Packet Capture Functions



Defines how Spirent HLTAPI will manage the buffers for packet capturing.



M indicates that the argument is Mandatory .

      [-port_handle <handle>  M]
      [-action {wrap|stop}  M]



Specifies the handle of the port on which buffers will be managed. This argument is Mandatory . To apply the sth::packet_config_buffers function to all ports, specify “all” instead of a handle (for example, -port_handle all).


Specifies the action to perform when the buffer is full. The only possible value for the Spirent HLTAPI is “wrap”, This argument is Mandatory .

Arguments Unsupported by Save as HLTAPI


Return Values

The sth::packet_config_buffers function returns a keyed list using the following keys (with corresponding data):

status    Success (1) or failure (0) of the operation.

log       An error message (if the operation failed).


The sth::packet_config_buffers function configures how Spirent HLTAPI manages buffers on the specified port. You determine what happens when the packet capture buffer becomes full. Use the -action argument to specify whether to stop packet capture or to allow packet capture to continue even after the buffer is full. The default and only option at this time is “wrap.” The -action wrap argument discards the first packets and replaces them by the last captured packets until packet capturing stops.


Sample Input:

sth::packet_config_buffers -port_handle port1 -action wrap

sth::packet_config_buffers -port_handle all -action wrap

Sample output:

{status 1}

End of Procedure Header



Defines the condition (trigger) that will start or stop packet capturing. By default, Spirent HLTAPI captures all data and control plane packets that it sends and all data plane packets that it receives.



M indicates that the argument is Mandatory .

   [-exec {start|stop}  M]
   [-python_exec {start|stop}  M]
   [-port_handle <handle>  M]
   [-mode {add|remove}]
   [-trigger {signature|jumbo|oversize|undersize|invalidfcs|ipCheckSum|
     oos|length <0-4294967295>|prbs}]
   [-action {counter|event}]



Specifies the condition under which Spirent HLTAPI will start or stop capturing packets. “Event” is the only option supported in this release. Event starts or stops capturing packets after a specified set of event details takes place.

This argument starts or stops the data capture based on the value provided for the -exec argument. For example, if you specified “-exec stop”, Spirent HLTAPI stops capturing packets when the specified event occurs.


Starts or stops packet capturing based on the condition provided in the -trigger argument. Possible values are start and stop. This argument is Mandatory . The modes are described below:

start      Starts capturing packets when the specified
           condition is met.

stop       Stops capturing packets when the specified
           condition is met.


This argument only works with HLTAPI for Tcl and HLTAPI for Perl.


Starts or stops packet capturing based on the condition provided in the -trigger argument. Possible values are start and stop. This argument is Mandatory . The modes are described below:

start - Starts capturing packets when the specified
     condition is met.

stop - Stops capturing packets when the specified
     condition is met.


This argument only works with HLTAPI for Python.


Spirent Extension (for Spirent HLTAPI only).

Adds or removes all triggers specified with the -trigger argument. Possible values are add and remove. The default is add. The modes are described below:

add - Adds the specified triggers.

remove - Removes the specified triggers.


Using the sth::packet_config_triggers function multiple times with “-mode add” adds all specified triggers to the capture. Calling this function with “-mode remove” clears all previously added triggers. Also, when removing the “length” trigger, you do not have to specify the value of the length as you do when defining that trigger. For example, you can use “-mode remove -trigger length” instead of “-mode remove -trigger {length 24}”.


The handle of the port on which triggers will be configured. This argument is Mandatory . You can specify “all” to apply this function to all ports (for example, -port_handle all).


Specifies the type of packets that will cause Spirent HLTAPI to either start or stop capturing data plane and control plane packets. If you do not specify a trigger, Spirent HLTAPI captures all data packets. You cannot specify more than one trigger at a time. That is, you can only specify one trigger in each sth::packet_config_triggers function call. The triggers are described below:

signature          Frames with a signature tag
oversize           Oversize frames
jumbo              Jumbo frames
undersize          Undersize frames
invalidfcs         Frames with invalid FCS
ipCheckSum         IP header checksum error
oos                Out of sequence error (requires signature support)
length <length>    Frames matching a specified length, where
                   <length> is a value from 0 to 4294967295.
prbs               Frame with PRBS (pseudorandom bit sequence) errors


To add multiple triggers, call this function multiple times. For example, to capture both oversize and undersize packets, call the sth::packet_config_triggers function twice as in the following example:

sth::packet_config_triggers -port_handle $portHandle \
    -exec start \
    -trigger oversize

sth::packet_config_triggers -port_handle $portHandle \
    -exec start \
    -trigger undersize

Arguments Unsupported by Save as HLTAPI


Return Values

The sth::packet_config_triggers function returns a keyed list using the following keys (with corresponding data):

status    Success (1) or failure (0) of the operation.

log       An error message (if the operation failed).


The sth::packet_config_triggers function configures which triggers will cause Spirent HLTAPI to start or stop capturing packets. During the data capturing process, a capture trigger monitors the traffic data for one or more of the specified trigger events, such as an oversized packet. You must use the -exec argument to specify whether to start or stop capturing data packets based on the triggers you specify.

Optionally, you can use the -mode argument to specify whether to add or remove the specified triggers. (See the -mode argument description for information about the modes.)

