VpnIdGroup Object


Identify a VPN instance. All VPN sites associate with the same VPN ID group are considered as belonging to the same VPN.

Parents: EthernetVpnSiteInfo, Project, VpnSiteInfo6Pe, VpnSiteInfoMplsTpStatic, VpnSiteInfoRfc2547, VpnSiteInfoRfc4659, VpnSiteInfoVplsBgp, VpnSiteInfoVplsLdp

Children: VpnInfo6Pe, VpnInfoPwe3, VpnInfoRfc2547, VpnInfoVpls


Side name
Relative Description

Aal5If, Dhcpv4ServerDefaultPoolConfig, Dhcpv4ServerPoolConfig, Dhcpv6ServerAddrPoolConfig, Dhcpv6ServerDefaultAddrPoolConfig, Dhcpv6ServerDefaultPrefixPoolConfig, Dhcpv6ServerPrefixPoolConfig, EmulatedDevice, EthIIIf, FcIf, GreIf, GroupIf, HdlcIf, Ipv4If, Ipv4NetworkBlock, Ipv4VpnMcastNetworkBlock, Ipv6If, Ipv6NetworkBlock, Ipv6SrhIf, Ipv6VpnMcastNetworkBlock, ItagIf, L2tpv2If, L2tpv3If, LispIf, MacBlock, MacsecIf, MplsIf, Pimv4JoinSrc, Pimv4PruneSrc, Pimv6JoinSrc, Pimv6PruneSrc, Port, PppIf, PppoeIf, PppoeServerIpv4PeerPool, PppoxServerIpv4PeerPool, PppoxServerIpv6PeerPool, TrillIf, VbrasIf, VlanBlock, VlanIf, VxlanGpeIf, VxlanIf

Do not use, to be removed


EthernetVpnSiteInfo, VpnSiteInfo6Pe, VpnSiteInfoMplsTpStatic, VpnSiteInfoRfc2547, VpnSiteInfoRfc4659, VpnSiteInfoVplsBgp, VpnSiteInfoVplsLdp

Use to associate which VPN sites belong to the VPN ID Group.


VpnInfo6Pe, VpnInfoPwe3, VpnInfoRfc2547, VpnInfoVpls

Vpn routing content detail.

VpnIdGroup Writable Attributes

Attribute Description
Common Writable Attributes Active, Name

Name of VPN ID Group.

Type: string

Default: "" (empty string)


Not used.

Type: string

Default: "" (empty string)

VpnIdGroup Read-Only Attributes

There are no read-only attributes.