatorId": "1d098c77-1649-4860-9a45-ef57656c6569",
                                                          "ownerId": "1d098c77-1649-4860-9a45-ef57656c6569",
                                                          "created": 1426587057298,
                                                          "lastModifierId": "1d098c77-1649-4860-9a45-ef57656c6569",
                                                          "lastModified": 1426587057341,
                                                          "parentId": null,
                                                          "childrenCount": 1,
                                                          "nestedResourceCount": 0,
                                                          "definitionObjectId": "0f8fabd0-9fc4-11e8-98d0-529269fb1459",
                                                          "definitionObjectType": "ABSTRACT_RESOURCE",
                                                          "reservationTime": "IMMEDIATE",
                                                          "width": 0,
                                                          "height": 0,
                                                          "fillColour": null,
                                                          "lineColour": null

                                              Create multiple abstract resources.

                                              Full URL: /velocity/api/inventory/v19/abstract_resources

                                              Access Level: User

                                              Request Body: JSON object with list items of the following fields:

                                              • items (list)
                                                • name (string, required) - name of the abstract resource
                                                • description (string, optional) - abstract resource description
                                                • type (string, optional) - type of abstract resource, one of “DEVICE”, “PORT”, “LINK”. By default “DEVICE”.
                                                • condition (string, required) - abstract resource condition
                                                • iconId (string, optional) - UUID of abstract resource icon
                                                • isPublic (boolean, optional) - whether the abstract resource is visible not only to the owner, true by default
                                                • parentId (string, optional) - UUID of abstract resource parent
                                                • definitionObjectId (string, optional) - UUID of abstract resource or template that defines condition

                                              Returns: An object with a list of items that are the same as if returned by GET /abstract_resource

                                              Error Codes:

                                              • BAD_RESOURCE_CONDITION - abstract resource has unrecognized condition syntax
                                              • ABSTRACT_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND - specified abstract resource parent was not found
                                              • INCORRECT_PARENT_ID - specified parentId has an incorrect value
                                              • INCORRECT_REFERENCED_ID - specified definitionObjectId has an incorrect value
                                              • CHILDREN_COUNT_OUT_OF_LIMIT - abstract resource parent cannot have more children
                                              • CANNOT_EDIT_OR_REMOVE_PACKAGE_CONTENT - cannot add children to abstract resource that was imported from a package
                                              • RequestToggle
                                              • Body
                                                      "items": [
                                                          "name": "Base Port",
                                                          "description": "",
                                                          "type": "PORT",
                                                          "condition": "template[Base Port]",
                                                          "iconId": "35621347-75ac-4af9-9eab-0a2a633500d0",
                                                          "isPublic": true,
                                                          "parentId": "4785b020-9fc4-11e8-98d0-529269fb1459",
                                                          "definitionObjectId": "ad11d4c4-9fc3-11e8-98d0-529269fb1459"
                                                          "name": "Bridge",
                                                          "description": "",
                                                          "type": "DEVICE",
                                                          "condition": "",
                                                          "iconId": "355070e3-ab1d-4e3b-8e94-87a9fe45461e",
                                                          "isPublic": true,
                                                          "parentId": null,
                                                          "definitionObjectId": "0f8fabd0-9fc4-11e8-98d0-529269fb1459"
                                                          "name": "Cisco Switch",
                                                          "description": "",
                                                          "type": "DEVICE",
                                                          "condition": "template[Cisco Switch]",
                                                          "iconId": "2d52d018-259c-4ac0-bb05-7fbe20624066",
                                                          "isPublic": true,
                                                          "parentId": null,
                                                          "definitionObjectId": null
                                              • Response  200Toggle
                                              • Body
                                                      items: [
                                                          "id": "5923a6be-b008-41c7-9272-ae341032def3",
                                                          "name": "Base Port",
                                                          "description": "",
                                                          "type": "PORT",
                                                          "condition": "template[Base Port]",
                                                          "iconId": "35621347-75ac-4af9-9eab-0a2a633500d0",
                                                          "isPublic": true,
                                                          "isReadOnly": false,
                                                          "isTemplate": false,
                                                          "creatorId": "1d098c77-1649-4860-9a45-ef57656c6569",
                                                          "ownerId": "1d098c77-1649-4860-9a45-ef57656c6569",
                                                          "created": 1426587057070,
                                                          "lastModifierId": "1d098c77-1649-4860-9a45-ef57656c6569",
                                                          "lastModified": 1426587057105,
                                                          "parentId": "4785b020-9fc4-11e8-98d0-529269fb1459",
                                                          "childrenCount": 0,
                                                          "nestedResourceCount": 0,
                                                          "definitionObjectId": "ad11d4c4-9fc3-11e8-98d0-529269fb1459",
                                                          "definitionObjectType": "ABSTRACT_RESOURCE"
                                                          "id": "f2be38a6-b68d-48f7-a403-fabcbf042701",
                                                          "name": "Bridge",
                                                          "description": "",
                                                          "type": "DEVICE",
                                                          "condition": "template[Bridge]",
                                                          "iconId": "355070e3-ab1d-4e3b-8e94-87a9fe45461e",
                                                          "isPublic": true,
                                                          "isReadOnly": false,
                                                          "isTemplate": false,
                                                          "creatorId": "1d098c77-1649-4860-9a45-ef57656c6569",
                                                          "ownerId": "1d098c77-1649-4860-9a45-ef57656c6569",
                                                          "created": 1426587057120,
                                                          "lastModifierId": "1d098c77-1649-4860-9a45-ef57656c6569",
                                                          "lastModified": 1426587057152,
                                                          "parentId": null,
                                                          "childrenCount": 0,
                                                          "nestedResourceCount": 0,
                                                          "definitionObjectId": "0f8fabd0-9fc4-11e8-98d0-529269fb1459",
                                                          "definitionObjectType": "TEMPLATE"
                                                          "id": "9407c588-0131-4add-ba6e-ac7b6b079ed5",
                                                          "name": "Cisco Switch",
                                                          "description": "",
                                                          "type": "DEVICE",
                                                          "condition": "template[Cisco Switch]",
                                                          "iconId": "2d52d018-259c-4ac0-bb05-7fbe20624066",
                                                          "isPublic": true,
                                                          "isReadOnly": false,
                                                          "isTemplate": false,
                                                          "creatorId": "1d098c77-1649-4860-9a45-ef57656c6569",
                                                          "ownerId": "1d098c77-1649-4860-9a45-ef57656c6569",
                                                          "created": 1426587057298,
                                                          "lastModifierId": "1d098c77-1649-4860-9a45-ef57656c6569",
                                                          "lastModified": 1426587057341,
                                                          "parentId": null,
                                                          "childrenCount": 0,
                                                          "nestedResourceCount": 0,
                                                          "definitionObjectId": null,
                                                          "definitionObjectType": "CUSTOM"