You can use the -trigger argument to specify which trigger events to monitor (See the -trigger argument description for information about each trigger.) If you do not specify any triggers, Spirent HLTAPI will capture all data plane and control plane packets received. To specify more than one trigger, call this function for each trigger.

Use the -action argument to specify the conditions under which Spirent HLTAPI will stop capturing packets. (See the -action argument description for information about the actions.)


Background traffic analysis with IGMP is unavailable with calculate latency enabled. Also, Spirent HLTAPI cannot capture IGMP control plane packets when calculate latency is enabled (that is, the command “sth::emulation_igmp_control -calculate_latency” is enabled during an IGMP Join. Likewise, Spirent HLTAPI cannot capture MLD control plane packets if its -calculate_latency option is enabled during an MLD Join.


To stop data capturing when Spirent HLTAPI encounters a packet with a signature tag:

sth::packet_config_triggers -port_handle $portHandle \
    -exec stop \
    -trigger signature

To start data capturing when Spirent HLTAPI encounters a packet with a length of 128 bytes:

sth::packet_config_triggers -port_handle $portHandle \
    -exec start  \
    -trigger {length 128}

Sample output for example shown above:

{status 1}


It is not possible to define a pattern as a trigger in Spirent HLTAPI.

End of Procedure Header



Defines how Spirent HLTAPI will filter the captured data. If you do not define any filters, Spirent HLTAPI captures all data.



M indicates that the argument is Mandatory .

     [-port_handle <handle>  M]
     [-mode {add|remove}]
     [-filter {signature|jumbo|oversize|undersize|invalidfcs|ipCheckSum|
              oos|length <0-4294967295>|prbs|pattern <pattern_sequence>}]



The handle of the port on which the data will be filtered. This argument is Mandatory . You can specify “all” to apply this function to all ports (for example, -port_handle all).


Spirent Extension (for Spirent HLTAPI only).

Adds or removes all filters specified with the -filter argument. Possible values are add and remove. The default value is add. The modes are described below:

add - Adds the specified filters.
remove - Removes the specified filters.


You can remove filters that you had not previously added without causing an error. For example, you can specify “-mode remove” to clear all filters from the capture. Also, when removing either the “length” or “pattern” filter, you do not have to specify the value of the length nor pattern as you do when defining that filter. For example, you can use “-mode remove -filter length” instead of “-mode remove -filter length 24”.


Spirent Extension (for Spirent HLTAPI only).

Defines the type of packet that will be captured. Only packets matching the filter will be captured. This argument is optional. If you do not define a filter, Spirent HLTAPI captures all data. You cannot specify more than one filter at a time. That is, you can only specify one filter in each sth::packet_config_filter function call. The filters you can define are described below: :

Frames with a signature tag
Oversize frames
Jumbo frames
Undersize frames
Frames with invalid FCS
IP header checksum error
Out of sequence error (requires signature support)
length <length>
Frames matching a specified length, where <length> is a value from 0 to 4294967295.
Frame with PRBS (pseudorandom bit sequence) errors
pattern <pattern_sequence>

Frames matching a given pattern. A pattern_sequence is a list of patterns that are linked together by logical operators (AND | OR). A pattern is a list of the following:

              A list of protocol data units (PDUs)
              linked by colons (for example,

-pdu <pdu>:[index]
              A PDU such as ipv4 or arp (address
              resolution protocol). In addition to
              taking a PDU as a value, the -pdu option
              can also take an index. Index starts from
              1 and increases the further inside the
              packet the PDU appears.

              If you do not include an index value,
              Spirent HLTAPI filters on the first PDU
              of the given type regardless of how many
              PDUs of that type appear in the packet.

              Value that is to be filtered on (for

              Field in the specified PDU that the value
              exists in (for example, senderpaddr in
              arp PDU)

              Name for the specified filter pattern.
              (for example, filter_1)

The following pattern sequence can be used to filter out ARP requests from client to the target

{{-pattern_name filter_1 -frameconfig ethernetii:arp \
-pdu arp -fieldsenderpaddr -value} AND \
{-frameconfigethernetii:arp -pdu arp -field targetpaddr \

If you are filtering on an inner VLAN, you must use an index to specify which VLAN to filter on (inner or outer), as in the following example:

sth::packet_config_filter -port_handle port1 -filter\
      {pattern {{-pattern_name filter_2 \
       -frameconfig "ethernetii:vlan:vlan:ipv4" \
      -pdu "vlan:2" -value 1000 -field "id"}}}

If you are filtering on an outer VLAN, you can use If you are filtering on an outer VLAN, you can use either one of the following examples:

sth::packet_config_filter -port_handle port1 -filter\
          {pattern {{-pattern_name filter_3 \
          -frameconfig "ethernetii:vlan:vlan:ipv4" -pdu "vlan" \
          -value 500 -field "id"}}}

sth::packet_config_filter -port_handle port1 -filter\
           {pattern {{-pattern_name filter_4 \
           -frameconfig "ethernetii:vlan:vlan:ipv4" \
           -pdu "vlan:1" \
              -value 500 -field "id"}}}


The PDUs specified in the -frameconfig and -pdu arguments must be standard PDU names as listed in the Note section below. (Spirent HLTAPI only recognizes the PDUs listed, for example, eoam_ccm, eoam_lbm, eoam_lbr, etc.) Likewise, the -field argument must be a valid string recognized by Spirent HLTAPI.

Arguments Unsupported by Save as HLTAPI

-filter <patternX> is currently not supported by Save as HLTAPI. To capture frames of a specific pattern defined by Spirent HLTAPI, you must configure it manually in the script generated using Save as HLTAPI.

Vendor Specific Arguments Processed by Spirent HLTAPI Wrapper


Defines if the capture will store or discard packets, matching the filter. Possible values are store and discard.


Specifies the fields, based on which packet will be captured or discarded. Possible values are invalidfcs, ipchksum, oos, pattern, da and sa. You cannot use options pattern and sa or da or both in a single HLTAPI call.


For more information about Spirent HLTAPI Wrapper, refer to Chapter 4 Spirent HLTAPI Wrapper in Spirent HLTAPI Programmer’s Reference.

Return Values

The sth::packet_config_filter function returns a keyed list using the following keys (with corresponding data):

status    Success (1) or failure (0) of the operation.

log       An error message (if the operation failed).


The sth::packet_config_filter function limits the type of data packets that are captured. Use the -filter argument to specify the type of data to include from the capture. The filter compares the network traffic to the specified criteria and copies data packets that meet the criteria to the buffer on the hardware until the sth::packet_stats function is called. Then the data is copied to the file specified in the sth::packet_stats function.

You can specify only one filter from the list of available filters to determine which data packets you want to include in the capture. If you do not specify a filter, Spirent HLTAPI includes all data packets in the capture.

A pattern filter is defined as follows:

-filter {pattern {<pattern1>} <logical_operator1> {<pattern2>} \
       <logical_operator2>... <logical_operatorN-1> {<patternN>}

<patternX> is defined as list of attributes: {-frameconfig <pdu_list> \
       -pdu <pdu> -field <field_name> -value <field_value> \
       -pattern_name <pattern_name >}

Attribute          Description                             Example

frameconfig     A list of colon separated PDUs*,           -frameconfig
                <pdu1>:<pdu2>:...<pduN>                    "ethernetii:ipv4"

pdu            The PDU in which the value to               -pdu "ipv4"
               filter on appears.

field          The name of the field on which to           -field sourceaddr

value          The value to filter on for the given        -value
               field in the given PDU. The valid values
               here will depend on what the field is and
               in which PDU it is in.

pattern_name   The name for the specified filter           -pattern_name filter_1

List of valid PDUs and fields appear in the Notes section for this function. Refer to the Spirent TestCenter Automation Object Reference guide’s “Protocol Data Unit Objects Index” section for more information, such as valid values for the given fields:

<logical_operator> is either "AND" or "OR".

The pattern must be defined as a list containing the keyword “filter” and another list containing the pattern sequence itself. This pattern sequence list must contain at least one pattern (also in a list) and possibly others linked by either AND or OR. Even if only one pattern is defined, the pattern must be contained in a list within the pattern sequence.

For example, to capture packets with source IP, pattern filter_1 would look as follows:

{-pattern_name filter_1 -frameconfig "ethernetii:ipv4" -pdu "ipv4"  \
-field "sourceaddr" -value}

The Spirent HLTAPI command would look as follows:

sth::packet_config_filter -port_handle $port_handle -mode "add" -filter \
{pattern {{-pattern_name filter_1 -frameconfig "ethernetii:ipv4" \
-pdu "ipv4"  -field "sourceaddr" -value}}}

Note the extra set of braces around the pattern. As another example, say we want to capture ARP packets where the sender’s IP is, the target IP is, and the sender’s MAC address is 1A:1A:1A:12:12:12. The HLT command would look as follows:

sth::packet_config_filter -port_handle $port_handle -filter
{pattern {{-frameconfig "ethernetii:arp" -pdu "arp" -field "senderpaddr" \
-value} AND {-frameconfig "ethernetii:arp" -pdu "arp" \
-field "targetpaddr" -value} AND {-frameconfig "ethernetii:arp" \
-pdu "arp" -field "senderhwaddr" -value 1A:1A:1A:12:12:12}}}

If the pattern filter is sent down to a port multiple times, each successive command overwrites the previous pattern.


To capture only data packets with a signature tag:

sth::packet_config_filter -port_handle $portHandle \
    -mode add \
    -filter signature

To capture only data packets with specific IP, MAC, Int, and Hex values in ARP PDU:

sth::packet_config_filter -port_handle $portHandle \
       -filter {pattern {  \
        {-frameconfig ethernetii:arp -pdu arp -field protocol \
         -value ABCD} AND \
        {-frameconfig ethernetii:arp -pdu arp -field operation \
         -value 4} AND \
        {-frameconfig ethernetii:arp -pdu arp -field senderpaddr \
         -value} AND \
        {-frameconfig ethernetii:arp -pdu arp -field senderhwaddr \
         -value AB:CD:EF:12:34:56}}}

To capture ETHERNETII EOAM/CFM packets with specific maid.mdnf values in CCM PDU:

sth::packet_config_filter -port_handle port1 \
       -mode add\
       -filter {pattern {\
       {-pattern_name filter999 -pdu eoam_ccm \
       -field maid.mdnf -value 1 \
       -frameconfig ethernetii:eoam_ccm  }

To remove a specified pattern filter:

sth::packet_config_filter -port_handle $portHandle \
      -filter pattern -mode remove

To capture ETHERNETII IPv4 packets with DSCP 0A and ECN 0:

#The 8-bit binary form of DSCP 0A is 00001010, which is divided by Spirent
#HLTAPI into three fields.