                                              Delete multiple existing abstract resources.

                                              Full URL: /velocity/api/inventory/v19/abstract_resources_delete

                                              Access Level: User

                                              Error Codes:

                                              • *ABSTRACT_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND** - specified abstract resource was not found
                                              • CANNOT_EDIT_OR_REMOVE_PACKAGE_CONTENT - abstract resource that was imported from a package cannot be removed

                                              Request Body JSON object with list of items where each item is UUID of abstract resource that should be deleted

                                              Returns HTTP status code 200 in case of success

                                              • RequestToggle
                                              • Body
                                                      "items": [
                                              • Response  200

                                              Return information about abstract resource specified by abstractResourceId.

                                              Full URL: /velocity/api/inventory/v19/abstract_resource/{abstractResourceId}

                                              Access Level: User


                                              • id (string) - UUID of the abstract resource
                                              • name (string) - name of the abstract resource
                                              • description (string) - abstract resource description
                                              • type (string) - type of abstract resource, one of “DEVICE”, “PORT”, “LINK”
                                              • condition (string) - abstract resource condition
                                              • iconId (string) - UUID of abstract resource icon
                                              • isPublic (boolean) - whether the abstract resource is visible not only to the owner
                                              • isReadOnly (boolean) - true if the abstract resource was imported from a package, false* otherwise
                                              • isTemplate (boolean) - whether the abstract resource is based on inventory template
                                              • creatorId (string) - UUID of the creator
                                              • ownerId (string) - UUID of the owner, owner is creator of top level abstract resource
                                              • created (number) - creation timestamp
                                              • lastModifierId (string) - UUID of the last modifier
                                              • lastModified (number) - last modification timestamp
                                              • parentId (string) - UUID of abstract resource parent
                                              • childrenCount (int) - Abstract resource children count
                                              • nestedResourceCount (int) - Abstract nested resources count. It doesn’t include abstract ports
                                              • definitionObjectId (string) - UUID of abstract resource or template that defines condition
                                              • definitionObjectType (string) - Type of how condition is defined. One of “CUSTOM”, “TEMPLATE”, “ABSTRACT_RESOURCE”
                                              • reservationTime (string) - template reservation time, either “IMMEDIATE” or “DEFERRED”
                                              • width (number) - default width in a topology editor
                                              • height (number) - default height in a topology editor
                                              • fillColour (string) - HEX colour code representing default fill colour in a topology editor
                                              • lineColour (string) - HEX colour code representing default border colour in a topology editor