# Reserved  |    DSCP HIGH    |     DSCP LOW #
#  0  0     |    0    0   1   |   0   1  0   #

The pattern configuration joins Reserved field, DSCP HIGH and DSCP LOW with operator AND. The value of argument -value is the decimal equivalent of the binary bits in the corresponding field. In this case, DSCP HIGH is 1 and DSCP LOW is 2. The filter pattern is:

sth::packet_config_filter -port_handle port2 -mode add  -filter \
        {pattern {{-frameconfig "ethernetii:vlan:ipv4:diffservbyte" \
        -pdu "diffservbyte" -value "2 1" -field "dscplow dscphigh"} }}

Sample output:

{status 1}


This is a list of Valid PDUs and Fields:


accookietag value none
length none type none
acnametag value none
length none type none
acsystemerrortag value none
length none type none
arp senderhwaddr mac
ipaddr int senderpaddr ip hardware hex protocol hex ihaddr int operation int targethwaddr mac targetpaddr ip
atm clp none
vpi none vci none
ciscohdlc protocoltype none
control none address none
controlflags reserved none
dfbit none mfbit none

custom pattern none

eoam_ccm ccmintervalfield integer
rdibit integer sequencenumber integer maepi integer opcode hex string firsttlvoffset hex string reserved bits maid.mdnf hex string maid.smaf hex string maid.smal hex string maid.sman hex string cfmheader.mdlevel integer cfmheader.version bits
eoam_lbm lbtid integer
flags integer opcode hex string firsttlvoffset hex string cfmheader.mdlevel integer cfmheader.version bits
eoam_lbr lbtid integer
opcode hex string firsttlvoffset hex string cfmheader.mdlevel integer cfmheader.version bits
eoam_ltm flags integer
opcode hex string firsttlvoffset hex string ltmtransid hex string ltmttl hex string origmac aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff targetmac aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff cfmheader.mdlevel integer cfmheader.version bits
eoam_ltr opcode hex string
firsttlvoffset hex string ltrtransid hex string ltrrelayaction hex string replyttl hex string fwdyes integer reserved bits termmep integer usefdbonly bits cfmheader.mdlevel integer cfmheader.version bits
eoam_dmm flags integer
opcode hex string firsttlvoffset hex string rxtimestampb hex string rxtimestampf hex string txtimestampb hex string txtimestampf hex string cfmheader.mdlevel integer cfmheader.version bits
eoam_dmr flags integer
opcode hex string firsttlvoffset hex string rxtimestampb hex string rxtimestampf hex string txtimestampb hex string txtimestampf hex string cfmheader.mdlevel integer cfmheader.version bits
eoam_lmm flags integer
opcode hex string firsttlvoffset hex string rxfcf hex string txfcb hex string txfcf hex string cfmheader.mdlevel integer cfmheader.version bits
eoam_lmr flags integer
opcode hex string firsttlvoffset hex string rxfcf hex string txfcb hex string txfcf hex string cfmheader.mdlevel integer cfmheader.version bits
dhcpclientidhwtag clienthwa none
idtype none optionlength none type none
dhcpclientidnonhwtag idtype none
optionlength none value none type none
dhcpclientmsg clienthwpad none
bootfilename none xid none serverhostname none messagetype none clientmac none hardwaretype none nextservaddr none haddrlen none hops none magiccookie none elapsed none relayagentaddr none bootpflags none clientaddr none youraddr none
dhcpcustomoptiontag value none
length none type none
dhcphostnametag value none
length none type none
dhcpleasetimetag leasetime none
length none type none
dhcpmessagesizetag value none
length none type none
dhcpmessagetag value none
length none type none
dhcpmessagetypetag code none
length none type none
dhcpoptoverloadtag overload none
length none type none
dhcpreqaddrtag reqaddr none
length none type none
dhcpreqparamtag value none
length none type none
dhcpserveridtag reqaddr none
length none type none
dhcpservermsg clienthwpad none
bootfilename none xid none serverhostname none messagetype none clientmac none hardwaretype none nextservaddr none haddrlen none hops none magiccookie none elapsed none relayagentaddr none bootpflags none clientaddr none youraddr none
diffservbyte reserved none
dscplow none dscphigh none
encodedgroupipv4address masklen none
reserved none zbit none bbit none encodingtype none addrfamily none address none
encodedgroupipv6address masklen none
reserved none zbit none bbit none encodingtype none addrfamily none address none
encodedsourceipv4address encoding-type none
wbit none address none rbit none masklen none addrfamily none reserved none sbit none
encodedsourceipv6address encoding-type none
wbit none address none rbit none masklen none addrfamily none reserved none sbit none
encodedunicastipv4address encodingtype none
addrfamily none address none
encodedunicastipv6address encodingtype none
addrfamily none address none
endoflisttag length none
type none

endofoptionstag type none

ethernet8022 dstmac none
preamble none srcmac none length none
ethernet8023raw dstmac none
preamble none srcmac none length none
ethernetii dstmac none
preamble none srcmac none ethertype none
ethernetsnap dstmac none
preamble none srcmac none length none
genericerrortag value none
length none type none
gre version none
ckpresent none reserved0 none routingpresent none seqnumpresent none endpointv4 none protocoltype none endpointv6 none keypresent none
grechecksum reserved none
value none

grekey value none

greseqnum value none

grouprecord mcastaddr none
auxdatalen none numsource none recordtype none
hdrauthselectcrypto authvalue1 none
authtype none authvalue2 none
hdrauthselectnone authvalue1 none
authtype none authvalue2 none
hdrauthselectpassword authvalue1 none
authtype none authvalue2 none
hdrauthselectuserdef authvalue1 none
authtype none authvalue2 none
hostuniqtag value none
length none type none
icmpdestunreach checksum none
code none unused none type none
icmpechoreply identifier none
checksum none code none seqnum none data none type none
icmpechorequest identifier none
checksum none code none seqnum none data none type none
icmpinforeply identifier none
checksum none code none seqnum none type none
icmpinforequest identifier none
checksum none code none seqnum none type none

icmpipdata data none

icmpparameterproblem checksum none
code none unused none pointer none type none
icmpredirect checksum none
code none gateway none type none
icmpsourcequench checksum none
code none unused none type none
icmptimeexceeded checksum none
code none unused none type none
icmptimestampreply code none
checksum none transmit none identifier none receive none seqnum none type none originate none
icmptimestamprequest code none
checksum none transmit none identifier none receive none seqnum none type none originate none
icmpv6destunreach checksum none
code none unused none type none
icmpv6echoreply identifier none
checksum none code none seqnum none data none type none
icmpv6echorequest identifier none
checksum none code none seqnum none data none type none

icmpv6ipdata data none

icmpv6packettoobig checksum none
code none mtu none type none
icmpv6parameterproblem checksum none
code none pointer none type none
icmpv6timeexceeded checksum none
code none unused none type none
igmpv1 groupaddress none
checksum none unused none type none version none
igmpv2 groupaddress none
checksum none maxresptime none type none
igmpv3query checksum none
resv none numsource none groupaddress none sflag none qqic none maxresptime none qrv none type none
igmpv3report numgrprecords none
checksum none reserved none reserved2 none type none
ip v6llprefixlength none
v6sourceaddr none v6trafficclass none v6llhoplimit none ttl none sourceaddr none v6prefixlength none v6gateway none v6llsourceaddr none prefixlength none v6lltrafficclass none gateway none v6hoplimit none
ipv4 checksum none
ihl none version none destprefixlength none identification none protocol none destaddr none ttl none sourceaddr none totallength none fragoffset none prefixlength none gateway none

ipv4addr value none

dest7thbyte none sourceipv7 none source7thbyte none destipv7 none length none type none

ipv4optionendofoptions type none

addsecinfo none

formatcode none length none type none

pointer none length none type none
ipv4optionmtuprobe mtu none
length none type none
ipv4optionmtureply mtu none
length none type none

ipv4optionnop type none

ipv4optionrecordroute pointer none
length none type none
ipv4optionrouteralert routeralert none
length none type none
ipv4optionsecurity txcontrolcode none
security none compartments none handlingrestrictions none length none type none
mode length none type none
streamid none length none type none
pointer none length none type none
ipv4optiontimestamp timestamp none
overflow none pointer none flag none length none type none
ipv4optiontraceroute originatorip none
returnhopcnt none outboundhopcnt none idnumber none length none type none
ipv6 payloadlength none
version none hoplimit none destprefixlength none flowlabel none nextheader none destaddr none sourceaddr none trafficclass none prefixlength none gateway none

ipv6addr value none

ipv6authenticationheader authdata none
spi none reserved none nxthdr none seqnum none length none
ipv6customoption data none
type none
ipv6destinationheader nxthdr none
length none
ipv6encapsulationheader paddata none
authdata none nxthdr none payloaddata none spi none seqnum none length none
ipv6fragmentheader fragoffset none
ident none reserved none nxthdr none m_flag none length none
ipv6hopbyhopheader nxthdr none
length none
ipv6jumbopayloadoption data none
length none type none

ipv6pad1option pad1 none

ipv6padnoption padding none
padn none length none
ipv6routeralertoption value none
routeralert none length none
ipv6routingheader reserved none
nxthdr none segleft none routingtype none length none
joinprunev4grouprecord numjoin none
numprune none
joinprunev6grouprecord numjoin none
numprune none
lacp partnerportpriority none
actorsystemid none collectormaxdelay none partnerreserved none collectorinformation none partnersystemid none version none actorport none collectorreserved none collectorinformationlength none actorsystempriority none partnerport none partnerinformation none terminatorinformation none partnersystempriority none partnerinformationlength none subtype none terminatorreserved none terminatorinformationlength none partnerstate none partnerkey none actorinformation none actorportpriority none actorreserved none actorinformationlength none actorstate none actorkey none
mldv1 mcastaddr none
maxrespdelay none checksum none code none reserved none type none
mldv2grouprecord mcastaddr none
auxdatalen none numsource none recordtype none
mldv2query code none
checksum none resv none numsource none maxrespcode none groupaddress none sflag none qqic none reserved none qrv none type none
mldv2report numgrprecords none
checksum none unused none reserved2 none type none
mpls dstmac none
ttl none label none cos none sbit none
mtu reserved none
mtu none length none type none
neighboradvertisement code none
checksum none oflag none rflag none sflag none targetaddress none reserved none type none
neighborsolicitation checksum none
code none reserved none targetaddress none type none
ospfv2asexternallsa forwardingaddress none
externalroutetag none externalroutemetric none networkmask none