                                              Error Codes:

                                              • ABSTRACT_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND - specified abstract resource was not found
                                              • Response  200Toggle
                                              • Body
                                                        "id": "c31f2ba7-779d-48cc-b9a8-78a9802c583c",
                                                        "name": "OnPath Switch",
                                                        "description": "",
                                                        "type": "DEVICE",
                                                        "condition": "template[OnPath]",
                                                        "iconId": null,
                                                        "isPublic": true,
                                                        "isReadOnly": false,
                                                        "isTemplate": false,
                                                        "creatorId": "6634551a-6ad9-48d0-ba8f-db24da7e3b2d",
                                                        "ownerId": "6634551a-6ad9-48d0-ba8f-db24da7e3b2d",
                                                        "created": 1426598882516,
                                                        "lastModifierId": "6634551a-6ad9-48d0-ba8f-db24da7e3b2d",
                                                        "lastModified": 1426598882516,
                                                        "parentId": "4785b020-9fc4-11e8-98d0-529269fb1459",
                                                        "childrenCount": 0,
                                                        "nestedResourceCount": 0,
                                                        "definitionObjectId": "ad11d4c4-9fc3-11e8-98d0-529269fb1459",
                                                        "definitionObjectType": "TEMPLATE",
                                                        "reservationTime": "IMMEDIATE",
                                                        "width": 0,
                                                        "height": 0,
                                                        "fillColour": null,
                                                        "lineColour": null

                                              Create new abstract resource.

                                              Full URL: /velocity/api/inventory/v19/abstract_resource

                                              Access Level: User

                                              Request Body: JSON object with the following fields:

                                              • name (string, required) - name of the abstract resource
                                              • description (string, optional) - abstract resource description
                                              • type (string, optional) - type of abstract resource, one of “DEVICE”, “PORT”, “LINK”. By default “DEVICE”.
                                              • condition (string, required) - abstract resource condition
                                              • iconId (string, optional) - UUID of abstract resource icon
                                              • isPublic (boolean, optional) - whether the abstract resource is visible not only to the owner, true by default
                                              • parentId (string, optional) - UUID of parent abstract resource
                                              • definitionObjectId (string, optional) - UUID of abstract resource or template that defines condition
                                              • reservationTime (string, optional) - either “IMMEDIATE” or “DEFERRED”
                                              • width (number) - default width in a topology editor
                                              • height (number) - default height in a topology editor
                                              • fillColour (string) - HEX colour code representing default fill colour in a topology editor
                                              • lineColour (string) - HEX colour code representing default border colour in a topology editor

                                              Returns: Newly created abstract resource, the same as if returned by GET /abstract_resource/{abstractResourceId}

                                              Error Codes:

                                              • BAD_RESOURCE_CONDITION - abstract resource has unrecognized condition syntax
                                              • CANNOT_EDIT_OR_REMOVE_PACKAGE_CONTENT - cannot add children to abstract resource that was imported from a package
                                              • RequestToggle
                                              • Body
                                                      "name": "Abstract server",
                                                      "description": "This is an abstract server",
                                                      "type": "DEVICE",
                                                      "condition": "template[Server]",
                                                      "iconId": null,
                                                      "isPublic": false,
                                                      "parentId": null,
                                                      "definitionObjectId": "ad11d4c4-9fc3-11e8-98d0-529269fb1459",
                                                      "reservationTime": "IMMEDIATE"
                                              • Response  200Toggle
                                              • Body
                                                      "id": "7bcb13cb-9d97-41c1-8a01-274cc05b68af",
                                                      "name": "Abstract server",
                                                      "description": "This is an abstract server",
                                                      "type": "DEVICE",
                                                      "condition": "template[Server]",
                                                      "iconId": null,
                                                      "isPublic": false,
                                                      "isReadOnly": false,
                                                      "isTemplate": false,
                                                      "creatorId": "3e00b83d-eca5-48ad-8cff-e17c75b93206",
                                                      "ownerId": "3e00b83d-eca5-48ad-8cff-e17c75b93206",
                                                      "created": 1431928867588,
                                                      "lastModifierId": "3e00b83d-eca5-48ad-8cff-e17c75b93206",
                                                      "lastModified": 1431928867588,
                                                      "parentId": null,
                                                      "childrenCount": 0,
                                                      "nestedResourceCount": 0,
                                                      "definitionObjectId": "ad11d4c4-9fc3-11e8-98d0-529269fb1459",
                                                      "definitionObjectType": "TEMPLATE",
                                                      "reservationTime": "IMMEDIATE",
                                                      "width": 0,
                                                      "height": 0,
                                                      "fillColour": null,
                                                      "lineColour": null