ospfv2attachedrouter routerid none

ospfv2dd interfacemtu none
sequencenumber none
ospfv2ddoptions msbit none
ibit none reserved3 none reserved4 none mbit none reserved5 none reserved6 none reserved7 none
ospfv2externallsaoptions reserved none
ebit none
ospfv2externallsatosmetric externallsaroutetos none
ebit none forwardingaddress none externallsaroutemetrics none
ospfv2header checksum none
areaid none routerid none packetlength none type none version none
ospfv2hello backupdesignatedrouter none
routerpriority none routerdeadinterval none designatedrouter none hellointerval none networkmask none
ospfv2lsaheader linkstateid none
lssequencenumber none advertisingrouter none lstype none lsaage none lsalength none lschecksum none

ospfv2lsu numberoflsas none

ospfv2neighbor neighborid none

ospfv2networklsa networkmask none

ospfv2options ebit none
mcbit none reserved0 none eabit none npbit none reserved6 none dcbit none reserved7 none
ospfv2requestedlsa linkstateid none
advertisingrouter none lstypewide none
ospfv2routerlsa numberoflinks none
routerlsareserved1 none
ospfv2routerlsalink linkid none
linkdata none routerlsalinktype none routerlinkmetrics none numrouterlsatosmetrics none
ospfv2routerlsaoptions ebit none
bbit none reserved3 none reserved4 none reserved5 none vbit none reserved6 none reserved7 none
ospfv2routerlsatosmetric routertoslinkmetrics none
routerlsametricreserved none routerlsalinktype none
ospfv2summaryasbrlsa summarylsareserved1 none
summarylsametric none networkmask none
ospfv2summarylsa summarylsareserved1 none
summarylsametric none networkmask none
ospfv2summarylsatosmetric routertoslinkmetrics none
summarylsametricreserved none
pimhellodrpriority value none
length none type none
pimhellogenerationid value none
length none type none
pimhelloholdtime value none
length none type none
pimhellolanprunedelay tbit none
overrideintervalvalue none prunedelayvalue none length none type none
pimv4assert metric none
metricpref none rbit none
pimv4header checksum none
reserved none type none version none
pimv4helloaddresslist length none
type none
pimv4joinprune numgroups none
reserved none holdtime none
pimv4register reserved none
borderbit none multicastpacket none nullbit none
pimv6assert metric none
metricpref none rbit none
pimv6header checksum none
reserved none type none version none
pimv6helloaddresslist length none
type none
pimv6joinprune numgroups none
reserved none holdtime none
pimv6register reserved none
borderbit none multicastpacket none nullbit none
pos protocoltype none
control none address none

ppp protocoltype none

pppoediscovery code none
sessionid none length none type none version none
pppoesession code none
sessionid none length none type none version none
prefixinformation lbit none
preferredlifetime none reserved1 none reserved2 none prefixlen none prefix none validlifetime none abit none type none length none
rarp enderhwaddr none
ipaddr none senderpaddr none hardware none protocol none ihaddr none operation none targethwaddr none targetpaddr none
redirect checksum none
code none reserved none targetaddress none destaddress none type none
redirectedheader reserved1 none
reserved2 none length none type none
relaysessionidtag value none
length none type none
rip1entry metric none
ipaddr none reserved none afi none reserved1 none reserved2 none
rip2entry routetag none
metric none ipaddr none afi none subnetmask none nexthop none
ripng command none
reserved none version none
ripngentry routetag none
metric none ipaddr none prefixlen none
ripv1 command none
reserved none version none
ripv2 command none
reserved none version none
routeradvertisement code none
checksum none retranstime none routerlifetime none reserved2 none mbit none obit none reachabletime none curhoplimit none type none
routersolicitation checksum none
code none reserved none type none
servicenameerrortag value none
length none type none
servicenametag value none
length none type none
snap rgcode none
ethernettype none
tcp checksum none
finbit none ecnbit none urgbit none ackbit none acknum none offset none window none synbit none urgentptr none cwrbit none destport none sourceport none rstbit none reserved none seqnum none pshbit none
tosbyte tbit none
dbit none reserved none rbit none precedence none
udp checksum none
destport none length none sourceport none
vendorspecifictag value none
length none type none
vlan pri none
id none cfi none type none

End of Procedure Header



Use this function to add or remove the filter pattern on the specified port handle. There are two types of filter patterns in Spirent TestCenter - filter with offset, and filter with template. In this function, only filter with offset is supported.



M indicates that the argument is Mandatory .

   -mode {add|reset}
   [-port_handle <port_handle>]
      [-byte_mask <0-65535> ]
      [-byte_value <0-65535>]
      [-byte_offset <0-65535>]
      [-byte_name <string>]
      [-filter_byte <string>]
      [-filter_framelength <string>]
      [-filter_fcserror {IGNORE|INCLUDE|EXCLUDE}]
      [-filter_prbserror {IGNORE|INCLUDE|EXCLUDE}]
      [-operator {AND|OR}]
      [-pattern_mask <HEX> ]
      [-pattern_type <string>]
      [-pattern_offset <0-65535>]
      [-pattern_match <HEX>]
      [-range_min <0-65535> ]
      [-range_max <0-65535> ]
      [-range_name <string>]
      [-statistics_flag {0|1| |true|false }]
      [-statistics_fcserror {IGNORE|INCLUDE|EXCLUDE}]
      [-statistics_prbserror {IGNORE|INCLUDE|EXCLUDE}]
      [-statistics_byte <string>]
      [-statistics_framelength <string>]



The handle of the port on which the data will be filtered. This argument is Mandatory .


Adds or removes filter patterns. This argument is Mandatory . Possible values are:

add     Adds a filter pattern

reset   Removes all filter patterns on the specified port handle

custom  Defines a custom filter pattern
        The following arguments are available:


Spirent Extension (for Spirent HLTAPI only).

Specifies the bit mask to be applied to the pattern. Possible values range from 0 to 65535. The length must be the same as that of -byte_value. The default value is 255.


Spirent Extension (for Spirent HLTAPI only).

Specifies the name to identify the byte match pattern


Spirent Extension (for Spirent HLTAPI only).

Specifies the byte offset value. Possible values range from 0 to 65535. The default value is 0.


Spirent Extension (for Spirent HLTAPI only).

Specifies the pattern value to match against a byte in the frame. Possible values range

from 0 to 65535. The length must be the same as that

of -byte_mask. The default value is 00.


Spirent Extension (for Spirent HLTAPI only).

Specifies a logical expression based on the byte pattern defined in -byte_name.


Spirent Extension (for Spirent HLTAPI only).

Specifies a logical expression based on the frame length range defined in -range_name


Spirent Extension (for Spirent HLTAPI only).

Specifies how to handle frames with FCS errors. Possible values are IGNORE, INCLUDE, and EXCLUDE. The default value is IGNORE.


Spirent Extension (for Spirent HLTAPI only).

Specifies how to handle frames with PRBS errors. Possible values are IGNORE, INCLUDE, and EXCLUDE. The default value is IGNORE.


Specifies the relation to the next filter. If the next filter is not present, the current filter is ignored. Possible values are AND and OR. The default value is AND.


Specifies the pattern mask applied to the pattern value, in HEX format. The length must be the same as that of -pattern_match. The default value is FF.


Description of the capture analyzer filter.


Specifies the offset value from the Start of Frame. Possible values range from 0 to 65535. The default value is 0.


Specifies the pattern value to be matched in HEX format. The length must be the same as that of -pattern_mask. The default value is 00.


Spirent Extension (for Spirent HLTAPI only).

Specifies the minimum length that constitutes a match on the frame length range. Possible values range from 0 to 65535.


Spirent Extension (for Spirent HLTAPI only).

Specifies the maximum length that constitutes a match on the frame length range. Possible values range from 0 to 65535.


Spirent Extension (for Spirent HLTAPI only).

Specifies the name to identify the frame length range


Spirent Extension (for Spirent HLTAPI only).

Enables or disables user-defined statistics filters. Possible values are 1 (enable) and 0 (disable). When it is set to 1, -statistics_* arguments are available and required.


Spirent Extension (for Spirent HLTAPI only).

Specifies the statistics filter for frames with FCS errors. Possible values are IGNORE, INCLUDE, and EXCLUDE. The default value is IGNORE.


Spirent Extension (for Spirent HLTAPI only).

Specifies the statistics filter for frames with PRBS errors. Possible values are IGNORE, INCLUDE, and EXCLUDE. The default value is IGNORE.


Spirent Extension (for Spirent HLTAPI only).

Specifies a logical expression based on the byte patterns defined in -byte_name


Spirent Extension (for Spirent HLTAPI only).

Specifies a logical expression based on the frame length range defined in -range_name

Return Values

Depending on the specific language that HLTAPI uses, the function returns a keyed list/dictionary/hash (See Introduction for more information on return value formats) using the following keys (with corresponding data):

status      Success (1) or failure (0) of the operation

log         An error message (if the operation failed)


The sth::packet_config_pattern function add or remove the filter pattern on the specified port handle. only filter with offset is supported. Use the -mode argument to specify the action to perform. (See the -mode argument description for information about the actions.)

You must specify the handle of the port on which the data will be filtered using -port_handle.


To add a pattern filter on the specified port:

set control_sta [sth::packet_config_pattern\
-port_handle                $port1\
-mode                       add\
-pattern_type               "patern1"\
-pattern_mask               26\
-pattern_offset             88\
-pattern_match              1000\
-operator                   "OR"]

Sample Output:

{status 1}

To define a custom filter pattern:

set device_ret3_pcp_1 [sth::packet_config_pattern\
   -mode                       custom\
   -port_handle                $port1\
   -range_min                  1 \
   -range_max                  100\
   -range_name                 B550103\
   -byte_value                 55 \
   -statistics_fcserror        INCLUDE\
   -statistics_byte            B550103\

End of Procedure Header



Starts or stops packet capturing.