                                              Update an existing abstract resource specified by abstractResourceId

                                              Full URL: /velocity/api/inventory/v19/abstract_resource/{abstractResourceId}

                                              Access Level: User

                                              Request Body: JSON object with any subset of the following fields:

                                              • name (string, required) - name of the abstract resource
                                              • description (string, optional) - abstract resource description
                                              • type (string, optional) - type of abstract resource, one of “DEVICE”, “PORT”. By default “DEVICE”.
                                              • condition (string, required) - abstract resource condition
                                              • iconId (string, optional) - UUID of abstract resource icon
                                              • isPublic (boolean, optional) - whether the abstract resource is visible not only to the owner, true by default
                                              • parentId (string, optional) - UUID of abstract resource parent
                                              • definitionObjectId (string, optional) - UUID of abstract resource or template that defines condition
                                              • reservationTime (string, optional) - either “IMMEDIATE” or “DEFERRED”
                                              • width (number) - default width in a topology editor
                                              • height (number) - default height in a topology editor
                                              • fillColour (string) - HEX colour code representing default fill colour in a topology editor
                                              • lineColour (string) - HEX colour code representing default border colour in a topology editor

                                              Returns: Updated abstract resource, the same as if returned by GET /abstract_resource/{abstractResourceId}

                                              Error Codes:

                                              • ABSTRACT_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND - specified abstract resource was not found
                                              • BAD_RESOURCE_CONDITION - abstract resource has unrecognized condition syntax
                                              • CANNOT_EDIT_OR_REMOVE_PACKAGE_CONTENT - abstract resource that was imported from a package cannot be edited
                                              • RequestToggle
                                              • Body
                                                      "name": "Abstract network port",
                                                      "description": "This is an abstract network port",
                                                      "type": "PORT",
                                                      "condition": "template[Network Port]",
                                                      "iconId": null,
                                                      "isPublic": true,
                                                      "parentId": "4785b020-9fc4-11e8-98d0-529269fb1459",
                                                      "definitionObjectId": "ad11d4c4-9fc3-11e8-98d0-529269fb1459",
                                                      "reservationTime": "IMMEDIATE",
                                                      "width": 300,
                                                      "height": 100,
                                                      "fillColour": "#D6F693"
                                              • Response  200Toggle
                                              • Body
                                                      "id": "7bcb13cb-9d97-41c1-8a01-274cc05b68af",
                                                      "name": "Abstract network port",
                                                      "description": "This is an abstract network port",
                                                      "type": "PORT",
                                                      "condition": "template[Network Port]",
                                                      "iconId": null,
                                                      "isPublic": true,
                                                      "isReadOnly": false,
                                                      "isTemplate": false,
                                                      "creatorId": "3e00b83d-eca5-48ad-8cff-e17c75b93206",
                                                      "ownerId": "3e00b83d-eca5-48ad-8cff-e17c75b93206",
                                                      "created": 1431928867588,
                                                      "lastModifierId": "3e00b83d-eca5-48ad-8cff-e17c75b93206",
                                                      "lastModified": 1431929081584,
                                                      "parentId": "4785b020-9fc4-11e8-98d0-529269fb1459",
                                                      "childrenCount": 0,
                                                      "nestedResourceCount": 0,
                                                      "definitionObjectId": "ad11d4c4-9fc3-11e8-98d0-529269fb1459",
                                                      "definitionObjectType": "TEMPLATE",
                                                      "reservationTime": "IMMEDIATE",
                                                      "width": 300,
                                                      "height": 100,
                                                      "fillColour": "#D6F693",
                                                      "lineColour": null

                                              Delete an existing abstract resource specified by abstractResourceId

                                              Full URL: /velocity/api/inventory/v19/abstract_resource/{abstractResourceId}

                                              Access Level: User

                                              Error Codes:

                                              • ABSTRACT_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND - specified abstract resource was not found
                                              • CANNOT_EDIT_OR_REMOVE_PACKAGE_CONTENT - abstract resource that was imported from a package cannot be removed
                                              • Response  200

                                              Returns sessions of the abstract resource specified by resourceId (including enabled sessions of the parent resource)

                                              Full URL: /velocity/api/inventory/v19/abstract_resource/{resourceId}/sessions

                                              Access Level: User


                                              • total (number) - total number of stored items
                                              • offset (number) - offset of the current page
                                              • count (number) - number of items on the page
                                              • sessio