M indicates that the argument is Mandatory .

   [-port_handle <port_handle_list>  M]
   [-action {start|stop}   M]



Specifies a list of ports on which to start or stop capturing data packets. This argument is Mandatory . You can example, -port_handle all).


Specifies the action to perform. Possible values are start and stop, This argument is Mandatory . The actions are described below:

start - Start capturing packets
stop - Stop capturing packets

Return Values

The sth::packet_control function returns a keyed list using the following keys (with corresponding data):

status    Success (1) or failure (0) of the operation.

log       An error message (if the operation failed).


The sth::packet_control function controls when Spirent HLTAPI starts and when it stops capturing data packets.

The type of data captured is provided by the sth::packet_config_buffers, sth::packet_config_filter functions. If these functions have not been defined correctly, Spirent HLTAPI cannot start packet capturing and will return an error message.


To start data capturing on all ports:

sth::packet_control -port_handle all -action start

To start data capturing on port 1:

sth::packet_control -port_handle port1 -action start

To stop data capturing on port 1:

sth::packet_control -port_handle port1 -action stop

Sample output:

{status 1}

End of Procedure Header



Returns information about the status of the packet capture.



M indicates that the argument is Mandatory .

  [-port_handle <handle>  M]
  [-action {status}  M]



The handle of the port(s) for which you want information. This argument is Mandatory .


Specifies the kind of information you want to receive. This argument is Mandatory . The only possible value at this time is status, which returns a value of “stopped 1” if packet capturing has stopped or “stopped 0” if it has not.

Return Values

The sth::packet_info function returns a keyed list using the following keys (with corresponding data):

stopped   Packet capturing has stopped (1) or packet capturing has not
          stopped (0)

status    Success (1) or failure (0) of the operation.

log       An error message (if the operation failed).


The sth::packet_info function queries the device for the status of the packet capture. You must specify both the -port_handle and the -action to be taken.


To retrieve statistical information about all ports:

sth::packet_info -port_handle all -action status

To retrieve statistical information about a specific port:

sth::packet_info -port_handle $portHandle -action status

Sample output:

{status 1}  {stopped 1}

End of Procedure Header



Returns statistical information about each packet associated with the specified port(s). Statistics include the connection status and number and type of messages sent and received from the specified port.



M indicates that the argument is Mandatory .

   [-port_handle <handle>   M]
   [-action filtered]
   [-stop {0|1}]
   [-format {pcap | var | none}]
   [-filename <filename>]



The handle of the port on which to return packet capture information. This argument is Mandatory . You can specify “all” to apply this function to all ports (for example, -port_handle all).


Specifies the action to perform. The only option supported in this release is “filtered”. This argument returns all filtered information, based on the filters specified with the sth::packet_config_filter function.


Either stops capturing data or does not stop capturing data while packets are being saved to a file. This argument is equivalent to “sth::packet_control -action stop” except incorporated into the info command to reduce the amount of commands issued. Valid values are 0 and 1. If you specify 0, nothing happens. Use 0 when you do not want to remove this option but want to test returning the information without stopping. If you specify 1, Spirent HLTAPI stops capturing data and returns the information requested with the -action argument. The default is 1.

You must stop data capturing on the port before packets can be saved. Otherwise, packets being received while other packets are being saved will be lost. Data capture automatically restarts once the save-to-file command finishes.


Specifies the format in which data is returned. Possible values are described below:

pcap - Returns the data in Ethereal format (pcap).

var -  Returns a keyed list with both aggregate and frame statistics.
       This option returns a specified number of frames in the capture
       buffer. Use the -var_num_frames argument to set the number
       of frames to capture. If the capture buffer contains more
       frames than the value n specified in -var_num_frames, the
       first n frames will be returned.

none - Returns a keyed list which specifies the number of frames in
       the capture buffer. For example, {num_frames 8}.

The default value is pcap.


Provide a file name to which to save the captured packets. Specify the file format with the -format argument (for example, “-format pcap”). The default file name and format is Spirent_TestCenter-<timestamp>-<port_handle>.pcap (for example, Spirent_TestCenter-1179466942-port1.pcap).


Spirent Extension (for Spirent HLTAPI only).

Specifies the maximum number of frames you want to return from the capture buffer. You must set -format to var. The value must be an integer. The default value is 20.

Return Values

The sth::packet_stats function returns a keyed list using the following keys (with corresponding data):

status    Success (1) or failure (0) of the operation.

log       An error message (if the operation failed).

result    Information about the captured packet. This key is not supported
           in Spirent HLTAPI.


The sth::packet_stats function saves the timestamped data packets in a specified format. If the data capture is not set to “stop” (that is, -stop is set to 0) while captured packets are being saved from the hardware device, the data capture procedure will restart once the save-to-file command finishes. This method is not recommended because you may lose packets being received at the same time the captured packets are being saved. We recommend that you stop the data capture process on the port before saving packets.


The following example returns statistical information for all ports:

sth::packet_stats \
    -port_handle all \
    -stop 1 \
    -action filtered \
    -format pcap \
    -filename spirent-2305062301-104.pcap

End of Procedure Header